A blast of the 12-Gore

No geek or tech shindig is complete without an address from a more or less completely bonkers environmentalist and the South-by South West festival in Austin Texas has gone the full 12-Gore this year.
It's always interesting to see what scattergun wildness emerges from the top of Mr Gore's head. Is the Arctic going to look like the Bahamas by next Tuesday? Are hurricanes about to sweep us off to the land of Oz? Are polar bears about to sprout flippers and swim off to Clacton?
Mr Gore does not disappoint. In his talk he apparently claimed that ISIS are a symptom of anthropogenic climate change, made wild claims about the links between extreme weather and carbon dioxide and rounded things off with a call for people who disagree with him to receive unspecified punishments.
Remind me. Was it Mr Gore who went off to live in a yurt in the north of Scotland or am I thinking of someone else?
Reader Comments (20)
The alarmists are looking increasingly comical.
Gore reminds me of this song: Up and run awa
You could almost write a how not to do it book on AGW and Al would feature in every chapter.
The world seems to be full of rich people who have never done anything useful or positive in their lives, who never will do anything useful or positive in their lives, who have too much time on their hands and who slowly go bonkers. They are certainly very thick-skinned hypocrites who are totally divorced from any reality.
"scattergun wildness out of the top of his head"?
And then some... many in the UK "establishment" wanted to foist this sage onto our schoolchildren and have his toxic ramblings anointed with official endorsement.
Then we have the likes of Deben, Miliband and others in the UK political class who routinely display no more grasp of reality than Albert does here - but have the cunning to not volunteer too many of their insights into a single appearance.
Not that I'm an unalloyed fan - but this makes Gore's sometime adversary George W Bush look like a cerebral, erudite and rational man.
Phillip Bratby, I'm thinking of a name... Ch... Char.... Nope it's not coming through. :-D
Will Big Al be giving up his private plane any time soon?
@ Jack - or his mansion in Nashville which uses 12 times more electricity than an average US residence? Or his beach front property in Florida? And am I right in thinking he also has a beach front property in California?
I believe the climate change is a bout of mass hysteria, the subject is so complex and the natural variation means no one can predict the weather. Imagine going back to 1830 England and telling them that if they continue with the industrial revolution the Irish will be roasting in 2015. Well, it is a cool bright 10 degrees on St. Patrick's day here now. I also believe mass hysteria has a life cycle and this one has already peaked in 2013/2014. Al Gore's problem is he is getting old and moving on, while new Al Gores are up and coming. They will not want to plough old ground, they will want something more origminal and exciting. Our task is to hasten the time it takes to end this bout and hope the next one will be less destructive. There are signs the media are growing increasingly desperate to keep the show on the road. We must try to move the issue centre stage at election time, don't let warmers take power by default without them having to put it to the people. Subjecting them to ridicule is a great approach. In Ireland people love their cars and will reject warmers if they realise they are on the ballot pasper.
Some lasting impressions of the great scam - now and thankfully dying a very deserved death.
Congressional hearing and Monty Pythonesque - Hansen's sweat fest - all he needed - the pipes on the side of the face for crocodile tears effect.
Jonny two Jags global warming expert......................knobbling laureates - a laugh a minute Kyoto's leading exponent - and endless priceless comedy.
Al Gore and that execrable film and that famous effin' graph.
All of em just like Bam Bam.
ARE scam merchants and liars, Gore was a national figure of fun - now after the massage parlour episode - he is a busted flush in a house of tumbling cards.
In one way it is hard to get a handle on St Gore , he is smart enough to make tons of cash out the AGW scare , and yet he makes such stupid claims . Either it is a case of St Gore being attention seeking whore who does not care why people look at him has long has they do or in reality St Gore is all round dum but has got some good advisees when it comes to the finical side.
I think it comes as no surprise to discover that warmists are not pragmatists. If they were, they’d know that every action has unintended consequences and pretending that they don’t is childish. Climate scientists have shied away from any responsibility for decision making… they just make it known when someone makes the ‘wrong’ one. They’re all about caveats, they just stick them in the fine print.
I wonder if they'll ever get fed up of being ineffectual and ask 'what are we doing wrong?' Or will they always see themslelves as victims of nasty fossil fuelled opposition?
Val Martin
"Well, it is a cool bright 10 degrees on St. Patrick's day here now. I also believe mass hysteria ..."
I was wondering why every had suddenly started talking about snakes and St.Patrick!
A couple of years ago I did research in to Roman place names on the Roman Antonine wall which coincidentally confirmed the older texts which state his birthplace was in Old Kilpatrick near Glasgow.
Only afterwards did I find St.Patrick's birthplace was a subject of controversy with numerous academics suggesting any place but that told them in the older texts. There's interesting analogies between the "controversy" regarding St.Patrick's birthplace and the "controversy" regarding Global Warming. In both cases compelling evidence was/is ignored and/or rejected in favour of false ideas which had almost nothing going for them except they were "politically correct".
For #StPatricksDay: Confirmation St. Patrick was born near Glasgow
Many years ago I was teaching a post grad class and having an argument with one of the more awkward students. You know the one - when he opens his mouth the rest of the group roll their eyes.
He said he would bring his 12 bore in next week. To the amusement of all I pointed out "it was eleven more than he normally brings"!
Is Al Gore going to blame his decreasing credibility on global warming?
Or a lack of global warming?
How is a failed politician supposed to leave a financial, and political legacy, for his grandchildren?
Instead, his grandchildren will have to grow up with his shame and embarrassment. What a legacy to grow up with, unless shamelessness is genetic.
To be fair it looks like he is merely saying that politicians should be thrown out of office if they don't accept his mandates.
It is possible that Gore may have eaten a frozen yoghurt, and been somewhere called Macdonalds. This may have confused Gore, as he doesn't do facts very well.
Was the soi-disant "Gore Effect" in evidence?
The far left however, who has lost its illusions about Obama, who is less than enthusiastic about Hillary, roots for Elizabeth Warren, but don't think she'll pull it of, And she's a bit dull anyway ..
.. are now dusting off old Al, and hoping,if he'd run, he will provide that 'radical vision of what society should be' they so desperately long for:
Jonas N: I do wish people would not use my name, so.
Wish Big Al would put his money where his mouth is, disconnect from the grid, stop using oil powered motor vehicles and airplanes and go 100% renewable - back to the dark ages where his form of mass hysteria would be more at home.