Bishop Hill

Cuddly greens turn to blackmail
ITV News inform us that in New Zealand, environmental campaigners have turned to blackmail to try to get their way, threatening to poison the nation's babies if they don't get their way.
Suspected 'eco-terrorists' have threatened to poison baby formula in New Zealand unless authorities ban a particular agricultural pesticide.
Anonymous letters have been sent to a national farmers' group and to Fonterra, the world's largest dairy exporter, containing samples of infant formula laced with the poison known as 1080.
This seems like an opportune moment to note that the BBC has never allowed a critique of environmentalism to be aired.
Reader Comments (27)
Hi Bishop
After searching the BBC website with the term 1080 threat I found this. I couldn't find it as a front page item anywhere.
The Green/Left is so full of hate. It's their defining characteristic.
There are only two groups in the world who, over the past 12 months, have been trashing ancient cultural items and suggesting that people who disagree with them should be beheaded. Both of them have lots of money, religious faith in what they are doing and an absolutely visceral hatred of anyone who does not bow down to their worldview.
Does anyone believe the green cheer-leading BBC will ever say anything bad about these people? The BBC is beyond hope, the sooner it loses its lcence the better.
The end justifies the means - and they are saving the planet so they do not care about common people's lives!
It is quite alarming that these groups actually want to be labled & known as "baby killers"! Very disturbing indeed!
In what way is this a remarkable move for hardcore greens?
The Greenies are not always getting everything their own way.
The more the lack of pandering to their religion continues the more extreme they will get.
I always guessed many of these pressure groups were morphing into terrorists.
Some of them practically are already.
Don't even get me started on the BBC.
The BBC is too busy talking about really important things such as Dale Vince' s wife, or some pop song write 's plagiarism to bother with reporting things that might damage their favourite pressure group.
Any 'green' discomfort is a tiny victory, so - what a shame that Dale Vince has got to cough up for his ex-wife...
We reap what the media has sown. For years they have given 'greens' and assorted eco-cases a soft ride. That's why they act like petulant children in making their demands. It's also why we ended up with animal-righters despoiling human graves. [Any guesses as to who poisons dogs at Crufts?]
After the 1970's union violence, intimidation, and secondary picketing, became both illegal and unfashionable. The BBC, among others, helped to further legitimise the use of these techniques by the environmental movement.
I think you will find this is actually a case of the media getting it wrong.
The Green party (who are the third biggest in Parliament but have never been in government) actually semi-support 1080 as it gets rid of the introduced animals that are devastating the native flora and fauna but the want alternatives - no doubt homeopathic ones. The mainstream parties, Labour and National (our Conservatives), have always supported its use and have encouraged the Department of Conservation to use it in all the National Parks and protected land.
The opposition come from the hunting/ fishing groups because it also kills the feral deer and pigs. There is also an opportunistic ragtag political parties.
The Wikipedia entry is surprisingly quite accurate about its representations
I expect that Natalie Bennet would have condemned this, but was lost for words. Again.
Obviously no Green parent would dare to feed their child formula milk, so no budding Green voters were at risk. Extermination of people who may disagree with you, has unfortunate historical and recent precedents.
The Green God Malthus, expects human sacrifice, to justify his existence.
Checking New Zealand Google's news page for this story, I noticed "Climate Change" in the "Top Stories" sidebar. Clicking the topic produced a list of about 15 linked articles, 95% of which were to The Guardian with the expected tint.
Perhaps the Google Truthers have already been deployed?
as someone living in NZ, the 1080 issue is not a left wing environmental issue in general, but more focused in areas that are directly affected by the poison.
The issue is one of predator control, mainly possums
The most effective way, it would seem, is to do aerial drops by helicopter of 1080 pellets.
The poison does tend to kill a lot of species, including unfortunate dogs who happen to be in the bush after an air drop.
If you imagine, for a minute, parts of England or Scotland being covered in poison dropped by helicopter, then it wouldn't just be the lunatic fringe complaining.
Having said that, threatening to kill babies to further your cause is not defensible, of course.
sorry I missed Chris M s comment above that explains it quite well too from the NZ perspective.
As a Kiwi I can say without fear of contradiction that, while many of us hotly debate the use of air drops of 1080-laced pellets as a means of controlling introduced mamallian pests in our bush, the threat of using the same poison by inserting it in packages of commercial baby milk formula is unacceptably vile.
However, our homegrown Green activists requently endanger people and our environment by weilding their zealotry which is frequently coupled with extreme ignorance. Not only is this threat to the lives of babies vile, but the threat to our export trade is equally vile.
There is a sugestion that the whole thing is a hoax, but the Chinese border officials who are already preventing this product from entering their country don't see it as a hoax and would be failing in their civic duty by regarding the product with extreme caution.
As a footnote, the form of 1080 which was mailed is not available from any source within New Zealand, leaving one to wonder just where and who the source of the threat is.
A logical follow-up to the "10:10" video.
When will the general public and politicians wake up and see Greens for the complete whack-jobs they are?
1080 is also used in Australia, mainly for baiting foxes and feral dogs. It's not perfect, but there aren't a whole lot of alternatives out there. Foxes and wild dogs attack sheep and cattle, especially newborns and lambs/calves. They also prey on native ground-dwelling species which are endangered in many regions.
As for this disgusting action in NZ, it is despicable. They manage not only to scare parents in NZ, but to damage exporters as well. Two birds with one stone, from their perspective.
I really, really hope they get caught and sent to prison for a long time.
I'd challenge @ChrisM's assertion that it's hunters not Greenies.
Their FB discussion 6 months ago shows "The use of 1080 splits environmentalists down the middle"
NZ Greens have difficulty numbers too,: Todays news "Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei has backed down on her claims that up to 90 per cent of children come to school without any lunch."
(She meant in a survey one school had a day where 90% of the pupils didn't bring a packed lunch )
- Members have also been surprised to receive 3rd party thanks for signing a petition, which the GParty had done without asking them .
- I can't find any statement from the NZ Green party condemning this recent eco-terrorism . . Their FBpage is just full of PR politics
All I can go on is this post by the Green's leader
Looks like they aren't 1080.
@ChrisM that 2008 blog post ends with anti-terrorist words "Last week as well there was the report of someone who poisoned the family pet of a Greymouth pest control officer. I hope that person is caught and punished for the unnecessary death of an innocent animal and for terrorising a family."
- It was written by the same bad maths leader i just mentioned : Turei
- The post does show split views and no talk of hunting or shooting
A commenter claims to be the brother of the 1080 contractor, mentions poison threats from protestors
"This problem is now out off contorl, one of the coasters assulted my brother and is now in court. ...
While been filmed which you saw on Tv the guys taunted my brother howz ur dog howz ur dog …. Well hes dead This same coaster told my brother yes he killed his dog & it waz in self defence, "
another commenter in 2008 mentions "Those sending the poison to MPs and so on have been a lot more careful in covering their tracks.".. implying direct terrorist style action has been a tradition
This article by the Green's Conservation spokeswoman (otherwise known as the Member for Mars) seems pretty supportive
I think the Greens are sanctimonious hypocrites but I don't put words in their mouths.
I don't know what part of the country you are from but here in the Central North Island, it is hunters that are anti 1080. The cops are regularly called because of trouble and threats to the contactors. Chris Short, Rick Cooper, the Graf brothers aren't the Green's supporters.
And the hunter opposition is across the country. Look at or or
The list go on.
The ecoloons do enough disruptive protests but none on 1080
Can anyone give me a definition of a 'Green'?
The trajectory of the animal rights turds is instructive. For a long time they were considered part of the progressive consensus - after all, anyone 'fighting' for 'rights' must be one of us mustn't they? - and got a lengthy free ride, despite the ridiculous and blatantly illegal stuff they were up to re, for example, Huntington Life Sciences. Now quite a few of them are finally in prison serving nice long sentences imposed on them by hard faced Tory judges. The point is that Leftist fantasy land might go on and on so long that it starts to look as though it really is the real world, but really it isn't. Sooner or later Green fanatics and fantasists will be seen for what they are. Take heart, one and all.
Michael Hart (Mar 11, 2015 at 1:53 PM): that case occurred around the time that a pensioner heckled Jack Straw at a party conference, and gave me cause to contact my own MP about the matter. Under newly-introduced legislation, the pensioner was held under terrorism charges, yet, at the same time, the entire village of Newchurch was under siege from the eco-terrorists who cared nothing for property damage, and gave the impression that human lives also counted for naught with them, yet were allowed to continue their onslaught on others’ rights with impunity. The reply revealed that the definition of terrorism is certainly a very plastic concept in the eyes of the government.
@RR Cops were probably already under cover
@Chris thanks for meeting my challenge with all that extra evidence (not sneering )