Bishop Hill

Patchy resigns

News is breaking that Rajendra Pachauri has resigned as head of the IPCC.
The head of the United Nations climate change panel (IPCC), Rajendra Pachauri, has stepped down amid sexual harassment allegations.
A spokesman for Mr Pachauri informed the IPCC that he resigned from his position with immediate effect.
Reader Comments (79)
Any bets on how quickly Thomas Stocker will step into the post "in the interests of continuity and stability".
Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.
Wake up - sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead. She's gone where the goblins go,
Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.
Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know
The Wicked Witch is dead!
As Mayor of the Munchkin City, In the County of the Land of Oz, I welcome you most regally.
But we've got to verify it legally, to see
To see?
If she
If she?
Is morally, ethic'lly
Father No.1
Spiritually, physically
Father No. 2
Positively, absolutely
Undeniably and reliably Dead
As Coroner I must aver, I thoroughly examined her.
And she's not only merely dead, she's really most sincerely dead.
Then this is a day of Independence For all the Munchkins and their descendants
If any.
Yes, let the joyous news be spread The wicked Old Witch at last is dead!
Now those that know the story know that its 'a witch' which is dead , another one replaces her . Although she is killed thanks to solidified water vapour , how is that for irony .
No hasn't. Someone has hacked his PC and issued the resignation letter. They also sent the fax, text and emails.
To be replaced by Sepp Blatter, current head of the next most honest organization in the world.
The Left can deal with fiddling expenses but not fiddling with the staff! Thanks, Jim, indirectly you have fixed this one!
Yep, just spotted it myself.
In Scottish football parlance, I am tempted to chant: "Cheerio, cheerio, cheerio".
Well that's interesting.
Let's hope the case is investigated properly. Stepping down is not an admission of guilt.
And not being run by a pervert wouldn't affect the IPCC's bias.
The IPCC did not predict this with over 95% confidence.
Sooo, who will replace him?
BoyFromTottenham, I don't know but there's a 97% probability we'll be heard to mutter 'it's worse than we thought'.
And Natalie Bennet crashed in interview s today
MELB.—Scientist David Karoly on TERIgate: "it is clear that there is a campaign of...organised gold-digging by 3rd-world poor-man's Monicas"
- is that politically correct Karoly ?
sexist, racist, class-ist
Skeptical Science will be back dating an opinion poll, to prove that 97% of Climate Scientists thought Voodoo Science predicted Himalayan glacier melt, better than the IPCC.
without realizing the irony (or so it seems), the Guardian's Carrington cites the outrage of Hasnain, the principal author of the IPCC's glacier gate
Neither the Guardian piece nor the Hindu piece makes clear whether Hasnain is outraged by Pachauri's behaviour or by his resignation.
How about Natalie Green to take over chairpersonship of the IPCC..?
'Erm..... yes..... CO2....... erm.......it would cost..... erm.... 97%..... we....... £2.7bn........'
His resignation has been published in a file called Patchy_Letter.pdf.
He reports how he was re-elected 'by acclamation' in 2008, how he has endeavoured to uphold the IPCC's credibility. He was going to step down in Nov 2014 but apparently so many people begged him to stay on that he agreed to do another year. He is unable to carry on 'under current circumstances' but he offers to continue to provide support and advice to the IPCC.
100% of Climate Scientists have agreed to discriminate against 96% in favour of "over 95%" and "97%".
Pachuri has been forced out for trying to favour a 96 position, without 100% agreement, or adequate understanding of the science and maths.
How amusing to revisit the 2010 Guardian article from by George Monbiot headed "A review of the IPCC chairman's financial relationships reveals a scrupulously honest man has been much maligned" demanding apologies from Richard North and Christopher Booker.
Still keen to defend this paragon of virtue George?
So things have actually been 'Hotting Up' @ the IPCC
Something to put in the next assessment!
I wonder if Pachauri used Rolf Harris's catchphrase to his alleged victim:
'Can you tell what it is yet..?'
Who on earth would want to sexually harass Pachauri.
"a 96 position"
I'm not sure I want to know about Pachy's positions...
Squirrelled away on the Asian pages of the BBC. Typical.
Consensus, Consent, and Consensual are easily confused, by those fixated.
Lewandowsky will be able to prove it's beyond the bounds of psychological credibility, if someone provides grant funding.
His denials and claims (of “misuse of my computer resources and communication devices, without my permission or consent”) are now a matter of public record.
Should he be convicted of the offences of which he is accused, then his probity must also be called into question. Which in turn potentially affects the integrity of a significant number of IPCC prognostications.
From his resignation letter:
"It was a blessing and a rare moment of glory for the scientific community and me when I received the Nobel Peace Price on behalf of the IPCC in 2007."
I see Google News still prefers to put Willie Soon on the front page rather than this.
I wonder how "soon" their algorithm stumbles across this...assuming of course manual override doesn't kick in.
Is anybody surprised given the porn that he writes. Trying to make his fantasy's real. Mixing up his day job.
The news is now on the BBC News website, Environmental section - with a glowing 'analysis' (natch) written by Roger Harrabin...
The Green/Left's response will be outrage that his personal conduct should be allowed to in any way smear his upright professional conduct at the head of the world's leading climate activist group, and his rooting out of 'voodoo' (ie accurate) science.
It will go something like this: "While we accept that Dr Pachauri may have had some issues surrounding his personal interactions with some members of his staff, this in no way reflects on his professional abilities or integrity at the head of the IPCC, and his inspiring efforts to improve our understanding of the dangerous man-made climate crisis."
Aargh, I'm doing Bob Ward's job for him ..........
I don't think I'll ever get over watching liberal feminists trash Monica Lewinsky.
The BBC response to this seems to be somewhat different to their response to what appear to be completely unfounded allegations against Sir Cliff Richard...
I still love the stock response by high profile global warming supporters: "We wuz hacked...".
As I said on the previous thread, and was somewhat criticised, is there some truth in this allegation or do we believe the Pachauri line that there is a conspiracy against him involving hacking his emails and phone and a simultaneous and therefore false allegation by the women concerned? Presumably all planned and actioned by "the fossil fuel funded denial machine" that Michael Mann oft cites.
At last. And let's not discuss a successor in case it becomes a tacit acceptance and promotion of the IPCC as any kind of meaningful organisation.
Time to pull the plug on the IPCC and UNFCCC. What a perfect start to dismatling the Paris chariot.
Paul Matthews,
What I found notable is how he describes his own motives for his actions (my bold):
Donna L says "The resignation letter of the IPCC chairman is a two-page love letter to himself"
It was probably just a poor communication problem.
She was poorer than him. He didn't ask.
A blow in the bedrocks of climate science, could have been struck.
Pachauri, self publicist, charlatan, philanderer and to boot a soft porn merchant - a perfect fit for the IPCC.
Will it be an improvement from our point of view to have someone more credible (and his successor could hardly be less credible, unless as someone said, it's Natalie Bennett) in charge?
He will have more time to rub asbestos on to skeptic's cheeks which he is so keen on.
Lubos Motl says his replacement is Ismail El Gizouli. Anybody know anything about him?
How amusing to revisit the 2010 Guardian article from by George Monbiot headed "A review of the IPCC chairman's financial relationships reveals a scrupulously honest man has been much maligned"
John Catley
That was the 'evidenced' form an audit that according to the people how did it was not audit at all .Meanwhile Pachauri refused access to the information needed to look at the allegations and to date his finical relationship to TERI is far from clear, other than under his leadership TERI got a load of cash form the IPCC which is lucky given he was also the head of TERI.
Don't worry - the green slime machine will find a big oil connection to the victim soon...
Folks, enough with insinuations and ridicule! The real reason for his resignation is that he wants to pursue his true passion in life, writing steamy novels and building his credentials for the Nobel Prize in Literature.
He blessed us long enough with his selfless service to humanity, but now his literary career is calling....
According to Roger Harrabin the head of the IPCC
"the IPCC chair is one of the most gruelling and controversial jobs on the international stage.
The chair has to spend much of his life in mid-air, flitting between capitals, whilst suffering relentless attacks from campaigners challenging climate science."
So lets hope the new head of the IPCC likes free 1st and Business Class Airline Food and exotic foreign 5 star hotels with a generous expense account".
Lets also hope he gets a tall fit attractive leggy busty nympho MILF secretary that he can pester for sex
At least Dominick Strass Khan payed for his.
As BBC man Roger Harrabin say of the new man "good luck to him".
'The chair has to spend much of his life in mid-air'
"There is what is little short of an eulogy from the BBC, surprisingly "
..ahem they did that to Jimmy Saville before doing 100% U-turn
'The chair has to spend much of his life in mid-air' Why?
Because 97%.
I was feeling sick by the end of the first paragraph of his resignation letter.
Has anyone used the expression "crazed sex poodle" yet?
As a true lover of experimental science he was simply doing hands-on empirical research for his next book.
He had lost faith in internet models.