Happy Mr Farage

There will be much happiness in UKIP circles today, with the announcement that Messrs Cameron, Miliband and Clegg are to sign a joint declaration on climate change, a move which has been brokered by green NGOs.
The prime minister, deputy prime minister and leader of the opposition have all clashed over green issues, but the joint declaration states: “Climate change is one of the most serious threats facing the world today. It is not just a threat to the environment, but also to our national and global security, to poverty eradication and economic prosperity.”
“Acting on climate change is also an opportunity for the UK to grow a stronger economy, which is more efficient and more resilient to the risks ahead,” the joint statement says. “It is in our national interest to act and ensure others act with us.” A senior UK military commander has warned previously that climate change poses as grave a threat to the UK’s security and economic resilience as terrorism.
A better way of making their parties look as if they are completely out of touch and/or working to NGOs' agendas is hard to imagine. That said, one of the pledges they make is to do away with coal-fired electricity generation. This may actually mean that the underlying message is "frack baby, frack".
Reader Comments (164)
It probably depends on whether the internal power supply problem is larger than the amount they supply to everyone else. I think they are reciprocal arrangements, so presumably no-one can be too upset if they decide to hang on to what they've got, however inconvenient!
At the moment, they are sending power to Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and us, but are supplied by Germany - it must be hellish complicated to work out who owes what to whom at the end of the month!
@ Julian Flood: "Perhaps you don't realize that climate change is natural"
Actually I do, please not do be so patronising. Another thing the really pees me off about you kippers, is the way you seem to immediately assume that anyone who disagrees with your party is a Guardian-reading leftie. It appears to be the same as the way warmists regard anyone who disagrees with their views.
jamesp, ultimately, the French will pursue the course of action most beneficial to the French, and this is an observation, not a criticism. For 20 years, the UK Government has lacked a "Gallic" , "Gaulist" or "de Gaulle" type attitude towards its nearest and dearest.
jamesp, ultimately, the French will pursue the course of action most beneficial to the French
Golf Charlie
Sadly GC that is also no true. The french were given a referendum on the euro proposed expansion and changes and voted against.
The then president (Chirac I think) refused to accept the vote and carried on signing the treaty.
We have a massive problem in france. There are no polis except Le Pen, that have any policies other than those dictated by the EU. It's why they have more members of the polit bureau than the UK.
What's more, I doubt if dear old Nige and his disparate collection of 'blokes down the pub', disaffected tories and ex BNP/NF supporters even have the intelligence to make any political capital out of this - they've yet to come up with a coherent policy on climate change, let alone a manifesto, and time is ticking
That is a comment that really doen not deserve a response. It is stupid, ad hom and baseless. Not only that but as a real scientist with a BSc and MSc in Physic plus some 16 engineering qualifications I find you a little insulting. I support UKIP and what they are trying to achieve.
Salopian I suggest you look up Salopri(e). It best describes you and comment.
@Julian Flood: "Well, I'm doing my bit, I'm buying the leaflets, sticking the damn things through letter boxes, talking to people, spending far too long on newspaper websites trying to counter the lies. "
Aren't you forgetting to mention that you are the UKIP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for West Suffolk?
Perhaps salopian is living in a marginal seat and frightened it might be going over to UKIP.
Obviously they are upping the "anti" pre Paris and we can expect a lot more in coming months. Jo Nova has a good thread today.
More than ever I think the main anti AGW blogs need to work together to get the message out there --ie. in effect combine their audiences in any way possible to counter the millions of dollars that will be spent to the Green blob PR machine
Stephen Richards; 8:56 pm: given the offensive and abusive nature of your comment, I can fully understand why you have had to decamp to the other side of La Manche.
Sorry, this is way off topic but the irony of it is so good that it burns. The Chief fish of Scotland is now demanding that the English Prime Minister give an assurance that the lights will stay on in Scotland now that Longgannet is under threat. After hearing The previous chief fish (I assume that is the correct title for the boss of turbine central) proclaim that the new independent Scotland would export power to England the quaking lest the lights go out is rather amusing. The WWF spokesman adds the comedy coup de grace at the end. Priceless.
Sorry but I just had to draw it to the attention of the Bish.
@Martyn: "Perhaps salopian is living in a marginal seat and frightened it might be going over to UKIP."
Sorry matey, in 2010 you only got 3% of the votes and it's not a marginal constituency. If you kippers hoovered up all the PC, Labour, NF and independent votes, it won't make a difference in May.
Julian Flood: "Well, I'm doing my bit, I'm buying the leaflets, sticking the damn things through letter boxes, talking to people, spending far too long on newspaper websites trying to counter the lies. "
Julian is of course the UKIP PPC for West Suffolk. Roger Tattersall, alias 'Tallbloke', is the UKIP PPC for Pudsey. I am the UKIP PPC for South Suffolk.
How are the other parties represented on climate related blogs?
Steven Whalley: Well said and good luck. I am supporting my UKIP candidates in Devon, the ones I know personally being kept fully informed on the issue of "climate change".
They're just a bunch of sentimental old hippies who want to save our glorious planet.
Trillions, possibly tens of trillions of dollars of free carbon credits were handed out to big business in corrupt ways. The idea is that they could sell them later for a profit.
Carbon credits bring Lakshmi Mittal £1bn bonanza
LAKSHMI MITTAL, Britain’s richest man, stands to benefit from a £1 billion windfall from a European scheme to curb global warming.