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Climate talks progress 

Progress at Paris talks as world leaders agree cardboard to go out on Tuesday night

 An agreement that cardboard for recycling will be put out on a Tuesday night has been reached at the UN climate summit in Paris. The historic deal will see cardboard across the developed world kerbside and ready for collection on a Wednesday morning, though it is acknowledged that some less developed countries may not manage until after lunchtime

 H/T Newsbiscuit

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Reader Comments (53)

Incidentally - can I recommend a method for increasing the capacity of your wheelie bins..?

Equipment: Short stepladder. stout piece of board slightly smaller than the internal area of your bin.

Method: Mount the stepladder. Place the board in the bin on top of its contents. While holding firmly onto the handrail of the stepladder, jump up and down on the board.....

Result: Capacity increased by (up to) 50%.

DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME I am required to say....

Dec 7, 2015 at 1:47 PM | Unregistered Commentersherlock1

"jump up and down on the board"
Whilst wearing a tether and high-viz vest. Also, you'll need appropriate breathing apparatus: the fumes at the base of a silo, tank or bin can overwhelm. I'd love to see your health and safety plan.
Personally, I can't think why folk would fly tip or set fire to their rubbish. I have no idea.

Dec 9, 2015 at 8:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterClunking Fist

"Islands of garbage that you can walk across" is a bit of a myth put around by one guy Charles Moore in his Ted Talk. My guess it is another case of a passionate Green bigging it up to make people take notice. I see Bishop-Hill commenters called it out back in 2011
My own notes from February 2015 : About the Naked Scientists radio show

Charles Moore gave an excellent first hand account of how he discovered the phenomenon of the giant plastic waste dump in the Pacific Doldrums . including some pockets so dense he claims he could walk across them like islands
- So excellent that I can't find any video or any real stills of islands of plastic that you can walk across ..that is a bit strange.
- He also said a strange thing .."man it's a real problem ..more animals die from this every year than die from climate change"
..Wow well where does he gets stats for animals that die from climate change ?
The Wikipedia page does only talk about the patch been pretty low density and small particles
The patch is not easily visible, because it consists of very small pieces that are almost invisible to the naked eye.[7] Most of its contents are suspended beneath the surface of the ocean,[8] and the relatively low density of the plastic debris is, according to one scientific study, 5.1 kilograms per square kilometer of ocean area


Dec 18, 2015 at 7:09 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

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