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Charities are not what they were

The local press in Northumberland is reporting the appearance in the magistrates' court of the protestors who disrupted the Banks Mining Shotton facility - this was a fairly transparent attempt to have a go at Matt Ridley, in whose back yard the mine is located.

I was interested to see that one of those facing charges is Friends of the Earth campaigner Guy Shrubsole, a familiar name from Twitter.

Perhaps even more remarkable was the appearance of Roger Geffen. That's Roger Geffen MBE, to give him his full title - he was honoured for services to cycling it seems having been the campaigns director of CTC, the cycling charity, for many years.

It's funny to see these officials of registered charities appearing in the dock. Charities are not what they were.



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Reader Comments (53)

What have I got wrong NBY?
Geffen is a documented anti-capitalist who has been arrested for various public order type offences and got himself involved in fights during demos. He also took part in un-sanctioned actions that blocked major roadways for days at a time.
And he gets an MBE??
Do the CTC want to be involved with this lefty muppet?

Dec 3, 2015 at 12:29 AM | Unregistered Commenterdavid smith

Anyone still looking at this may be interested in knowing that CTC's Roger Geffen has this week resigned from CTC.

Apr 2, 2016 at 4:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterTeaLady

BTW @TeaLady he didn't really resign
It was an April fool's joke as the NGO changed its name from CTC to CUK

AFAIK Roger Geffen was due in court on 10th December 2015
but somehow the case got put back to March 2016
so conveniently Geffen was not a convict when he collected his MBE on 18 Dec 2015,

AFAIK the court never called him back in March 2016

5 page CTC discussion

Jul 26, 2018 at 10:04 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

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