Bishop Hill

Yeoful fail
Tim Yeo's libel action against the Sunday Times has failed. You will recall that this was over the newspaper's sting operation, in which Yeo was caught on camera offering to be a paid advocate for what he thought were a group of green lobbyists.
According to Guido the Sunday Times has said that Yeo's evidence was dismissed by the judge as:
“implausible”, “unreliable”, “not honest”,”dishonest”, “untruthful”, “untrue” and “unworthy of belief”.
Oh dear. :-)
Reader Comments (89)
So will they give him a position in the Lords or stick his feet in fast setting concrete, dump him offshore and make him a pier?
Yeo Ho Ho! Another pirate bites the courtroom dust.
oldbrew, don't be rude about pirates. Most pirates were never stupid enough to instigate legal action.
Back in Nov 2013, following his previously triumphant clearing of any wrongdoing on corruption charges, he was able to return to his leading role on the Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee.
Surely we can trust his assurances about the reliability and trustworthiness of the MP's wrecking the UK's energy policy. The results of their efforts won't be too clear to see in areas without reliable standby generators.
“Implausible”, “unreliable”, “not honest”,”dishonest”, “untruthful”, “untrue” and “unworthy of belief”.
I assume he will now be recording these words in the register of members' interests?
Schadenfreude should be a dish best served cold, as a starter on the Paris menu. It would act as an appetite suppressant for some of the other greedy snorting truffle hunters.
£400000 isn't that about 2 months work for him? I guess he'll be struggling until his expenses cheque comes through.
Surely the question for renowned golfer Mr Yeo now is whether he can afford the green fees?
It doesn't add up....
Green Fees should be another parliamentary euphemism.
remember if you want Nurse to "enable" something, he needs to fly first class
Julia Slingo otoh enables herself to daughher's positions at the MET
she facailitated a willeng ear of the MET UKs recruiter
they are all vulgar criminals aren't they
OT BBC Trust Complaints Dept Telephone 03700100222
BBC 6 o clock news 2015 is going to be the hottest year on record
Due to El Ninio and Green House Gases
Unfortunately they don't state when the records began
Aitken Syndrome.
Two further points. The Guardian report (link from Guido) suggests that it was an informal lunch and the journalists took advantage of some casual remarks which of course didn't mean that he was really what he was (expletive deleted). Two: costs have been awarded against him on the indemnity basis. There are two bases for costs: standard and indemnity. Standard means that any matters of doubt are interpreted in favour of the paying party; indemnity means that a completely different basis applies - any areas of doubt are interpreted in favour of the receiving party.
At what point does telling lies under oath become perjury?
Jamspid: Further OT:
Nor do they know which is which when it comes to warming - if indeed there is a dual contribution.@ John B
Default Deben prefix: "That odious little man ... "
The british governmant has asked their nobel laureate to run an enquiry on science spending, i think. Announced today.
Yeah Harry getting back
When any UK broadcaster reports the latest political opinion poll they have to mention the source either Mori You gov etc
Should be the same when reporting any survey or findings what ever subjects as with only the last 100 years of met office available Climate and Weather data. If we can get the broadcaster commercial and BBC to admit that.
In the media context is everything.
Only way is to mobilise every UK based resident or overseas BBC World Service audience on BH and WUWT to complain to the BBC Trust and the ITC about sensationalist Climate Change coverage.
BBC Trust complaints telephone number again is 03700100222 phone them .
I'm sure Graham Stringer and Peter Lilley have a smile on their faces today.
Misconduct in public office?
BBC: "It vindicates the role of the press in exposing the clandestine advocacy by MPs for undisclosed interests."
What about some investigative journalism on useless windmills, solar farms and biofuels? Instead of BBC advocacy, open or clandestine...
Billy Liar, Misconduct in Public Office could feature on a few CV's, if Police tip-offs reach a tipping point.
Perhaps Yeo just misunderstood the concept of tipping point when he mentioned money for services rendered.
Nov 25, 2015 at 12:19 PM | richard verney
"I see that Corbyn opened up PMQs with Climate Change/Green Issues. The usual drivel."
I wonder how the conversations go on Climate Change with his brother Piers who as we all know is not a deluded believer
Albert Stienstra, the BBC have decided not to use Licence Fee money on providing information that the BBC do not want Licence Fee Payers to know.
This is part of the BBC's Public Disinformation Charter, that the public were not invited to contribute to.
“Implausible”, “unreliable”, “not honest”,”dishonest”, “untruthful”, “untrue” and “unworthy of belief”; needs to be put up in large print on an even larger poster on the highway in Yeo's old constituency.
Greg Cavanagh, as a banner, hung in his old constituency, it is not clear whether he would even know where to find it. It might not even tell his former constituents anything they did not already know.
It would look good and be a useful reminder for all, hung over the entrance to the Houses of Parliament, and then DECC. Some of John Selwyn Gummer's former constituents might be interested to carry out a value for money comparison.
Nov 25, 2015 at 11:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterHarry Dale Huffman
Harry says what I wished I had said.
Early days, but what happens NEXT when a Tory politician takes out libel action and loses ..any ideas Lord Archer or Jonathan Aitkin ?
Let me rephrase some of the commenters puns
@RoyFOMR the judgement means
He'll he be putting his money where his mouth
iswascos before he put his mouth where the money was
- "Have you paid (golfer) Yeo's "green fees ? said one GreenBiz boss to another
"Yes I decided the climate has reached Yeo's TIPping point" was the reply
Guido's newest report reiterates the background of conflict of interest quoted in the judgement : Para 52
In case you missed it in my previous comment, here is the full judgement.
This also summarises the evidence, including transcripts of the lunch and phone conversations.
Any recommendations for his prosecution for corruption?
Jamspid due to the Paris COP , 2015 was 'always' going to be the hottest year , it really did not matter what the facts where . I am just a bit upset I could not find a bookies that would take that bet , but then bookies are no mugs and even they knew,
@ knr
It seems as if the alarmists would do whatever is necessary to ensure that records continue to be broken. I'm surprised the report mentioned below hasn't had far more attention on this blog.
German Professor: NASA Has Fiddled Climate Data On ‘Unbelievable’ Scale
Couldn't happen to a nicer fellow.
It would appear Tim has upset a lot of people
Tim Yeo could face police inquiry over 'dishonest' High Court evidence
Another good news day today as well with the Cameroons actually dropping their laughably bonkers plan for throwing a billion quid down the toilet trying to bury plant food under the ground oop North. Oh happy day. The next thing - tomorrow they'll be binning the Climate Act. Joke.
From the Approved Judgement - "When a fish wriggles on a hook, it goes deeper into the mouth and guarantees that the fish will not escape. So with Mr Yeo’s evidence on this issue. His twists and turns in the attempts to escape the obvious served only to emphasise the problem that the 22 May email presented for him." - Mr Justice Warby
Following my earlier comment on the register of members' interests:
If the Parliamentary Lack of Standards Committee found that Yeo had not breached their standards, yet the judge states his evidence was “Implausible”, “unreliable”, “not honest”,”dishonest”, “untruthful”, “untrue” and “unworthy of belief”, one may wonder if he recorded the word 'self' in the register?