Bishop Hill

Backing fracking


In a bit of a turnup for the books, a pro-fracking demonstration took place in Lancashire yesterday ahead of the appeal against the county council's decision to block Cuadrilla's planning application.
Video here from 9 minutes (expires tonight).
Ironically the following item is about the "Northern Powerhouse" strategy, with one talking head saying that it is a mirage and that there is no new investment coming to the North of England.
Funny that.
Reader Comments (48)
On the subject of protest, I hope you're going to follow up on your story about Modi's latest attempt to close down Greenpeace India?
Is there something new to report?
Well I've never heard of an Inspector coming to explain the appeal process. Inspector Wendy McKay may have come for a pre-inquiry meeting to sort out the arrangements (location, witnesses, timetable etc) for the inquiry, but the process is all explained in their published documentation. I guess the anti-frackers can't read and have to have it explained to them in words of one syllable. On the other hand, the BBC environment reporter may have got it all wrong (that would be a first!)
Bishop Hill
The court case is today, and judging by the three previous attempts Modi has made to close them, the courts will block it.
I wonder if that local businessman is the same James Mansell that runs Clear Solutions ltd, a drilling technology company in, er, Shropshire. You know the one - inventor of 'Pure-Bore'.
Re: gubulgaria
So there is nothing new to report.
Well, while your waiting for the Indian courts to slap down Modi again, you could report on the Met apologising and paying major compensation to the environmental activists they deceived.
Here's your source for the Met apology -
Oh, and the courts have blocked Modi again -
What a surprise!
Good story for you there, look forward to reading your take.
“Thanks in large part to the courage and tenacity of these women in bringing these matters to light it has become apparent that some officers".
Puuurrrleeeze! How about some honesty? "Thanks in large part to the tenacity of the bloodsucking abumlance chasing LSD seeking lawyers they employed to get them as much dosh as possible!" would be nearer the truth!
I am confident fracking will go ahead, despite the whining, whinging, moaning & droning, from the Putin supporting protesters, making Russia & I dare say Putin himslef, very rich, at the West's expense! The blinkered visionaries are unbelivable at times! AtB
What has the Modi crap got to do with this thread?
Re: gubulgaria
Aren't you on the press team of Greenpeace?
There is a big meeting of environmental activists and their government lackeys coming up in Paris, where they hope that humanity will agree to ban all fossil-fuel use for ever immediately. The greenpi$$ supporters are putting it about on the internet in a desperate show of support, however off-topic it may be to the matter under discussion.
To me "Northern Powerhouse" means "get off your backsides and create wealth yourselves", exactly the opposite of sitting back and waiting for someone to invest in you. A good place to start would be to nurture the existing coal and gas power stations, and encourage others to be built, and encourage the shale gas industry.
Interesting. "Just fracking do it". Appeal taking place in February they say.
How closely are wombles related to trolls?
gubulgaria, could you comment on your attempts to shut down any debate about the merits of fracking?
Or withholding electricity from rural India?
Or shutting down affordable and reliable power production in the UK.
Presumably you believe you are right, and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong, and debate is pointless?
So is this gubulgaria the same one posting here?
Is that person the same as this one?
And is that one the same as this one?
So these Greenpeace women were paid for having sex with the police? You couldn't make it up!
TerryS, very interesting. Greenpeace have always prided themselves on direct action. First Russia, and now India are demonstrating to the rest of the world the merits of direct action. I do not think this is going to boost Greenpeace credibility in Paris, but when have Greenpeace done anything sensible?
Love the Gidea-Park Graham Thompson's prediction:
"’s not just a climate issue – gas is extremely volatile in terms of price. We import it, and it could massively increase bills for everyone.”
Perhaps 'gubulgaria' would care to comment on current gas prices; and whether they've increased or decreased bills for everyone.
...paid for by our taxes too!
The thing is the Greenpeace plan for locally generated power relies on gas, not windmills or solar panels. Gas is a lot more efficient than coal and much cheaper than nuclear and that used to be well understood by everyone. Heating from gas is about 90% efficient. Solid Oxide fuel cells about 80%, combined cycle turbines about 60%
The opposition to shale from eco-groups seems to be entirely because they think shale gas will stop the building of more windmills. Yet of course these windmills need gas backup too. With a bit more thought and less pointless nastiness we could reach a sensible halfway house. If we developed a gas infrastructure and focussed on biogas (like the Scandinavians) to replace natural gas eventually then it would be a win-win.
How does Greenpeace manage to attract so many gullible people? Hopefully Greenpeace will begin vetting their supporters to weed out sexual predators.
Hopefully Greenpeace will stop blocking the provision of reliable electricity supplies in India, so people will grow up learning to read and write without coughing, spluttering, streaming eyes, sore throats etc.
Meanwhile, back to the thread.
Hopefully people in Northern England will be allowed to benefit from the benefits of the natural gas beneath their feet, and not be bullied by Greenpeace activists intent on imposing their views of idealised deprivation, on others, against their will and best interests.
Great work, another despair-mongering criminal windbag outed.
I'm curious to read articles cited here that Greenpeace is a "charity". To me, a charity undertakes Humanitarian acts of kindness & generosity, to help the poor & disadvantaged. Haven't yet heard of them doing anything like that for donkey's years! One could argue that they have breached their "charitable" status by doing everything they can to keep the impoverished poor & down at heal, by forcing them to use unreliable & expensive energy! Nice people! Are they borderline racists snobs too?
As to all that lovely free energy from the waves how about this
Is that Emma Thompson with a shaved head?
Re: Alan the Brit
They get around that by running 2 organisations.
One is called Greenpeace UK Ltd which is a just a business and employs everyone.
The other is Greenpeace Environmental Trust which is the charity. The charity has zero employees but uses the employees of the business and counts their time as a donation. They also hand out £3.3million as "Promotion of Sustainable Development" to various Greenpeace organisations around the world including Greenpeace UK (£1.25million).
Do Greenpeace get paid per blog comment, as well as block developments all over the world? Are taxpayers supposed to think this represents value for money.
They have fallen from high to low cunning publicity stunts, closely tracked by their credibility, as gubulgaria has been keen to prove, but public sympathy for those whose lives have been ruined by Greenpeace is certainly growing.
Canadian fishermen should go back to nights out clubbing, and leave the seal carcases for polar bears to dine out on. The polar bears will be able to sleep with a contented full stomach, just like paid Greenpeace activists, knowing their gain has meant loss of life elsewhere.
Alan the Brit & TerryS
Greenpeace can afford good lawyers and tax advisors. They have to, to ensure their caring, charitable and sustainable image.
They can also afford lots of plane tickets, apparently for the same reasons, and to help them demonstrate an understanding of the jet set life style, that they oppose for other people.
An 80 seconds long piece and they still get 10 seconds of interview with an anti-fracking person in it.
Not quite so positive in the People's Republic of South Yorkshire:
Thanks for that TerryS, much appreciated!
I agree, golf charlie. I have always wondered, when seeing newscasts of demonstrators attending some exotic destination where the UN is holding a jamboree err sorry I meant high powered conference to air their environmental concerns, & I ask the invisible fellow inhabiting the tv, "How on Earth can they afford to regularly fly around the world", & "Do they have daytime jobs?".
Neat comment on the Barnsley Chronicle article
There's a campaign T shirt slogan in there somewhere.
Nov 20, 2015 at 12:37 PM | TerryS
He's not a Womble, he's a Conehead!
@ tomo:
"what did britons use for lighting before candles? - Electricity"
Not mine, see The Pointman.
[Snip O/T. The post is about fracking. TM]
@Nov 20, 2015 at 12:34 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie
You say: “gubulgaria, could you comment on your attempts to shut down any debate about the merits of fracking?
Or withholding electricity from rural India?”
Well there seems to be a whole bunch of ‘trolls’ poking their snouts into India’s business. When you see how important coal is to India and its prosperity one wonders what kind of agenda Greenpeace and these assorted trolls have.
Unstoppable Shale Revolution: How OPEC’s Strategy Is Backfiring
Douglas, Greenpeace and their fellow collaborators long for a return to pre 19th century technology, and the life expectancies to match. Provided their vision for others, does not damage their lifestyle or life expectancy of course.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of Indian politics, the current regime in India has chosen to fight Greenpeace in their own gutter, and disrupt their finances. Greenpeace has difficulty in recruiting from the local impoverished population, to ensure they remain in poverty.
Gubulgaria: I don’t know if you have realised yet, but arguing with folk on this site is a bit like herding cats – you might feel you have an agenda to drive, but the herd have different opinions.
You might be determined to get your point of view across but, rest assured, others will disagree with you. Oddly enough, I am not here in an attempt to change your opinion; I just wish you to question that opinion that you appear to hold so dear. This happened to me a few years ago, and it was a truly enlightening experience, so I only ask you to join me in that. While you might consider yourself a spokesperson of the environmentalist movement, consider, if you may, the true motives of the movement of which you aspire to support. India holds the key; and, if you cannot see that, you will be consigned to the darkness that Greenpi$$ seems to hold so dear. Remember, while the corporations that Greenpi$$ hold in such disdain might have planted X thousand trees, Greenpi$$, for all their fervour, have planted none.
Radical Rodent, Greenpi££ have been flying high on herbal and verbal dynamics. Once a few of the larger companies realise there is no need to pay 'greenmail' money to buy protection from mobster activism, they will run out of money to pay legal fees.
The Chinese have learnt how to make millions out of pandas without eating them, and ensure their survival. The WWF must be wondering where they went wrong too.
Greenpeace and WWF started with such good intentions, but have blown it with CO2 fixation. 35? years ago I did voluntary work for WWF, to 'help raise awareness about Pandas'. With hindsight, apart from massaging the egos of WWF, I didn't actually achieve anything.
If the merits of Greenpeace were properly summarized by the opinions expressed on this thread, then... ??
Aila, you have summarised the merits of Greenpeace with '..........'
Nicely put.
Manufacturers of high speed inflatable boats and powerful outboard engines are grateful for all the free publicity, and many are used by the irresponsible, with surplus money and petrol to burn.
"look forward to reading your take"
So Graz, here you are at 41 with not much to show for it apart from that stupid 'gubulgaria' nickname, one or more entries on the PNC and membership of a thoroughly dodgy & discredited quasi-mafia-like ngo.
Time for a long hard look at doing something more grown up and useful with your future, perhaps?
JerryM, I think Modi has got his inspiration for defunding Greenpeace, from the Guardian's attempts to get people to disinvest from oil companies.
The Guardian retains its investments in oil companies. The oil companies remain ok, and Greenpeace in India has lost its funding.
Greenpeace believe they are above the law, but lose out to the law of unintended consequences.
Underdeveloped areas of India will be so pleased to leave the Greenpeace imposed dark ages behind, and have light bulbs that work at night.
@ Nov 22, 2015 at 9:50 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie
This article Coal-Based Electricity Generation in India
by Rangan Banerjee Forbes Marshall Chair Professor, India Institute of Technology Bombay is worth a read. 'Greenpeas' trying to show India how to suck.
It is one of the touchstones of green agitators and activism that anybody with *actual experience* and detailed knowledge of something that the activists oppose is unreliable + tainted + untrustworthy. The suggestion that anybody in the business is wholly compromised and cannot provide objective commentary is false - but hey, why isn't that applied in other areas?
I look forwards to the day when they apply the same view to getting their stuff fixed / their health issues addressed.
It would appear from this list of backers of Backing Fracking that many (most?) are from the drilling business with emphasis on consumables (i.e. fluids) (Blackpool gazette)
Lee Petts, Remsol
Jonathan Foster, Petroleum Safety Services
Richard Sands, Moorhouse Petroleum
James Mansell, Clear Solutions
Simon Talbot, Ground-Gas Solutions
Paul Hennessey, ATG UV
Paul Matich, PR Marriott Drilling
are to be congratulated on their stand - just a shame that their case has to be put with a 40ft trailer bed dragged over to the Planning Inspectorate "day out". (MP4 d/l BBC piece clipped and saved for posterity)
The antis will not engage .... they want to capture the legislators and block any and all debate - but that didn't stop them having a pop
Like putting Ed Miliband / Chris Huhne and Potato 'Ed in charge of "energy" achieved anything positive in any way....