Bishop Hill

More hot water
In case you missed it- posted as a comment by Ruth Dixon
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
In case you missed it- posted as a comment by Ruth Dixon
Reader Comments (4)
Anyone familiar with large sites, whether MOD, Health Service, Academic etc, will be familiar with strips of grass and other vegetation kept clear of snow and frost, and showing the earliest annual growth etc. These mark the lines of the buried District Heating Pipes, gently warming the earth.
Areas of luxuriant stinging nettles often identify the longterm blocked and leaking foul drains, but not a lot of people want to know that.
Good site for a Stevenson screen.
I seem to remember discussions as to whether the Siberian ABOVE GROUND pipes would have affected UHI in those towns also especially with the leaks from poor maintenance... Above ground because you don't want to melt the permafrost.
KuhnKat, you wouldn't want climate scientists to get too cold, when they could pitch their sheds on or near a nice heat source would you? Especially when a ready supply of hot water and steam was available for their coffee, with ice stores adjacent for beers and vodka?