Bishop Hill

The carneyage of Mystic Mark

It is said that once people start laughing at you, you are completely finished. I think Mark Carney may have reached that point:
The scene is the governor’s office at the Bank of England. Mark Carney is talking to an aide.
Governor, about your forthcoming speech to the chambers of commerce.
It seems to be about alien life forms.
You’ve seen the news from Mars?
I have, but this speech is supposed to be about labour flexibility and the downside risks to productivity.
You don’t see the downside risks from extremophile bacteria in the briny water on Mars?
Not in the short to medium term, Governor.
Reader Comments (21)
credibility is key to the job of a central banker -- being mocked by the FT is not part of the job description
I don't get to see anything. Just a request from the FT to pay them some money....
Dodgy, you can sneak under the paywall by googling some of the text then clicking on the google link, then answering a couple of simple survey questions. (I'd have thought a dodgy geezer would know that trick!)
There is also an article in the Telegraph criiticising / making fun of Carney.
"What next? The war in Syria? Come to think of it, why not put the Bank of England in charge of everything?"
"There was, however, also something faintly reckless and naive about the Governor’s intervention...."
Dodgy Geezer
Try Google search "Mystic Mark Carney" - worked for me
...(I'd have thought a dodgy geezer would know that trick!)...
I did. But I thought that the lack of direct access to the reference needed airing....
I never doubted that he knows nothing about climate ... but until I read the articles, I'd forgotten just how precarious the last banking crisis was.
Mocked in the Times today as well today (behind paywall)
Starts off "Being the world’s leading expert on climate change is typically a full-time job. So it’s easy to forget that Mark Carney also has a part-time role as governor of the Bank of England, proving himself the man for a forecast immediately overtaken by events."
Ends "If he ever sets a target for the ice caps melting, buy a boat."
The middle is a list of failed/useless targets.
The clear and present danger is less extremophiles ( present company included) , than space probes contaminating Mars with Benthic Bacteria from Planet Limbaugh.
... and in the Mail.
Is that you or your eco-warrior wife speaking Mark?
Carney feels heat after saying 'climate change could cause new crash'
Bank of England boss Mark Carney under fire for climate change comment
He claimed that the environmental issue could trigger a financial crisis
But critics say he is 'politicising' the job and operating outside his remit
Sturridge to score the winner 5 minutes from time?
Everton are on fire at the moment and he's only just back from injury. Probably won't be on the pitch 5 minutes from time... Brave call that.
This is a most unrealistic sketch about a climate activist.
They never make predictions that are readily testable.
M Courtney - I had a slightly different take on the Carney's Everton - Liverpool match forecast. I thought I might sell the house and put the lot on Everton.
"Oats, dear boy. oats !"
These uxorious bankers need to keep the little woman satisfied !
Of far greater relevance to the well being of the nation and its economy, why.....WHY did anyone get the idea that Carney had even the remotest clue about banking?
Climate change is where it's at for Mark and boy did he prove it the other night, yet even calling him a whack job it just doesn't cut it.
Well it's amazing what bankers can believe. They believed that slicing up toxic debt and distributing the slices widely somehow made it less toxic. They believed that Alan Greenspan was the Oracle of Delphi. They believed the era of boom and bust was behind us thanks to their spanking new numeric models of risk. And let's face it; for a jolly good yearly bonus they'd sell the rest of us out in a heartbeat. Our only purpose is to bail them out.. So all Carney has to do to bring them on board his sinking ship of fools is to underwrite their bad bets with funny money created at the stroke of a pen.
Apparently, for after dinner speaking, he's considered a wit of a banker.
The new Little Ice Age: chilly con Carney.......
I thaankk yooou
Tallbloke's highlighted Carney's Goldman Sachs' background.
"I see Governor, what else did you have in mind?"
"The Great British Bake Off."
"...followed by the U.C. twit of the year."
Hi from Oz. If you think Mark Carney is "a prawn short of a barbie" (bbq) as we say down here about wee daffies, you must read this lunacy by our own Dr Bob Brown, who until fairly recently was head of the Australian Greens and believe it or not a long-serving federal Greens Senator for Tasmania:
Bob Brown delivers the 3rd annual Green Oration, 23 March 2012
It begins:
"Fellow Earthians,
Never before has the Universe unfolded such a flower as our collective human intelligence, so far as we know.
Nor has such a one-and-only brilliance in the Universe stood at the brink of extinction, so far as we know.
We people of the Earth exist because our potential was there in the Big Bang, 13.7 billion years ago, as the Universe exploded into being.
So far, it seems like we are the lone thinkers in this vast, expanding Universe." etc. etc.
Wonderful stuff - I'm amazed that they the new Greens leader hasn't had the sense to take down this embarrassment.
I think it proves the old saying: "There's nothing as queer as folk"!
Excellent fun about the blarney from Carney.
On a more serious note, just how much fossil fuel can we burn given the range of climate sensitivity?
This from Euan Mearns: When you take on board the fact that in AR5, climate sensitivity estimates ranged from 1.5 to 4.5 ˚C then you’ll realise that these probability statements are pure baloney. At 1.5˚C or below, there is near 100% probability that we can burn everything we can get our hands on with impunity. At 4.5˚C it probably too late already to make a meaningful difference.