
Congress to investigate Shukla



Via GWPF, we learn that the US Congress has decided to investigate the institution behind the RICO letter, which called for sceptical scientists to be prosecuted for racketeering. As everyone no doubt knows, some of the authors of the letter appear to have been lining their pockets with taxpayer dollars in a fairly brazen manner.
Science, Space, and Technology Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today sent a letter to Dr. Jagadish Shukla, a professor of climate dynamics at George Mason University who founded the Institute of Global Environment and Society (IGES). IGES is a non-profit organization that has received millions of dollars in federal grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NASA.
Don't you just love it when scientivists overstep the mark?
Reader Comments (47)
Yes !
Eeek ! Go out and buy a couple of heavy duty shredders!
Even if this comes to nothing....as it probably will, given all the precedents.....it is still a pleasing episode of instant karma.
Go out and buy a couple of heavy duty popcorn makers!
The fix will be in.
He will be cleared.
Brushed under the carpet.
If Climategate didn't lead to cleaning up climatology - nothing will.
@M Courtney
This is different. It is the USA. It is public money, a public university, and a Republican Congress. The issue is financial misconduct rather than academic misconduct.
“This letter raises serious concerns because IGES appears to be almost fully funded by taxpayer money while simultaneously participating in partisan political activity…”
It seems to me that to make the most of any counter offensive, the man to target is Trenberth. I am not suggesting any improper financial behavior -there is at present no evidence for that- but a much closer look at how he has used his perch as a taxpayer funded civil servant to further the alarmist agenda.
In particular how he would like to reconcile, in the context of a congressional hearing, his 2009 Climategate email acknowledging the absence of warming with his subsequent and ongoing efforts to obfuscate/deny the reality of the "pause".
Holding 'progressive' organisations to normal standards just does not happen. Look at the behaviour of the Labour party in some of its more rotten boroughs: jobs for the boys, embezzlement, planning favours, wife-on-the-payroll etc etc etc. John-being-John works for them, but were John in any non-progressive organisation, he would have been hounded out of public life. Once in a blue moon a particularly outrageous bit of helping-self gets prosecuted but by and large they get away with it because a) they are the 'good' people, the moral high grounders and anyone critising them is basically nasty and b) really only they properly understand their convoluted structures so unless the whistle-blower is an insider there's a strong likelihood he will get it wrong/miss the point. In short nothing is likely to come of all this IGES stuff.
Bish, may I just point out that although the acronym COLA in Shukla's case stands for "Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere studies" in the USA it general means "Cost OF Living Adjustment", which quite succinctly seems to describes what the good professor and his cohorts were up to.
...Josh Cartoon request alert..."Stop taking the Kool-Aid, just claim the COLA".
ref:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_of_living
'Three wheels on my waggon,
But I'm still rollin' along ... '
Alfred E Neuman grown up!
More like one wheel on the wagon. I told people the other day to invest in popcorn futures - probably too late now.
From recent observations of parliament, the BBC, the MO, DECC, the Planning Inspectorate and Local Authorities, I would say that corruption is pretty well embedded in the UK PTB and the bureaucracy. Some is financial, but not all.
"when the projects would be completed"
Translation: "when the funds had all been syphoned.
Trenberth has already explained that he thinks the instruments are probably wrong. Such unscientific nonsense are always accepted these days if you are a catastrophist whilst realism never gets a free ride. Time and time again these slippery eels have been proven wrong but they are all still in work and still getting generous grants to study something that exists only in their crap models. Investigations are whitewashes. Lies become truth. Even cutting off their funding only works until some new clueless fool takes over, as we have seen with Tony Abbot. Common sense didn't break out with any of the previous false enviro-scares and even when the scares drop out of the news the crap legislation based on the crap science remains. All that will happen is that cooling will occur in the next 20 years and the scientists will switch to the acid rain scare, oxygen depletion, global cooling again, pesticides or whatever new scare pays the most and everyone who was proven wrong will get generous awards in their old age for their contribution to scientific understanding.
..Josh Cartoon/FridayFunny request alert No/#2...
From the pork barrel/pig trough school of Government funding, how about:-
"Shukla, living high on the hog"
Sorry Josh, I'll go away and sharpen some brushes and clean some pencils...
I asked yesterday at WUWT what COLA did and they kindly pointed me to this
Their publication list goes a long way back and include some familar names. Two were with Richard Lindzen and I wonder if the papers were COLA papers or if they're all the papers published by the current COLA members before they even joined COLA. One of the things I noted from a well known and discredited medical study was that the majority of names listed had had almost no real part in its production.
How much of COLA's curriculum vitae is actually work carried out for COLA?
Genuine alarmist logic:
Sherlock McIntyre and Inspector Laframboise are investigating our letter!
Make it disappear!
Congress are investigating our organisation!
Make it disappear!
What? Congress?
I doubt whether anything much will happen as a result of either letter. I think it's just another game of Climateball, with Shukla's team scoring a spectacular own goal.
Please, all good folk here, refrain from using "scientist" when "worker" is a better description.
Good, classical science is proceeding, mostly quietly as usual. Sadly,it is being tarnished by imposters doing things like spreading propaganda with a small sprinkle of science to make workers seem higher in intellect than the average Joan or Joe or Jo- between.
Do keep science clear of those who wanna be. Please.
Relatedly, some here are lowering the tone by persistent misuse of the possessive, the apostrophe problem. The rules are very simple. Do learn them. It takes about a minute.
While in reformation mode, might I please mention the frequent and wrong mixing of singular/plural. Example of wrong -
The crowd expressed their disgust.
I don't this this investigation being limited to just one person and one organisation. It will instead be an ongoing daily drip feed exposing the corruption arrogant and deceit of the climate extremists.
And it will be all the much worse for those involved, because not once have the press seriously looked at their behaviour and that is why they became so arrogant about their own supposed untouchability.
He and Patchy make a good pair...
"IGES is a non-profit organization that has received millions of dollars in federal grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NASA."
It must be hard NOT to get rich when in charge of something being lavishly funded by 3 separate agencies, plus University income, our (British) poor academics have to get on the BBC in order to get rich.
If the FBI are quick, they won't have to fly to Paris to progress their investigations into fraud and corruption in climate science.
It may be cheaper if the Paris party is cancelled, and relocated to a US prison rehabilitation unit.
Could the US be banned from emitting any more noxious climate scientists into airspace. If each EU member state did the same, this tragic malaise could be contained, like foot in mouth disease.
Richard Tol
Financial Misconduct or Academic Misconduct what ever way round one always leads to the other.
Via GWPF, we learn that the US Congress has decided ...
I am so waiting for Sou or Dana or the NYT to mention this ... but not holding my breath. It's in the National Review, hope the WSJ is next.
Greg Laden still has The Letter online. Maybe he didn't get the memo?
Via GWPF, we learn that the US Congress has decided ...
Oct 2, 2015 at 12:27 PM | Registered CommenterMartin A
?Global Warming Policy Forum?
Is the GWPF sending Lord Lawson's extended family to count the number of Shuklas on Shukla's payroll >
Geoff Sherrington, I note your disgust at the term scientist, being linked to these con men.
If proper scientists would like to correct some of the misinformation, it would be worth their while making enquiries of their own professional bodies, to ensure those at the top have not been tainted by the corruption of climate science.
If it was not for the 'alleged' support of noble institutions such as the Royal Society, this scam might have been terminated in the last century.
The Royal Society, and others, only appear to be expressing the views of those members who could be bothered to express a preference, which has been proven throughout history and science, to be an excellent way of corrupting democracy.
Guilt by association has always been part of the global warmist attack weaponry. It has also been part of corruption investigations in the UK. If you shake a tree hard enough, it is amazing what falls out. And not just apples, or bananas part eaten by a chimp.
The Americans are big on wire fraud; it's a simple way to implicate people because if they've pulled a fast one somewhere and then transferred some cash (and we all use electronic means nowadays) then it's a shoe-in for money laundering.
Once you've got that pinned on them - and there's almost no escape route from the act of transferring illicit cash, then the defendant often begins to squeal like the stuck lil' piggy he is in a attempt to plea bargain a lesser sentence. That's when the real fun n games start.
This folks is how back-stories begin to unravel. Fingers crossed!
Russell, what's the gripe at GWPF for? As far as I know, Lord Lawson's kids are fully self supporting in their own separate fields. Unlike SHukla's family.
Dung - I know what GWPF* is but I saw no reference to shukla there. I had imagined the Bish had perhaps got the link from Spaceref or WUWT
*Global Warming Policy Foundation
Martin A, try this site
That doesn't mean they got there first, just where some people saw it first.
Martin A
GWPF now stands for two different wings:
Global Warming Policy Foundation
Global Warming Policy Forum
The message is the same but they each have their own website
Helpful Dung ^.^
I think similar letter should have gone to all the signatories of the letter. Pretty sure most of them suck on the teat of the state. Have the lawyers have missed a trick?
Clovis Marcus, in the first instance, as Chairman of a Committee, he can only write to the individual running the outfit receiving the money he helped approve, and he may not have any authority, to do anything else.
In the second instance however, he probably has the authority to discuss any concerns with those Government Agencies that have more specialised knowledge and training, in the investigation of financial accountancy procedures, when dealing with Taxpayers money. No doubt Shukla will be as honest as any other climate scientist, under scrutiny.
golf charlie - ouch.
"Lord Lawson's kids are fully self supporting in their own separate fields"
More self-supporting than most, I should think. Is Russell really defending Shukla? Wow.
TinyCO2, the extra ouch is that the letter from Senator Lamar Smith (Rep Texas), does make reference to the RICO 20's letter, objecting to those at odds with the White House's acceptance of the consensus on global warming. The RICO 20 have made this political. Maybe that was their intention?
Nothing contained within Senator Smith's letter, is, or can be construed as a 'cease and desist' instruction to those already tasked with investigating the allegations contained within the RICO 20 letter.
It is therefore possible that the original RICO letter, is going to result in two parallel, but separate investigations occurring, under political scrutiny from both sides of the scientific aswell as political divides.
Paris is in 2 months. What could possibly go wrong in climate science before then?
Climate science is a work of fiction. Any similarity with events and corruption enquiries in FIFA, lies with the fraudsters.
How about a campaign to Rico IGES on racketeering charges then ?
That doesn't mean they got there first, just where some people saw it first.
Oct 2, 2015 at 3:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterTinyCO2
TinyCO2 - thanks. It was not there when I looked earlier at the GWPF site - or else it was there and I did not see it for some unexplainable reason.
Is the GWPF sending Lord Lawson's extended family to count the number of Shuklas on Shukla's payroll >
Oct 2, 2015 at 1:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterRussell
If Russell can only come up with inanities like that, he'd be better off saying nothing.
Martin A, vvussell has one of the most logical brains in climate science, and is only too happy to demonstrate it here.
The amazing thing is that a small first step is being taken to look at the intersection of money and climate hype.
Every signer on the infamous RICO demand deserves to be closely scrutinized.
My prediction is they will cooperate even less well than the University of Virginia did.
Even now documents are being shredded and hard drives hammered.
hunter, if every signer, became a singer, it would be music to save the poor.
Shredding and hammering of hard drives, after Lamar Smith's letter, could increase the US prison population.
"If Russell can only come up with inanities like that.."
Or, as Delbert McClinton sang, "If you can lie no better than that, you might as well tell the truth."
Applies quite widely to Climate Science, I feel...
"GMU has, on the other hand, a rather libertarian Economy Facutty, with among others, Walter Williams, Don Boudreaux and Tyler Cowen ..."
Yes, I notified Dr. Williams several days ago about the RICO letter, and then again about the CA posting.
I've no idea if he took an interest or not."
Well, it looks like he did
Good Job Williams!