In honour of Nigel Calder

This notice of a meeting to honour the life and works of Nigel Calder has just been published.
Nigel Calder 1931-2014
Memorial meeting
Royal Astronomical Society
Burlington House
London W1J OBQTuesday 2 December 2014 at 4pm
Followed by an informal reception 5-6pm
This is to let you know that we are arranging an hour-long programme of talks celebrating the life and work of the science writer Nigel Calder. Speakers are to be confirmed but will include his co-writer and friend Professor Henrik Svensmark. This event will take place on 2 December, which would have been Nigel’s 83rd birthday.
Further details, including how to reserve a seat, will be published on Nigel's blog on 11 November. In the interim, any enquiries may be made by phone to 07771 620433.
Reader Comments (8)
Wiki says:
>>Calder said that climate change science has been invaded by sophistry about man-made global warming.[2] As early as 1980, he predicted that within 20 years "the much-advertised heating of the earth by the man-made carbon-dioxide ‘greenhouse’ [will fail] to occur; instead, there [will be] renewed concern about cooling and an impending ice age".[3]<<
Nigel Calder on The Hockey Stick Illusion
Nigel Calder was high on the True Believers list of heretics. He had a Cambridge physics degree and worked for the first two years of his career at the Mullard Research Laboratory, but Desmogblog has this to say about him:
Sep 26, 2014 at 8:50 PM | Registered CommenterMartin A
Genuine scientific credentials, such as those possessed by Mr Calder, would not be recognised by the climate charlatans.
He was a good man who understood the physics and wrote it as he saw it.
Martin is wrong to claim that he was not a scientist. He had a degree in physics and worked in that field. Mullard employed him for a good reason. His good writings produced more money to live on than working in a lab.
Martin, if you think that to be a scientist you have to work in a lab. then that means that ALL the IPCC scientists are no longer scientists. (Which is probably correct)
@ John Marshall "Martin is wrong to claim that he was not a scientist."
Huh? Did you read what I said?
Obviously it would be utterly ludicrous to say that someone who worked as a research physicist at Mullard Laboratories was not a scientist.
I was quoting what the fools at desmogblog wrote.
Nigel Calder, a good man who deserves to be so honoured. His great writing skills helped make scientific advances and scientific thinking widely accessible. A productive and positive contributor to our understanding of climate science. As the old phrase goes, he will be sorely missed but fondly remembered.
Nigel wrote compellingly, with an enviable style and a vast command of facts and vivid metaphor. He set a standard of concision and accuracy that few science writers could match today.