Bishop Hill


Michael Mann is having a Twitter Q&A under the #askdrmann hashtag. Do take a look at it. Some of them are really quite amusing.
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
Michael Mann is having a Twitter Q&A under the #askdrmann hashtag. Do take a look at it. Some of them are really quite amusing.
Reader Comments (34)
Would not waste my time.
I've put some weedkiller and fertilizer on the lawn that needs watering in.
He's such an easy target to hit that it doesn't feel sporting to say anything.
When it came to the facts he would be a denier.
Events of greater moment have overtaken the Climate Wars.
Ermahgerd - grobah werming and ruffled feathers!
And Russell once again begs for attention at his sleepy little faux corner of the web.
Even Yahoo Message Board policy frowns on spoofing addresses and "handles", but I guess that's all the poor man can manage...
Nearly as hilarious, Monbiot has a twitter spat with someone called Jay Rayner:
I can't, I deny twitter.
I don't do twitter but that graph and many of the comments are amusing, e.g.
Joe Triscari @a_ffine_scheme 14 mins
#AskDrMann What fraction of climate scientists understand the risks of extrapolation? Is it more or less than 97%?
Joe Triscari @a_ffine_scheme 10 mins
#AskDrMann If the medieval warm period didn't happen, who put all those medieval items in Greenland's permafrost?
Bob Owens @bob_owens 2 hrs
How does it feel to be discredited? #AskDrMann
Ouch. That hastag is going to leave a mark.
But it made my day.
VVhat a pusilanimous thing to say !
Is Russell one of Michael's sock puppets?
Let's see if there are similarities between Mikey and Russell:
Reactionary? yep
Dodging the issues? yep
Seeks to reduce the intelligence of his readers? yep
No demonstrated critical thinking skills? You betcha
Pushing apocalyptic claptrap? absolutely
Russell is either copying Michael really well or....
wow, Russell shows up to pimp his worthless, mendacious blog and to spout his word-of-the-day, "pusillanimous."
Let's show how his new favorite word works in a sentence (btw, Russell, two "l"s in "pusillanimous"):
Russell is some nasty, pusillanimous guy who posts scurrilous nonsense on his obscure little blog.
Is Mann really a Dr.?
I thought he was one of the Mister Menn....
Russell had to use pusilanimous, since the much more popular pusillanimous was already taken.
@ Lapogus
thanks for the link to that graph ... hilarious !
Comment of the day connected to this story is a tweet from Paul E in regard to Bob Wards handle - @ret_ward........."It is unquestionably churlish, yet inevitable, to think that perhaps the _w characters in @ret_ward's handle are superfluous."
Quote of the day
The interesting thing, selfawareness-wise, is that he and his employer Penn State thought that this would be a good idea. The result was, of course, 97% ridicule.
OT Bish is reporting problems accessing his own site this morning.
Ref. the sock puppet's spelling skills: Great way to start the day.
Thanks, tool.
I particularly liked the narcissism of this:
'The more underhanded & malicious the attacks, the more it tells me the message I'm providing must be important.'
Let me quote Carl Sagan here to expose Mann's fallacious reasoning:
'They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.'
I particularly liked the narcissism of this:
'The more underhanded & malicious the attacks, the more it tells me the message I'm providing must be important.'
Let me quote Carl Sagan here to expose Mann's fallacious reasoning:
'They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.'
If you're going to use long words, it helps if you can spell them.
Mark Steyn reports on #AskDrMann, The Barbra Streisand Effect on Steroids, also helpfully explaining what the First Amendment is for the benefit of Bob Ward.
Steyn has also coined the hashtag #AskDrBlock
It was a bad day all round for the anti-scientists. Not only did Mann score lots of own goals with his ludicrous attempt to communicate but our old friend ATTP threw in the towel. I would provide a link but frankly you wouldn't thank me. He is not blogging for an unspecified period of time.
Expect more joy riders on SS Climate Change to quietly slip off into the night as the earth refuses to respond to all that manmade CO2 that I am neutralising without raising a sweat.
@ Lapogus
I hope you've not spliced real data to proxy data... :-)
Awwwww - bless..... Its like shooting fish in a barrel....
Pusillanimous Rex?
"Steyn has also coined the hashtag #AskDrBlock"
Sep 18, 2014 at 11:12 AM | Richard Drake
That's absolutely hilarious!
This has got to be a ploy by Mann's lawyers to flush out the difficult questions ahead of the trial hasn't it?
Nobody could be that stupid otherwise could they...could they?
Following the Climate Debate has really become the funniest thing around: Gleickgate, Turney's Ship of Fools, Lewandowsky's preposterous antics, Met Office predictions, Cook's 97%, many, many more... and now #AskDrMann.
I can't remember what I used to do for entertainment before this kicked off.
If it wasn't so damned serious in policy terms...
OK, it's funny.