The crony capitalism candidate?

Bloomberg New Energy Finance enjoys a certain reputation among watchers of the climate and energy scene, exhibiting a tendency to talk down the costs of wind energy by various nefarious means. They have also produced a report that talked up the cost of shale gas, without actually letting anyone see where their figures came from.
It's interesting then to see that the BNEF's founder Michael Liebreich is considering putting himself forward to be the Conservative candidate for mayor of London. Greg Barker, one of the leading lights of the Tories' crony capitalist wing, has already tweeted his support as have a motley selection of environmentalists and even a trade unionist.
Reader Comments (4)
Bloomberg's reach seems positively global.
The colonization of the UK by billionaires is not something I would want.
We are close to that in the US by Bloomberg, Soros, Buffet, etc. and it is not going very well.
Greg is..................... barking - again?
Bloomberg, seesh what a luverly lot of cuties they are and so full of themselves and where every opinion has an equal and opposite opinion and reality never intrudes at all. Green is so cool and if you do not subscribe to the green
lunacyinvestment opportunities then................ in Bloombergs eyes, a non person [little people] you will become.US Corporate welfare + Green bandwagon + Bloomberg's propaganda machine = Blackouts2030
can't make sense off the tweets ?
who is the "trade unionist" ?
been a union man for 40 yrs, but getting pissed off with the PR crap lately.
time to cut my funding methinks.