Which industries will Davey close first?

Sometimes it's hard to find words to express how one feels about the energy policy of the United Kingdom. Having hosed down the green crony capitalists with public money to enable them to rape the countryside by covering it in windmills, Mr Davey and his colleagues are developing a sort of Gosplan for the UK. This will enable them to work out which industries will be allowed to wither and die because they can't afford their power bills and which ones be hosed down with public money to keep them afloat. This being the era of "eyecatching initiatives", a public consultation is being held.
DECC said: “We welcome views from all interested stakeholders on the proposed eligibility criteria so that these schemes target the support where it is needed most, helping to secure and maintain critical industrial investment in the UK.”
Ed Davey: closing down the UK a little bit every day.
Reader Comments (38)
The Fascist master plan in action: the criterion for selection will be the release of land for housing development. This is what was behind the collapse of Rover in 2000; the local Fascists, the company's middle managers, started to destabilise the company from 1997. Longbridge was developed by the group owned by Birmingham's top Mafiosi.
Far be it for the Market to determine what lives or dies as that is too efficiently brutal.
What we need is inefficient stupidity to soften the blow - that is where our politicians come in....
By "compensation", I assume he means, "taxpayer subsidies"?
Davey will not be in post (or even in Parliament) post May 2015. Even Surbiton won't re-elect him.
But Transition Towns, Kingston need a charismatic leader. Absent one, perhaps little Eddie will be able to help them with yogurt knitting.
The cost will fall on domestic electricity prices. But not if you're Energy Secretary Ed Davey, of course.
Davey is undoubtedly an idiot. However, don't forget that whatever he does is approved by Cameron.
Peter Atherton (Energy analyst Liberum capital)...."We have the energy policy from hell, and investors know it."
Re Davey and Cameron: it's called professional courtesy........
The terrifying thought is that Red Ed may take over from Brain Dead Ed in 2015 and the slow motion train wreck will continue unabated.
PS Whatever happened to Brainless Worthington...She seems very quiet lately?
“We welcome views from all interested stakeholders"
Would it be fair to say that the laity are not to be considered "stakeholders"?
Every cross subsidy takes from the successful and gives it to the unsuccessful. A certain recipe for eventual failure. Why, oh why, for goodness sake, can not more people see this and kill this madness now.
The most interesting aspect of all this is that governments worldwide now know the IOPCC scam was always based on incorrect science and fiddled data, of which a good example is the adjustments of USHCN temperature data, correlated perfectly with increasing pCO2: https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2014/08/02/proof-that-us-warming-is-mann-made/
So, a possibility is that Davey and the other eco-fascists are being given enough rope with which to extend their spines.
Davey is not only a fanatical green idiot, but he is dangerous. But as others have pointed out, his stupidity must, surely, be approved by Cameron. Germany builds coal fired power stations: we put our trust in more windmills and solar arrays. Unbelievable!
The EnergyLive News link above makes the reassuring statement "...The RO and small-scale FITs compensation will be paid out of departmental budgets and will have no impact on consumers."
The idiot who wrote that nonsense ought to learn that ‘government’ has no money; it’s taxpayers who fund all government spending. And all taxpayers are (energy) consumers.
Metaphorically speaking, I wish I had a stake for every MP who doesn't think the Climate Change Act was one the most brainless pieces of legislation ever passed by a UK Parliament.
As it is, I only have one, which I shall use in May 2015.
I do wonder whether Ed Davey could not be sued for Fraud and Corruption and of course Cameron would be an accessory to the crime. Davey has bribed with our money, and yes the government has no money, but in this case he is telling the energy companies to charge the Consumer based on £150 per megawatt hr. This is despite the current wholesale cost being of the order of £50 per mwhr. In any language that is a bribe so for the head of the non-energy and Climate Change , non here, to tell them what to charge is an abuse of power.for which he must pay dearly.
Interesting sound bite..'Ed Davey: closing down the UK a little bit every day.'.
UKIP take note...
What a wally Davey is. The wrong man in the wrong job using the wrong policies to cure a non problem.
Aug 4, 2014 at 11:56 AM | Derek Buxton
There ought to be a charge of criminal negligence in public office, my own opinion being that his stupidity goes way beyond the bounds of mere incompetence.
They won't need to choose. As in germany, industry will choose for them. VW's biggest factory - USA, MB - USA, Renault - Romania. Europe and the UK will end up like Greece except that I believe that the populace will revolt in one form or another before that happens. Never the less, the European economies will be in dire straights within the next 10 yrs.
Totalitarianists think like that. Davey has a long line that have preceded. It's not a good history.
Joe Public
A commenter called Ivor Ward adds the obvious comment"Sometimes it's hard to find words to express how one feels about the energy policy of the United Kingdom."
No, it isn't.
Stephen Richards - good point - and so much for Clegg's assertions during the tv debate with Nigel Farage - that all the car companies would leave the UK if we left the EU...
Where is the Ford Transit built now..?
Not even in the EU....
Where will all this green stupidity end?
Osborne introduced the Carbon Price Floor - even Yeo said it was just another tax.
Go back to April and the Budget - provision was made there for a subsidy to heavy industry from the consumers purse.
There is the question of a referral to EU Competition Commissioner.
Look at Milibands promises. Freeze prices!! Decarbonise the Electricity Industry by 2030.
How will he achieve that? More windmills?
The DECC's chief scientific adviser - Professor David MacKay wrote a book 'Sustainable Energy - Without The Hot Air',
in 2008.
I don't think he said how many windmills would be required. He did show a method of calculating it.
Decarbonising means no burning of gas therefore no CCGT's, as backup.
The green blobs master plan is to stop the use of all fossil fuels, hence their objection to fracking.
Looks like Davey and the DECC are supporting that plan!!
Back in 2008 almost 100% of MPs voted for the Climate Change Act like a bunch sheep. Peter Lilley was the only one to consider the cost and the viability of reducing greenhouse gases by the percentage and timetable enacted.
Davey is undoubtedly an idiot. However, don't forget that whatever he does is approved by Cameron.
Aug 4, 2014 at 10:26 AM | Steve Jones
And Cameron is an idiot as well. The idiots leading the idiots, and we get to pay...
On the 100th anniversary of the Great War it is interesting to note that we are still lead by donkeys.
Short-term very bad news.
Long-term very good news.
Just wait till job losses begin and businesses start laying people off, products become unavailable, lights go out, services are cut or shorten their hours and availability because there is no energy available.
Amongst the misery and gloom it's going to be fun watching the excuses. I'm sure the BBC, Guardian and FOTE screaming, "We jst need to build more windmills" is going to go down really well.
I can't help feeling that today's "lights out" campaign supposedly in remembrance of WW I is preparing us for the worst.
What are our politician's certainty that the lights will go out pursuing their current energy policies? 95%? 97%? It's all about consensus and authority. not "science"
In recent years banks and other financial institutions have had to pay many millions in compensation to customers who have been mis-sold various products, e.g. payment protection insurance.
The government claims that smart meters will help householders to use energy more efficiently. If, as some people have claimed, smart meters are used to disconnect customers from the national grid will we be able to sue the politicians who misled us as to the real purpose of smart meters?
Actually, the smart meter issue is a relatively trivial one. It is the government's duty to ensure that the county has proper infrastructure, and that includes our electricity supply. If the lights start to go out then surely politicians, and perhaps civil servants, should be held to account even if smart meters are not used to cut us off.
Mr Ed has a proposal to celebrate xmas and he wants the turkeys, along with the geese to choose who's for the pot.
@Michael Hart:"As it is, I only have one [stake], which I shall use in May 2015."
I applaud your sentiments, but please do share with us all - who is you're going to vote for, who will do anything in the slightest way differently?
The only money tree in Britain, forget the corporates are the SME's, these are the wealth producers - and without the SME's Britain is finished.
Between, a suffocating tax regime [business rates and rents, refuse collection as an extra] and a cretinous adherence to all things green - organized by the local Stasi working out of councils. Davey's clouded brain and pettifogging
green tax breaksbribes for the big corporates is just what it appears to be, arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Next, throw in All added to the enforcement of going green will mean financial catastrophe is just around the corner.Alas, it doesn't matter what Davey does, for his political days are numbered in months but the slide into darkness will continue unabated and when Labour get in, the final curtain will come down. Even if not directly through Miliband's hand, then the markets will see to it, think of Britain's future as, a cross between Argentina and Zimbabwe.
Andrew Duffin,
I share your thoughts, just who can we vote for to get some sense into our energy problem? None of the con/lab/lib socialists nor will UKIP be of any use. I think it is a given that Cameron will not fight the next election but rely on getting another coalition, coagulation may be better, he just wants power for its own sake as we are seeing every day. Possibly the best thing would be for no one to vote, just leave Ballot papers blank, it just may sent a message, nothing less will!
No, they think the fairies leave big bags of money at the bottom of the garden.
Perhaps the fairest thing to do, would be to make the DECC first in line for any cuts.
Watch the socialist destruction of an economy via stupidity and welfare-for-votes bribery.