Bishop Hill

Lord Deben on namecalling

Lord Deben...said people like Lord Lawson of Blaby, the former chancellor, should not be classed as ‘climate change deniers’ but should instead be referred to as “dismissers.”
Lord Deben considers alternative names for his opponents, 27 May 2014
If you are seeking to establish a fact-based agenda when you're an interested party it's more effective to avoid name-calling.
Lord Deben's paternal advice to Greenpeace's Guy Shrubsole, six days later.
Reader Comments (25)
John Deben
UKIP supporters don't deny their MEPs are science denying xenophobic non-attendees. Simply say they'll win. UK Intolerance Party
6:56 PM - 21 May 2014
"Evidence in favour of climate change is so strong, he said, that it could be compared to evidence linking smoking to cancer or evidence that the Moon Landing was not staged. "
From a man with absolutely no understanding of the science or the climate debate.
I wonder how much money he makes per year from the "green" industries - not that that would affect his judgement!
Let's be honest here, name calling is all our friends on the left have.
The appropriate Green nomenclature for man-made climate change sceptics is not the only thing on which Lord Deben has changed his mind.
Britain has enough wind turbines, says climate chief, The Times, 28 May 2014
It seems that Lord Deben can tell which way the wind is blowing (pun intended).
Has he done his stint as Cameron's 'asset' in Newark yet?
According to my doctor, CJD has an incubation period of 25 years, so perhaps more people were affected than we yet know.
Improbable as it may sound, it turns out that Gummer inadvertently inspired something entertaining.. Apocalypse Cow
Are there links to what Deben is said to have uttered?
Lord Deben could streamline that labeling, and simply call Lawson a "skeptic". Better yet, the good Lord Deben could call him, apologize, and admit he has been right.
As for the UKIP party and the pushback that is coming: Be ready for the UKIP party to be linked to neo-nazis, a la climate den^ars and skeptics.
It is just their tired, cowardly and deceptive way to try and dehumanize the opposition shut down discussion. But the climate skeptic community has faced that before.
Poor thing. It's probably because they get so frustrated not being able to insult each other properly inside the House of Lords.
If he wants to, he can come round to my place and insult me.
It's started already :
H/T comment by pat 2 June 6.36pm at Jo Nova.
(cross posted from Unthreaded)
Funny old England. Lord this and Lord that. Name calling at the high table. What I don't get is how you poms can still pretend this is a leftie gig, what with the antics in the 1990s that earned Gummer his knighthood, and what with it all starting when Lord Tinkell whisper heroic imaginings in the fading Lady's ear. It fooled the left. It fooled the enviromentalist. It fooled my friends. The left were fooled and fooled again in Tory vote grabs. Now Somebody's got to make amends for this Tory madness. Thatcher, Major, now Cameron, its gone on too long. So, thank god Lawson finally blew the whistle on this shameful Tory sham.
UKIP : " it's time to challenge Bob Ward over his reality denial" after all he is the one with unscientific beliefs, as his lot overextrapolate science to come up with wacky claims vastly at odd with reality...
PROJECTION again, that hallmark of the dramagreens is projecting their own flaws onto their opponents.
Is Deben's output somehow helping the Conservatives' recent election results ?
The only use of his lot, I can think of is that money coming from green FITs etc. somehow comes back into funding election expenses. Journalist investigated MPs expenses, will they get round to investigate election the funding of election expenses ?
Hmm..alternative names..
How 'bout lord burgerman?
There's an interesting passage about the burger incident in Gyles Brandreth's "Breaking The Code."
Gummer's mind appears to have gummed up.
"Lord Deben could call him, apologize, and admit he has been right"
I wonder if Lord D has ever apologised for anything?
RE: Bob Ward and his challenge.
Something tells me Bob is going to seriously regret going after someone not easily controlled by agenda setting.
Just be thankful you don't live in Suffolk and have this awful little man in your neighbourhood.
Deben - that boil on the backside of parliament.
I am not a climate dismisser, I am a climate dissident.
a person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.
The great irony is how mainstream climate "scientists" indeed deny natural climate change and evidence of it in the majority of proxy studies outside of hockey stick team machinations. Another irony is how actual Apollo astronauts are outspoken skeptics, including the former head of NASA and now Burt Rutan too, but not Elon Musk who relies on green energy subsidies, making $30K for carbon credits off of each Tesla car sold and now he's doubling down on subsidies with a battery company.
I want to be referred to as a Carbon American
Google Lord Chadlington John,s little brother .Starters
Maybe more than just Wind Farm Contracts.
Plenty more room in the trough.
Bishop Hill
If one dives into history, 'Dissenters' from the Consensus, rather than Lord Deben's 'Dismissers', might even be a comfortable label to bear. It's certainly a less repellant label to fish out of the historical pot than US President Obama's smear 'Denier'.
Stephen Prower