
Bob Ward gets risky - Josh 276

Bob Ward's tweets today have been a revelation - historic even - see the Bish's post here. Happily they have coincided with a couple of Antarctic stories that deserve cartooning. Thanks, Bob!
Update: Tiny tweek to cartoon
Reader Comments (9)
But a thousand years is as a day to someone with the omniscience of Herr Ward. There's no risk at all that he could be wrong. Are you really trying to deny that?
Antarctica might be barren from an agricultural point of view, but it is certainly fertile territory for climate cartoon creators.
Love the waving penguin.
Thing movie "The Thing" featured a shape shifting alien creature from the ice of Antarctica.
Fitting, then.
Though, I think that creature sucked the life force out of people, this one just sucks money.
OK, I bit, if one side is melting, and the rest is growing, do you think Antarctica is moving? /sarc.
Ah......... he really is from another planet, it all makes sense now.
The Guardian knows what is happening in Antarctica. Don't laugh, but they use computer modelling to show ...
Western Antarctic ice sheet collapse has already begun, scientists warn
Two separate studies confirm loss of ice sheet is inevitable, and will cause up to 4m of additional sea-level rise
"The two studies, by Nasa (sic) and the University of Washington, looked at the ice sheets of western Antarctica over different periods of time.
The Nasa researchers focused on melting over the last 20 years, while the scientists at the University of Washington used computer modelling to look into the future of the western Antarctic ice sheet.
But both studies came to broadly similar conclusions – that the thinning and melting of the Antarctic ice sheet has begun and cannot be halted, even with drastic action to cut the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.
They also suggest that recent accumulation of ice in Antarctica was temporary."
Bad link to Josh's cartoons. Should be www.cartoonsbyjosh.com
[J: Thanks, fixed.]
Terrific picture Josh!
But wouldn't going down under cause all of Ward's blood rush to his head; and starve his brain of blood?