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Lew's downfall

Donna Laframboise is in town, so blogging will be slow for a couple of days.

In the meantime Geoff Chambers points me to the (almost inevitable) "Downfall" video to accompany Stephan Lewandowsky's recent demise. Enjoy.

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Reader Comments (49)


Apr 25, 2014 at 5:01 PM | Unregistered Commentersteveta_uk

Of course Elaine.

Apr 25, 2014 at 5:06 PM | Registered Commentershub

Ah yes, that Elaine.

Apr 25, 2014 at 5:20 PM | Unregistered Commentersteveta_uk

The video was great - absolutely great.

Made my weekend

Many thanks to those who put in the time and effort - I know these HitlerVids have been done before - but this one has to be one of the funniest.

Sincere thanks!

Apr 25, 2014 at 5:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterDoug UK


Apr 25, 2014 at 5:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterJoe Public

I'm generally not in favor of ridiculing people that you don't agree with but that was one of the funniest things I have ever watched. A great parody for those of us watching from the sidelines. I have no trouble imagining that something like this actually took place.

Apr 25, 2014 at 5:33 PM | Unregistered Commentercbb

Excellent. They saved the best for the end, IMO, before the genre gets worn-out or worse than we thought.

Apr 25, 2014 at 5:34 PM | Unregistered Commentermichael hart

Looks more believable than the real Stephan Lewandowsky!

Apr 25, 2014 at 5:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterCharmingQuark

Brilliant example of the Downfall parody :)

"Try and stay calm Elaine" had me for a bit, but then ... ;)

Apr 25, 2014 at 5:49 PM | Registered CommenterThe Leopard In The Basement

Donna in town, slow bloggin..
What will the missus say about all this?

Apr 25, 2014 at 5:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterPtw

That was so funny, please please somebody do one with Ed Davey.

Apr 25, 2014 at 6:18 PM | Unregistered Commentersunderlandsteve

That was so funny, please please somebody do one with Ed Davey.

Apr 25, 2014 at 6:18 PM | Unregistered Commentersunderlandsteve

That was so funny, please please somebody do one with Ed Davey.

Apr 25, 2014 at 6:19 PM | Unregistered Commentersunderlandsteve

What, three with Ed Davey? Surely one is more than enough.

Apr 25, 2014 at 6:34 PM | Registered CommenterPhillip Bratby


ooo.... er.... mrs.....

Apr 25, 2014 at 6:35 PM | Registered Commentermangochutney

I think it was Minnesotans for Global Warming did the first one of these I saw. It just lends itself to these people and their beliefs, doesn't it? But this was superb. Well done.

Apr 25, 2014 at 6:55 PM | Unregistered Commentermike fowle

Unlike cbb, I'm fully in favour of ridiculing these clowns, when they produce garbage papers & defend their errors beyond the grave!

Apr 25, 2014 at 7:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterAdam Gallon

Doubly delicious considering that certain members of the "Tree House Gang" like to "dress up" as Nazis.

Apr 25, 2014 at 7:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterRobert Austin

I started laughing before I ran the video. The metafictional ending was perfect. Well done!

Apr 25, 2014 at 7:35 PM | Unregistered Commenterjorgekafkazar

Very elegant, nicely understated as compared to most of the Downfalls, pertinent and acutely funny. Not one superfluous line. The "Elaine" aside was a masterstroke. Great job, whoever did this. My only minor gripe is that the importance and uniqueness of Steve McIntyre's efforts in Lew's "Downfall" (and downfall) didn't shine through enough.

Apr 25, 2014 at 8:10 PM | Unregistered Commenterigsy

Triple, quadruple irony
And it probably actually underplays Lew's deludedness, poor guy.
.. Yep, a careful considered Davey version would be good, referencing Huhne and BBC climate-truthers etc.

Apr 25, 2014 at 8:48 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

The recursive ending was spot on!

Apr 25, 2014 at 9:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterAndy Scrase

OK, Shub, Steveta and the Leopard understand each other, but Elaine?

A few nights ago, I was able to see the movie in full. I recommend that anyone yet to watch it should do so. However, I warn them that the final scenes kept me awake until the wee hours; but in addition to my parents, I have known a few people on both sides of that War...

Apr 25, 2014 at 10:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterJeff Wood

Not sure the video was actual extreme enough , although very good , for the AGW faithful .

Apr 25, 2014 at 10:15 PM | Unregistered CommenterKnR

The ending closed things perfectly.

For me there's really three grades -

a) those whose fieldwork or analysis is questionable, deserving of greater scrutiny but not prima facie crooked,

b) that subset of (a) who've taken active steps, often in contravention of laws, to prevent review and verification of their work,

c) and the 'social scientists' like Lewandowsky and Oreskes whose interest in the climate field is at best political and at worse purely pecuniary.

The former deserve some consideration, the second deserve armed marshals knocking at the door, the third just derision, so this piece suits me just fine.

Apr 25, 2014 at 10:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterJEM

Don't forget.....

For you the war is never over Tommy.

Apr 25, 2014 at 10:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterMarnie

First reaction was "oh no not another lame Downfall spoof" but this was brilliant. Every line was a winner.

Apr 25, 2014 at 10:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterDavid S

great vid, made me laugh anyway.
nice to see Bish & Josh mentioned.

for those who want Ed Davey version the web site seems to walk you thro' it :-)

ps - say Hi & all the the best to Donna from me

Apr 25, 2014 at 10:57 PM | Unregistered Commenterdougieh

The Guardian has wit. Today they posted a parody video of Tony Blair's recent Bloomberg speech, showing him say "I lied", etc (link below). Good stuff. They should therefore not be averse to showing this one.

Apr 25, 2014 at 11:37 PM | Unregistered Commenteroakwood

The video is great. Lewadwosky, Hansen, Romm, Cook, all richly deserve the ridicule, parody, and satire that is coming their way.I posted the link to he video over at Lucia's Blackboard.
By the way, please give Donna my best wishes and deep appreciation for the work she does.
I have enjoyed her work immensely and believe that she is making an important difference.
When/if the dam breaks and a true critical review of the IPCC is finally done, her work will be an even more vital source, since it has been written so close to the actual events, and offers so many excellent citations from the original documents.

Apr 26, 2014 at 12:11 AM | Unregistered Commenterhunter

This is a really sharp one.

Apr 26, 2014 at 2:09 AM | Unregistered CommenterOwen Morgan

Quite good!

Though I did have a little difficulty reading "Koch Brothers" whilst hearing him rant "Stalin".

Well done overall!

Apr 26, 2014 at 2:13 AM | Unregistered CommenterATheoK

Be sure to treat Donna really well!

Remember you're making up for Yeo's treatment of Donna.

Apr 26, 2014 at 2:16 AM | Unregistered CommenterATheoK

The thing that made this stand out for me against all the other Downfall spoofs was that it resynched back into 'real life' very well.

I know a little German so it was good that the most powerful line from AH 'Der Krieg ist verloren' was faithfully rendered as 'The war is lost' but stayed in the Lew. context. And the very last line is a hoot.

Great stuff...much credit to whoever made it.

Apr 26, 2014 at 6:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterLatimer Alder

What is near equally funny is watching AGW believers defend Lew's work. Its a simple case of, if it gives the 'right' answer, it must be good (howevr ludicrous and weak the science), if it gives the 'wrong' answer, then its part of a conspiracy.

A new example is John Abraham's latest Guardian article, using work by Mann et al to 'debunk' the stadium wave hypothesis. A model, some estimates and a couple of 'likely's' is supposedly enough proof. One commenter underneath says "This is how science is done. Deniers take note". Beautiful accidental satire!

As I pointed out:

"Distinguished Professor of meteorology Michael E. Mann" & co "generated a set of alternative histories based on the statistics of past observations'. That's all we need to know!

Apr 26, 2014 at 7:18 AM | Unregistered Commenteroakwood

@ Phillip Bratby,

I think my tablet had hicups 😋

Apr 26, 2014 at 7:23 AM | Unregistered Commentersunderlandsteve

@Apr 25, 2014 at 10:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterJeff Wood

OK, Shub, Steveta and the Leopard understand each other, but Elaine?

A reference to this poor woman :)

Apr 26, 2014 at 9:24 AM | Registered CommenterThe Leopard In The Basement

Yes indeed TLITB, the famous peer reviewess. Here she is, still in a furious state of recursive furyness over at HuffPo.

She tweets, I don't, so maybe someone here who does could tweet her and let her know she's become even more famous.

Apr 26, 2014 at 10:09 AM | Registered CommenterGrantB

A laugh a minute.

Satire is the highest form of dissent.


Apr 26, 2014 at 10:13 AM | Unregistered CommenterTom O'Connor

Talk about a played-out meme. Sorry, not funny any more.

Apr 26, 2014 at 11:15 AM | Unregistered CommenterThon Brocket

Its fun and sad to see how Elaine has become a 'hero' for being show to be totally out of their depth and have little actual knowledge of the subject.
Its clear that in line with normal climate 'science' pratice the fact you do not know what your talking about has no impact , all that matters is what you talk unquestionable supports 'the cause '

Apr 26, 2014 at 11:46 AM | Unregistered CommenterKnR

Lewandowsky's recent demise? I missed it.

Apr 26, 2014 at 12:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterBrute

Brilliant - and hopefully, it will be the way the whole 'man-made global warming' claptrap will eventually go....

Apr 26, 2014 at 12:29 PM | Unregistered Commentersherlock1

Hey, everyone - DO go across to Jo Nova's site and look at the satirical German (I know) video about their government's 'green' aganda - its a hoot..!
A bit OTT if anything (where are Bird and Fortune when you need them..?) - but clearly they are as p*ssed off as we are...

Apr 26, 2014 at 12:57 PM | Unregistered Commentersherlock1

My dear Leopard, many thanks. I get it now.

Apr 26, 2014 at 2:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterJeff Wood

Very, very good. I'm still chortling at 'propaganda minister Dana'...

Apr 27, 2014 at 11:32 AM | Registered Commenterjamesp

Elaine is back, starring in her own Downfall radio show:

Grab tissues before listening.

"He's so mean, ... he's so mean"

Apr 27, 2014 at 12:50 PM | Registered Commentershub

One of the best Downfall parodies and I've seen probably 20 of them on different topics. It is all in the writing of course -what else?- and Geoff has definitely nailed this one.

Apr 27, 2014 at 8:48 PM | Unregistered CommentersHx

Whats former Mancester United manager David Moyes and Stephen Lewandowski both got in common?

Nothing yet.

Apr 28, 2014 at 6:21 PM | Unregistered Commenterjamspid

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