Climate Control in the Scottish Express

The Climate Control report was covered in the Scottish Sunday Express last weekend, and I have now got my hands on a copy of the article.
Although there are a few nuances that are not quite right, and they have misunderstood the relationship between GWPF and the greenhouse effect, it's excellent stuff overall.
A LEADING climate sceptic has called for an urgent government inquiry into the way pupils are brainwashed over climate change. Andrew Montford co-wrote a critical report on environmentalism in education for the think tank Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) saying the alarmist approach adopted at schools is affecting “almost every area of curriculum”. He called for the Scottish Government to take “urgent notice” of what goes on in classrooms and carry out a probe into the “disturbing way” incorrect information is force fed to pupils. The document highlights “how eco-activism appears to have captured schools’ curricula” in the UK. It suggests there are “serious errors, misleading claims and bias through inadequate treatment of climate issues in teaching materials” with the slant “on scares and on raising fears” and urges parents to question the way sustainability and climate change are taught.
Mr Montford, a St Andrews graduate and challenger of what he calls the “global warming consensus”, said even those who do believe in it should be alarmed by their findings. He added: “We found that climate issues are taught in a variety of subjects from religious education to French, in economics, science, geography – it is astonishing just how prevalent it is. “But it is not based on scientific fact and often what is being taught is outright wrong. It is not just the sceptics who should be concerned. People need to realise what is going on. We are talking about unscientific scaremongering here. “The English seem to be getting a bit better in recognising this but Scotland is still very bad. Both [coauthor] John Shade and I are based in Scotland which is why it features so heavily in the report.” Some of the examples highlighted include a project from a Scottish primary school on the children’s understanding of global warming. A picture from the school’s website suggests pupils have been left confused about the role of the ozone layer saying it is created by the burning of fossilised fuels and is the reason for the earth’s rising temperatures.
According to Mr Montford it is a glaring example of how teachers are failing to explain the complex phenomena to their pupils. “I don’t really point particularly to teachers as being the problem here because they have a curriculum they are required to teach but some do have the green agenda,” he said. “What we find is that global warming is being taught as a definite disaster that is impending and that just isn’t right. “We need to have a proper inquiry into what’s been taught in schools and how. Education Secretary Michael Russell should action this urgently but so far the Scottish Government seem to have taken no notice.”
Last night the GWPF, which does not believe global warming is manmade, said Westminster has already expressed concerns about the apparent lack of balance south of the Border and warned teachers they could be breaking the law. Director Dr Benny Peiser added: “We commissioned the report because so many parents and pupils expressed concerns that marks had been deducted for scientifically correct answers which were not politically accepted. “It is not a full review of what is going on but the worrying snapshot it does offer should be enough to prompt an independent inquiry.” But a spokesman for the Scottish Government said it was unlikely to intervene as lesson balance was a matter for teachers and councils.
Reader Comments (32)
Well done. The tide is turning. A few years ago this would never have seen the light of day.
I hope they correct their incorrect description of the GWPF's view of AGW. As it stands, that one clause is likely to put off many readers.
".....so many parents and pupils expressed concerns that marks had been deducted for scientifically correct answers which were not politically accepted".
It's almost to the point where I expect the Thought Police to just point and squeal at the normal humans the way Donald Sutherland did same in Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.
Well done Andrew. Next weekend's letters page should make interesting reading.
Very well done Andrew.
Congratulation, a good write up. But no link made about the activities of the WWF in schools which I find a bit creepy.
From WWF "Our work with schools"
"What you are imagining is a sustainable school: a place committed to reducing its impact on the planet here and now; a place which prepares young people to act as drivers for sustainability in the future; a place with a vision of how people and nature can live in harmony, on a thriving, green planet.
This is the vision behind WWF’s schools programme – a programme which strives to reach out towards the 10.3 million highly influential young people who enter our schools five days a week, 40 weeks of the year."
Link here http://www.wwf.org.uk/what_we_do/working_with_schools/our_work_with_schools/
A surprisingly positive writeup, for the MSM (OK, the Scottish chapter of, but it might spread).
Well done Bish,
I saw an example of this pernicious corruption/invasion of the education system on the BBC Canada network this week on the programme "George Clarkes Small Spaces".
A school, and I'm sorry I did not catch the name, in the UK had commissioned a project to convert two transportation containers into a "sustainability science classroom". The deputy head who was in charge of the project talked constantly about his "eco-warriors" who had come up with the design and contents of the completed space. It made my stomach turn to watch the young children parroting what appeared to be an indoctrination they had been subjected to, the interesting part was that there was little to no "passion" on their faces when asked to explain what the facility did and in fact they had to led by the nose to make the requisite comments for the camera.
Blimey. Sometimes I allow myself a small cheer.
The last sentence is reassuring though:
From www.sustainable-environment.org.uk
I guess that when you have a Top-Down approach at the same time as a Bottom-Up approach then your only problem will be when these approaches tend towards the centre? Oh, Lew' I can just see myself being pointed at now, (re. the harkin comment above).
Well, well,
!!That sounds like progress. Almost as if it is now actually considered legitimate to disagree and be sceptical about global warming.
Keep up the good work. It is a slow hard grind and so many of our institutions of learning are in the hands of " progressives".
Here in Australia we have " cross- curricula priorities" including the teaching in all subjects for term after term of " sustainability". This includes heavy doses of global warming correctness. I suspect that Al Gore's movie is well received. A spokesman for our CSIRO reportedly said ( with less than glowing praise ) that there was " a lot of good science" in that film. Without the " health warning " that Justice Burton required be distributed in the UK with the film, it no doubt continues to misinform both students and their teachers.
Good stuff, Bish!
When I was taught in school that all known oil reserves would be completely exhausted by the year 2000, the take home lesson many years later was to be sceptical of energy related claims until satisfactory evidence was produced.
Australia is now on a similar path.
Officials have proposed three strands for a cross curriculum, being topics that should be selected to provide working examples for all study topics taught at schools.
The topics are Aboriginal history, sustainability in the environment (or more broadly) and Australia's engagement in Asia.
One can subjective some exciting alternatives, like past inventions that have changed the course of mankindl or the development and spread of world languages and tribes. And many more that have not been blatantly captured by spcial interest activist groups.
Thank you Andrew, for the publicity and concern you express.
Excellent stuff, Bish - as others have already mentioned, the fact that this got published at all is a good sign.
A future goal will be to educate the public that a climate sceptic is not necessarily someone who "does not believe global warming is manmade". Give it time, though.
The leftist in Norway argued many years ago that it was morally wrong to indoctrinate young defenseless children with Christian values and belief at school. They argued that Christianity could only be introduced to children when they had matured to think for them self and be critical.
What is strange is that the leftist now do the same with indoctrinating young defenseless children with political radical based environmentalism and CAGW in schools?
Given that AGW is now the main religion of the 21st Century, the 'Conscience Clause' in the Education Act 1980 (Scotland) is somewhat ironic:
Good one, lapogus, now all the scots have to do is demonstrate that CAGW is a religion and all the skeptics can pull their kids out of school!
Lapogus: Re parents withdrawing children from religious subjects. IIRC a year or two ago a man won an industrial tribunal case based on 'religious' grounds, those being that he was a believer in AGW and Green philosophies and that his employer was forcing him to go against these. He won his case.
(Just found the link - in the Guardian, of course: Here )
Update: For those who don't follow the link, the judge came up with five tests of whether a belief was a religion or not:
It is a pity that Scottish (and English, Welsh and Northern Irish) schools don't teach their students about the infamous Club of Rome report on the Limits to Growth report published in 1972. Its warnings of impending doom because of exhaustion of natural resources and the growth of population and pollution were all justified by impressive computer models. Fortunately for us all the main predictions all turned out to be wrong.
Once bitten, twice shy.
I learned to program in DYNAMO (the language of their model that made writing simultaneous D.E.s quite easy) and I was on a small team looking at the model on behalf of the Rothschild Think Tank. We looked at their claims on certain key resources and concluded that they were alarmist. I always enjoyed the de-bunk published by Prof Wilfred Beckerman a little later - particularly when he pointed out that if transport growth trends had been maintained from the 18the century, England would be under 6 ft of horse manure.
Great to see this! Inch by inch, and all that. I think it is a very good article indeed, and the journalist Paula Murray did a good job there, although she, quite understandably in this polarised area, failed to pick up on the GWPF's neutrality on the science of global warming. Mind you, these days, neutrality on this topic is surely enough to enrage the already often somewhat apoplectic climate alarm zealots who wish us to take their word for it that all is done and dusted (or 'settled' if you like).
I went to their website to confirm my understanding of the GWPF position, which is that they take no specific position on the relative importance of possible causes of global warming, other than to assert that the science is not yet settled in that area. For example, these quotes are taken from their website :
Here are some recent informed commentaries which add credence to their stance on the science. The first is from another newspaper article, published 2 days ago and by Lennart Bengtsson, who was until 1990 Director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg:
This was reported on at the by the GWPF and originally published, in German, on 14th April in the 'Neue Zürcher Zeitung'
The second is from WUWT yesterday, in a post from Larry Hamlin, retired Southern California Edison vice president of power production and former state energy construction czar, and is about some of the limitations of the big climate models:
Thank you for that prompt/link, Fay Tuncay (Apr 15, 2014 at 10:46 PM). We do note the goings-on of the WWF in the main report:
And in our conclusions:
We encourage parents, as well as the government, to find out more about what is happening in their schools, and we hope the report will add some strength to their various elbows in getting prepared to do just that.
@Harry Passfield: It's pretty obvious to me that CAGW is a religion, it has many or all of the characteristics, but that judge's final paragraph of requirements is an interesting one: "It must be...not conflict with the fundamental rights of others."
Based on that, CAGW would definitely qualify as a religion, but I doubt whether Islam would; I imagine beheading someone probably does conflict with their fundamental rights.
I can understand the judge being sniffy about Jedis.
Many people claim to be Jedi on their census form - when they are clearly Sith.
Oh, that kind of class climate change bias.
Nice one.
For a moment, I thought it was social class, not school class.
As in, weathier and better-educated people are less inclined to believe in CAGW.
Bishop interesting your report is getting traction at the same time as several School Boards in Birmingham believed to have been infiltrated by Islamic Extremist are being investigated by anti terror police.
Michael Hart,
"Well, well,
"A leading climate sceptic..."
That sounds like progress. Almost as if it is now actually considered legitimate to disagree and be sceptical about global warming."
I disagree, I thought that "climate sceptic" was a derogatory (and meaningless) term ?
Blood moon was a sign from GOD and now a 'HUGE EVENT' will strike mankind, warns church
Rev Michael Mann apparently.
Cheers John Shade re: WWF reference.
In the 1940s what did our grandfathers die for?
Also let's not forget to mention Kurt Waldheim, became UN secretary general in 1972 and started the UNEP. Waldheim hid his Nazi war crimes exposed late in his career. Looking at where we are now, the Nazi Green cult wasn't crushed in 1945, but was embraced by the elite in the UN.
More on the Nazi Green cult.
"We recognize that separating humanity from nature, from the whole of life, leads to humankind’s own destruction and to the death of nations. Only through a re-integration of humanity into the whole of nature can our people be made stronger. That is the fundamental point of the biological tasks of our age. Humankind alone is no longer the focus of thought, but rather life as a whole . . . This striving toward connectedness with the totality of life, with nature itself, a nature into which we are born, this is the deepest meaning and the true essence of National Socialist thought."
Ernst Lehmann, Biologischer Wille. Wege und Ziele biologischer Arbeit im neuen Reich, München, 1934