Bishop Hill

More AR5 hearings

The next batch of hearings for the Energy and Climate Change Committee's inquiry into the Fifth Assessment Report will take place next Tuesday:
9:30 am; The Wilson Room, Portcullis House
- Sir Peter Williams, Royal Society
- Dr Emily Shuckburgh, Royal Meteorological Society
Followed by
- Guy Newey, Policy Exchange
- Jonathan Grant, PricewaterHouse Coopers
- James Painter, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford
I wonder what they are going to ask this lot about?
Reader Comments (13)
I wonder what they are going to ask this lot about?
One thing we know they are not going to ask. Why is there no trade union representative to speak on behalf of oil and gas workers before the panel, while they have a PWC chap to represent the interests of cynical capitalist pigs seeking to make a buck out of the climate doomsday hysteria?
Jonathan Grant - Director Carbon markets & climate policy at PWC (long cv of working in climate change areas so career depends on gravy train continuing).
Guy Newey - Head of Environment and Energy at Policy Exchange, principally an environmental journalist (basically an English lit degree with a MSc in environment tech, so knows environmental issues but doesn't have the solid in-depth degree level science to support his environment knowledge).
James Painter - journalist at Oxford uni teaching communication of climate change to geography students. Former BBC man with links to NGOs.
Reads like 3 men who'll want the gravy train to continue.
I know Shuckbergh is an alarmist, and I expect Williams to be an alarmists coming from the Royal Society after the public pronouncements of that organisation (but you never know, he might be a proper 'sober dispassionate objective scientist' (do they still exist?)), so basically it sounds like 5 alarmists to me. So it will be a bit of a one sided debate this one.
Wowee, that's gonna be entertaining! Who, is speaking for the people?
Paint drying observation competiton.
" I wonder what they are going to ask this lot about."
Looks like another "getting the message across" session.
Eventually it will become obvious to our elected that in the WWW age it is data and not
propagandajournalism that gets the message across.It is still a mystery to me how people are selected to give oral evidence.
Painter gave evidence to the last inquiry, on public communication.
Since this one is supposed to be about AR5 WG1 and the physical science, it's hard to see what the relevance of the last 3 is.
Looking again at the written submissions I see there is a new one, from Piers Corbyn. If he were invited to give oral evidence that would provide some entertainment.
Let's face it, Global Warming is now such a massive industry that its proponents are going to hang on for dear life. This vast scam enriches the scoundrels who operate it, and impoverishes the rest of us. Corrupt, corrupt, corrupt.
If a 17 year hiatus doesn't derail the global warming gravy train, I see no reason why a 27-year or 37-year hiatus should. Imagine being an atheist in the eleventh century, observing the rise of a great cathedral, questioning the rationale behind the whole project. Then, as now, inconvenient facts shall not be allowed to get in the way of a power grab.
The guiltiest men are in the Royal Society who have betrayed their vocation and deceived government.
The guiltiest men are in the Royal Society who have betrayed their vocation and deceived government.
I'd put the Met Office scientific management before them. The RS are followers. The Met Office are the leaders.
Well they are all warmists or on the trough, however Painter has written a book on Climate Skeptisim within the media.
They are rattled.
They don't like the truth being printed about the falsehoods of the warmist' dodgy science.
Quite probably Lindzen and Lafrombois told them what they did not want to hear.
The MSM excluding the BBC and the Groan, are starting to tell the truth and they don't like it one little bit.
How will they attempt to gag the press on this one?
That is in my opinion what they are trying to achieve.
They are going to be led, by mostly softball questions, through a sham excercise designed to justify ignoring the evidence against AGW and those who dare to point out that evidence.
I wonder what they are going to ask this lot about?
"How can you be so sure what needs to be done, when you know even less about the basics than us ?"
They are calling in the official climate policy gate-keepers - so it is worth mentioning the Asch Conformity Experiment, because it offers us an insight into how AGW climate conformity will be on show next Tuesday.
I fear climate conformity will not be challenged by our two 'Paleo-Labour' MPs, but Lilley and Stringer might spot it.
WATCH: Asch Conformity Experiment
They will be asked how to put lipstick on the pig.
On now at