Bishop Hill

Yeover and out

Guido is reporting that Tim Yeo has been deselected.
The South Suffolk Conservative Association have voted not to re-adopt Tim Yeo MP as their candidate for the next General Election. Selection for the South Suffolk constituency will be opened in due course.
My guess is that Cameron will elevate him to the House of Lords.
Reader Comments (56)
Yeo in the Lords is a symbol of Cameron's corrupt party And great advertising for UKIP
is the line that we should strongly push,
... cos it is strongly in the interests of humanity that the corrupt and illogical are kept out of lawmaking
Lord Yeo of Hogtrough ?
with thanks to "It doesn't add up...."
I imagine he was doomed the moment that Cameron gave him his unqualified support.
Excellent news if a long time in coming!! Many of the rank and file are really fed up with the candidates imposed upon them from above.
Cameron too has been a disaster for the Conservative party and is absolutely loathed by many in the grassroots. Equivalent to the US RINOS, ie a Conservative in name only, no one has worked harder to trash the party so it would be quite in keeping for him to appoint Yeo to the Lords.
And yes the Lords performed much better when the hereditaries were there rather than the party placemen it's now packed with. Blair decimated our Constituion with all the changes he implemented and it was no coincidence I reckon that one of his first accomplishments in office was to get rid of the death penalty for treason.
"My guess is that Cameron will elevate him to the House of Lords"
Were I betting man, I would put money on it.
Not that anyone would give me worthwhile odds.
jamesp - you took the post right out of my mouth. As it were.