So, greens are totalitarians. Just as we thought.

The Greens have decided to enliven things by calling for a purge of heretics from within the government machine:
The Green Party of England and Wales has called for a purge of government advisors and ministers who do not share its views on climate change.
Any senior advisor refusing to accept "the scientific consensus on climate change" should be sacked, it said.
Party leader Natalie Bennett said the rule must apply to all senior advisors, including those with no responsibility for environmental issues.
It's rather like the Socialist Workers Party isn't it? Wannabe Lenins and teen revolutionaries who never quite grew up. Sad really.
Reader Comments (93)
What were you saying about the Delingpole analysis?
Quite the persuasive charmer isn’t she ?
Given a platform by the BBC even though she’s never won a public election
just wonderful
ps. see Hariban is out n about on Twitter waving the Green Flag (not the one with the crossed scimitars+palm tree on it)
I love it. Almost every aspect of this woman's statement is either outrageous, stupid or just plain wrong. It speaks volumes about her party. Well done.
A lot of people forget that the origins of the green movement are deeply intertwined with the growth of German nationalist "Volkisch" movement and, ultimately, aspects of National Socialism.
"Ecofascism" isn't just a cheap jibe.
Good to have them out in the open, isn't it?
It cuts both ways.Lets hope I live long enough to see anyone answering yes to the question " Are you or have you ever been a member of the Labour Party" unable to stand for Parliament, get a job on any council or quango, be a schoolteacher.....I thought about adding not being allowed to have a passport but come to think of it if they want to clear off lets not stand in their way.
I wonder if the BBC supports the green policy.......
Has Natalie Bennett ever heard of Senator Joseph McCarthy? Probably not because she was born in 1966 and, according to Wikipedia, it was her birthday four days ago (belated Happy Returns, Natalie). She probably thinks that anything that happened before she was born is very ancient history and might as well have happened before the Flood - no, you Greens, not the one in Somerset but the one in the days of Noah and the Ark.
Greenpeace is having a go too with 3 reasons why Patterson shuld go. Some of the comments are priceless, especially one commentator called Maria who seems heavily into 'believing'.
Schrodinger’s Cat (et al): don’t gloat; these sick things do seem to have a knack of coming true.
BTW, why do so many of these people sound antipodean? Perhaps, realising that their tenure “down under” was soon to end, they came here, to people who are even more gullible?
Cool! Can we also get rid of people in power who disagree with the consensus on the safety of GM foods and nuclear power?
Hello? Greenpeace? Hello? Oh dear, they've hung up.
... or we could purge all the Greens.
Tomo mentions the "Delingpole Analysis".
In case you hadn't heard, JD no longer blogs for the Telegraph, but as from Monday will be blogging for Breitbart (London),
unconstrained by the Telegraph's 'immoderation'.
He will not be subject to 'komments klosed' every time a topic is regarded as taboo.
You will also doubtless be pleased to know that his war on 'Eco-fascism' will be unabated or even accelerated.
3:19 PM Grumpy
thanks - I larfed - then I looked at CFB and acolytes pffff......
@John B - if they carry on like this you might just get that....
For some arcane reason this quoted conversation between J. Stalin and Zinoviev (longtime head of the Communist International & later executed after a Stalin show trial) came to mind:
Zinoviev: What are you afraid of? Why are you trying to hide our platform? What does this say about your courage?
Stalin: We do not want to turn the party into a discussion club.
The day she was appointed she was let loose on Radio 5. During her party political, she stated that the "Green economy" now constituted 11% of GDP.
Intrigued by this claim, I contacted the Green Party to ask for citations for this figure.
I'm still awaiting a reply.
She's a shocker. Who the blue blazes does she think she is?
Totalitarians admit to being totalitarians shock.
This lady is doing a marvellous job of proving her unfitness for Political or any other office.
I think even the reporter isn't quite believing it so he's asking her to spell it out, very slowly, very clearly, with an obviously silly example, so she can't say she meant something different in the future.
I've noted on some alarmist blogs that they are very "worried" about the BBC and "false balance" these days.
Oh dear, how sad. Never mind.
I propose a purge of all those in the BBC who read the Guardian & Independent newspapers...
In fact, while we are at it, why don't we just have a purge of all Guardian and Independent readers everywhere, along with Liberal Democrats from Government and elsewhere and anyone else whose opinion differs from mine.
I tell you what Natalie Bennett - if you and the Green Party can achieve a parliamentary majority through the democratic election process then, even though I disagree with your views completely, I would accept that it would be the will of the people and you would be entitled to implement your policy, however misguided I might consider it to be.
On the other hand, should some other political party achieve a parliamentary majority through the same democratic election process and proceed to dismantle the insane and ludicrous climate change policies of previous governments then I would expect you would have the good grace to accept that is also the will of the people.
If you don't I suspect you are either living in the wrong country (try Cuba, North Korea, Zimbabwe where your talents for totalitarianism might be more acceptable) or the wrong period in history (you might find pre-WW2 Russia or Germany more amenable to your views).
Eco-fascist is definitely the correct label. And what the hell is the BBC doing giving a platform to this woman?
Transcribed for posterity here:
Presumably they'll be sentenced to death by drowning.
They just can't help themselves can they. They're too far gone to appreciate how authoritarian they are, its seriously worrying that these people get anywhere near the levers of power.
Eco-fascist is definitely the correct label. And what the hell is the BBC doing giving a platform to this woman?
Feb 14, 2014 at 4:09 PM | Registered Commenterthinkingscientist
Give them enough rope..........!
Burned at an eco friendly stake might release to much CO2 so bio hand strangling is suggested.
/sarc off
@ thinkingscientist
"I propose a purge of all those in the BBC who read the Guardian & Independent newspapers..."
What? Who would be left? The cleaners?
Bob Ward has a piece about floods in the Guardian. It seems to be an attack on sceptics, so no change there. I didn't have the stomach to read it in detail. A quick scan of the comments revealed all sorts of toxic views so I left them to it.
The more moderate members of the alarmist community should be ashamed of these people. The Guardian is so good at dredging the depths they should move to Somerset.
Now that Araucaria , RIP, has passed on what is the Guardian even for?
I am grateful for the reminder of why I became sceptical of AGW in the first place. The thought of such people as the arbiters of the truth and the guardians of the future, unable to conceal their pure will to dominate. Nowhere can you discern an iota of self doubt and the essential humanity this would reveal. All that appears is hatred of the human race inspired by delusions of intellectual grandeur. They should be pitied as well as despised.
"poor squirrels"
"poor, poor bears"
Look Back in Anger
Bishop Hill
Proposed Green purge
Since noone has mentioned Lysenko so far:
'In 1935, Lysenko compared his opponents in biology to
the peasants who still resisted the Soviet government's
collectivization strategy, saying that by opposing his
theories the traditional geneticists were setting
themselves against Marxism. Stalin was in the audience
when this speech was made, and he was the first one to
stand and applaud, calling out "Bravo, Comrade Lysenko.
Bravo." This event emboldened Lysenko and gave him and
his ally Prezent free rein to slander the geneticists
who still spoke out against him. Many of Lysenkoism's
opponents, such as his former mentor Nikolai Ivanovich
Vavilov, were imprisoned or even executed because of
Lysenko's and Prezent's denunciations.
On August 7, 1948, the V.I. Lenin Academy of
Agricultural Sciences announced that from that point on
Lysenkoism would be taught as "the only correct theory".
Soviet scientists were forced to denounce any work that
contradicted Lysenko's research.[3] Criticism of Lysenko
was denounced as "bourgeois" or "fascist", and analogous
"non-bourgeois" theories also flourished in other fields
in the Soviet academy at this time (see Japhetic theory;
socialist realism). Interestingly, perhaps the only
opponents of Lysenkoism during Stalin's lifetime to
escape liquidation came from the small community of
Soviet nuclear physicists: as Tony Judt has observed,
"Stalin left his nuclear physicists alone... [He] may
well have been mad but he was not stupid."[4]'
Stephen Prower
Friday 14 February 2014
Mad Mehdi joining in, too, at that bastion of grown-up journalism, the Huffington Post.
Give the BBC journalist a medal..
He absolutely persuaded her to say exactly what she meant. In very specific detail. No wriggle room
nobody expects the greenie inquisition
will Julia slingo be anointed Dame Torquemada
And at the Wythenshawe by-election the Greens vote was one-sixth that of Ukip.
I thought they were plumbing the depths with Caroline Lucas, but Natalie Bennett is even worse. She is doing Ukip no harm whatsoever.
A laugh a minute. These people are wonderful.
Natalie Bennett in particular would have been a wow in Salem as witch finder in chief.
And these people have the nerve to think themselves liberals.
Talk about useful idiots. Stalin would have loved them.
Phillip Bratby, while Natalie Bennett may be doing Ukip no harm whatsoever, that airhead on Question Time last night certainly did!
Perhaps we could take this opportunity to ask the Green party to define exactly and precisely what they think " the scientific consensus on climate change is". The response(s?) should be good for a laugh.
I hope the population will see this for what it is FASCISM.
Does this woman still have a valid visa
Natalie *Blut und Boden* Bennett
Has she bought her outbound flight ticket?
This must be the latest Green Party initiative. Caroline Lucas opened PMQs yesterday with a question trying to relate the floods to AGW, the question she really wanted to put to the PM was 'should he have an Environment Secretary who doesn't believe', but she waffled for so long her question was choked off by the Speaker. It was just audible to TV viewers, but I don't think Cameron heard it.
How green was my valley ...
Why stop at purging them? Any opponent of the Greens is obviously a traitor to the human race.
We should bring back eyeball-gouging, breaking on the wheel, and boiling in natural bio-generated non-fossil oil....
Wow. Just FREAKING wow.
What is wrong with England nowadays? In my country (The Netherlands) the Greens are pretty stupid, confrontational and unrealistic, but nothing like this...
This I would expect in Germany maybe, or some more totalitarian state. But not good old England, that wonderfull country I have so many great childhood memories of? What a fracking tragedy this is, I am sorry to say.
What's wrong?
The end result of thirty years of Post-Modern control of the education and media. This is what happens when intelligence disconnects from reality and its consequences.
Read Thomas Sowell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERj3QeGw9Ok
Stuck record,
Sorry man. ;-) I got a little emotional. I will check your link, thanks!!
OK, I do know it's not original, but it doesn't hurt for the retelling: "First they came for the 'deniers'...." (And if you responded to this with a dismissive chuckle.....) <sigh>
Shades of the "Second Red Scare"
Senator Joseph McCarthy would have been proud of this
Greenpeace spokesperson.
Recently the way people recite 'it's not warming, it's climate change' has sounded so much like Orwell's 1984 and 'black is white' as a catch phrase.
I think it’s clear what has happened: the Greens have finally been absorbed into cultural Marxism. Their minds have become fully imbued with the principles of Critical Theory, viz:
1) Exaggerate and dramatise the defects of the society you are attacking;
2) Invite everyone to view your proposed ‘solutions’ through rose tinted spectacles;
3) Ruthlessly suppress every alternative viewpoint.
They are now fully programmed Useful Idiot Lefties, and will continue on the automatic pilot until they have destroyed our entire civilisation. Only then will they wake up and realise that they, too, are disposable.
We have been warned.