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The self-awareness of the green

The sad fact is that quite often legitimate camps can be a magnet for alcoholics, people with severe mental health disorders, people who have no genuine interest in the issues and people who simply think it funny to disrupt other people's hard work.

A Barton Moss protestor, busy disrupting the hard work of iGas employees, muses on those firing flares at the police.

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Reader Comments (29)

Yes, but once you remove all those people, who are the three who are left? A journalist, a Greenpeace employee and an Oxbridge student wanting to do something before the college starts again.

Jan 10, 2014 at 1:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterTheBigYinJames

Is Prajna there ?

Jan 10, 2014 at 1:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterMorph

The first rule of Flare club........

Jan 10, 2014 at 1:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterLord Beaverbrook


Jan 10, 2014 at 1:23 PM | Registered CommenterGreen Sand

"alcoholics, people with severe mental health disorders" - I thought that was the typical Green demonstrator!

Jan 10, 2014 at 1:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterCharmingQuark

10.01.2014 11:13
My comments are no longer relevant as the individual has left.
Please stop talking about this, it does not serve the needs of the protest

Sorry Rachel, but if a crime has been committed and you knew about it and denied it you are an accessory after the fact to that crime. The perpetrator leaving the camp does not change that. I am sure the police will want to talk to you again.

Jan 10, 2014 at 1:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterIvor Ward

The sad fact is that quite often legitimate camps can be a magnet for ....

Makes you wonder what sort of people turns up at the illegitimate camps which also appear frequently

Jan 10, 2014 at 1:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterRick Bradford

With snow forecast, I wonder if the protesters will be using clean-burning fossil fuels to keep warm?

Presumably local Environmental Health Officers will be on hand to ensure they don't burn any biomass which produces 'visible particulates', in contravention of the Clean Air Act.

Jan 10, 2014 at 2:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterJoe Public

"Rachael" doesn't come across as particularly honest, does she?

Makes you wonder about how much anything they say about fracking can be trusted, as apparently the cause is more important than the truth. But we knew that.

I hope she and the others who from the comments on that site clearly know exactly who was responsible, despite denying everything, get done as accessories. This sort of stuff falls under the Air Navigation Order, and the penalties are severe. Imprisonment is very likely.

Jan 10, 2014 at 2:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterNW

"My comments are no longer relevant"

Apart from the fact they demonstrate we can't trust a word you say.

Jan 10, 2014 at 2:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterNial

"a magnet for alcoholics"

And, er, jobseekers. I'm sure the DWP could do useful research at these gatherings.

Jan 10, 2014 at 2:56 PM | Registered Commenterjamesp

Joe public, the protesters regularly ask for more petrol on twitter. They even accepted coal.

Jan 10, 2014 at 3:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterSadButMadLad

That quote is priceless and applies equally well seagull fodder like Ed "special needs" Davey and his fellow travellers.

Jan 10, 2014 at 3:27 PM | Unregistered Commentermoronoclast

Did Rachel only lie to the press or did she also lie to the police? If it is the latter I hope they throw the book at her!

Jan 10, 2014 at 3:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterFarleyR

Found it:
Article 73 of the Air Navigation Order - "recklessly endangering an aircraft" carries a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment.

The rest of them are clearly guilty of attempting to pervert.

Jan 10, 2014 at 4:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterNW

A pity that Rachel Thompson does not know the correct meaning of the word "refute".

It's used so often these days by the ignorant when they mean "deny" that that meaning has found its way into the dictionary (although as "disputed").

So shall we soon be hearing about "climate change refuters"? I hope so.

Jan 10, 2014 at 4:16 PM | Registered CommenterMartin A


There could be further offences depending on the nature of the flare. E.g. were it fired from a Verey pistol.

Jan 10, 2014 at 4:51 PM | Unregistered Commentercosmic

Cosmic, very unlikely. I think the references to a flare pistol were attempts to mislead by the protestors. A flare pistol is covered by the stupid post Dunblane handgun regulations i.e. very illegal indeed and even a green protester wouldn't be stupid enough to cart one around.

Far more likely to have been a marine pyrotechnic which are trivially easy to acquire and legal to posess - probably an out of date one from Daddy's yacht. Unfortunately they have to be really out of date before they tend to explode in the users hand.

Jan 10, 2014 at 4:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterNW

They seem to be having problems agreeing on a narrative. The 8th comment, from a person also posting the email address of the anti-frack group, claims:
"No flare has ever been fired from Barton Moss Protection Camp and we are now in discussions with lawyers over the actions of Greater Manchester Police."

After the 2nd comment has stated:
"There are simply too many people who saw it happen to try and claim it was a cop fit up when it wasn't. I'm not in any way defending what the cops did and I was one of those who had their tent turned over by them... "

Jan 11, 2014 at 3:56 AM | Unregistered Commentermichaelhart

So nothing happened, and anyway the person who did it has left the camp. They are not even good liars.

t will be interesting to see if the police get anywhere with this, there is a good chance of orders from the top to drop it.

Also it appears that the usual deep pockets in the background are providing expensive lawyers.

Jan 11, 2014 at 8:34 AM | Unregistered CommenterNW

"Please stop talking about this" tells you all you need to know really.

Jan 11, 2014 at 9:01 AM | Registered Commenterthrog

Once Total start fracking, I suspect they might invest quite 'heavily' in security people... (sorry - no pun intended - but - hey..! quite droll, actually...)
'Allo, sunshine - forming a cordon, was it..? Oh, dear - you seem to have fallen over - please get your face out from under my boot, there's a love...'
Not that I condone violence of any sort, you understand...

Jan 11, 2014 at 2:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterSherlock1

oops Bishop, still catching up with your posts, so after adding to last relevant post will add this here as well adding to Comment left by 'michaelhart' :-)

I see the damage limitation/PR comments have now clarified things on -

10.01.2014 18:37
Hi all,

The person posting under the name Rachel is a troll and is not the Rachel Thompson mentioned in the article. Unfortunately, anybody can post under any name on here. No flare has ever been fired from Barton Moss Protection Camp and we are now in discussions with lawyers over the actions of Greater Manchester Police.

Frack Free Greater Manchester

11.01.2014 13:09

If you were actually on camp this wouldn't be news to you, what would have been news would be that there was a flare, considering it did not happen. Feel free to ask anybody else on camp about the legal action as we have a pretty good team of lawyers working on it.

Frack Free Gtr Manchester

"pretty good team of lawyers working on it." ?

not bad for -
"A network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues."

Jan 11, 2014 at 9:04 PM | Unregistered Commenterdougieh

Just had to add this from -

Support the Barton Moss Protection Camp!
Support the fight to stop fracking everywhere!

Sunday 12th January

Assemble: 12.30pm – Salford City Red’s Stadium carpark (M30 7EY)

Call out to everyone opposed to turning Greater Manchester, other parts of the UK, and elsewhere in the World into a fracking hell!

BRING YOUR OWN PLACARDS, BANNERS & TORCHES (for twilight torchlit procession!)

Everyone who is able to, is now being encouraged to assemble at the Salford City Red’s Stadium car park, Stadium Way, Eccles, M30 7EY at 12.30pm, and to march from there, with their banners and placards, up the wide cycle path of the A57 to the junction of Barton Moss Road/Liverpool Road, Barton, Eccles M30 7RL for the rally there at 1.30pm. After that to march to the camp and entrance to the drill site, and then back to the Stadium car park afterwards.


they are going to march from and back to the car park ?

Jan 11, 2014 at 9:23 PM | Unregistered Commenterdougieh

It seems that firing flares at police helicopters is acceptable behaviour - as long as the used flare is located, placed in a little flare bag and put in a bin

Jan 12, 2014 at 4:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterMr Bliss

They're carrying a banner saying "Power to the People".
This is beyond satire.

Jan 12, 2014 at 10:42 PM | Unregistered Commenterkellydown

they got first story/headline (fracking bad, nobody wants it here bbc bias guff) on northwest tonight bbc local outfit, 250 ish turned up.
can't find a link but found this amusing link for ECO warior needs

from -

Anti-Frack Protection Camp Barton Moss


A camp is now established but needs some trimmings. Below is a list of things that would be helpful.

Drivers and vehicles
At the moment we really need help with picking up useful equipment. So if you’re up for driving and can drive/have a large vehicle, come introduce yourself to the camp or email

Fuel and power

110Ah (ish) leisure batteries (to store solar panel charge)
20Ah (ish) leisure batteries (for running LED lighting from)
Tealights and candles, lanterns/empty jam jars

Shelter and Flooring

waterproof tarpaulins (all used to create nice floors in communal areas so that people stay warm and dry)
Plywood or MDF sheets (at least 18 millimetres thick) and about 10 metres of chickenwire for the kitchen area. This provides an easy to clean, non-slip floor
Hazel poles (ideally no less than inch diameter/10m tall)
Parachute cord/ 6mil poly prop rope/ rope
Blankets, sleeping bags, roll mats, warm clothing (socks and thermals)

Kitchen stuff

Water containers (sturdy jerry can types, 10ltrs – 25ltrs)
Waterproof, lidded storage boxes (big ones!)
Waterproof tupperware
Sturdy shelves
Draining racks
Tea Towels
Camping stove gas canisters
Plates, bowls, mugs,
plastic chopping boards
Spatulas, kitchen knives, wooden spoons, scissors
Frying pan
Washing up bowls
Bin bags/bins
Stiff broom, dustpan and brush
Burkos/Hot water urns (gas powered if possible)
Large thermos flasks (to keep large quantities of water hot)
Trugs/large waterproof containers to put dirty washing up in
Washing up liquid, sponges, surface cleaner spray, cloths
Bread crates/supermarket crates to keep items off the ground
First aid kit; plasters, sterilising wipes, bandages

Toilet stuff

containers for wee (25ltrs max, otherwise they’re too heavy to carry. Must have screw top lids for spill free transport!)
Wheelie Bins
Bags of sawdust (Sawdust is tipped into the loo after a poo. It stops it smelling and helps it compost)
Toilet roll
Antibacterial hand gel


Sturdy tables
milk crates (to sit on)
Shelves (super stable, with a low centre of gravity)
Clothes drying racks
A shed
A geodome/ Yurt/ Big communal structures


Electric drill
1 ½ inch screws
1 ½ inch nails
Gardening tools (shears, loppers, forks)
Hi vis vests


Hazel poles for making benders/wood stores
Timber for building
Lockable cash box
Gaffer tape/string/cable ties/staple gun, staples
paint brushes, marker pens, pens, pencils, paper, fabric, sticks for making placards
Tarpaulins (the blue plasticy ones, just for covering things)


Cooking oil
Fresh bread, spread
Fruit and veg
Tea and coffee

Nice treats/Long shots

Communal tobacco
Communal laptop for the tech tent/media team

Ways to help if you are local

Come and say hello, we’re friendly, peaceful people. Children, feel free to bring your parents
Offering laundry facilities
Offering shower facilities
Offering internet facilities
Battery charging
Ferrying people around
Picking up/delivering useful equipment like straw bales and cooking gear
Hot cooked donations
Organising workshops or events at the camp so everyone can get to know each other
Support TPV - Free or for Donation Guided Meditation Tracks

The UK Column is an independent news publisher online, in print and on video .... tackling corruption and injustice in the UK.

.............. end

Jan 13, 2014 at 1:08 AM | Unregistered Commenterdougieh

Can you imagine the kerfuffle if a drill crew just camped on the roadside, without even spending a year going through permissions and compliances, let alone paying any respect to camping and building permissions?

Why does an anti-drill crew get such a free ride by comparison?

Meanwhile, the BBC radio this morning continued with its compulsory use of the "controversial" appendage to the "process known as fracking" but not to the attempted blockades, which are apparently completely uncontroversial.

Jan 13, 2014 at 9:52 AM | Unregistered Commenterkellydown

Most of the things they are asking for would be non existent or prohibitively expensive in the society they are trying to create. Hell of a lot of plastic and hydrocarbons in that list, which also demonstrates their complete inability to survive without it. These are urban creatures out of their environment.

A lot of the stuff they are asking for (for free, naturally, no need to spend the rich backers money if idiots will give you stuff) is the same sort of stuff left in the field at Balcome when they had no further use for it there.

Jan 13, 2014 at 4:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterNW

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