Bishop Hill

Morning Reports

I did a interview for BBC Radio Five's Morning Reports slot. I think Bob Ward must have choked on his breakfast because he was tweeting furiously about it before I'd even got out of bed.
The audio is below.
Reader Comments (31)
It is also typical of Mr Ward that he fulminates in his tweets about the "errors" in your interview without actually being able to identify any.
Good interview, spot on.
Nice one sir! I smiled when you slipped in the word 'consensus' when talking about the economics, and a great move to quote IPCC reports as evidence for your case. If you can work out how to fit a 97% claim in somewhere, you'll have the hat trick!
Unchallenged? Treated with respect? Uninterrupted? Was that really the BBC? Unbelievable but fantastic!
Difficult to understand what Bob found to get upset about. Well done.
Well done, thanks. I hope it had a wide audience.
Re unchallenged/uninterrupted the outro mentions they were having an Oxfam representative on later.
If nothing else it was a lot better than what the ABC (Australia) do here, it was a change in how the BBC have presented the dissenting opinion on climate change.
What an all round lovely surprise.
Treated with respect, allowed to get your views across.
And your performance was solid, informative and not 'swivel-eyed' but so utterly reasonable.
What a way to start the week.
Charlie Flindt (Sep 23, 2013 at 9:11 AM):
Yet more evidence that the BBC are beginning to back-pedal on the scam, though they don’t want to change course too quickly, just in case (hey! It might take them off-message with their luvvies!). Perhaps they are just free-wheeling at the moment.
Good interview though, your Bishness – calm, rational, measured, totally panic-free; almost guaranteed to make the AGWistas™ go apoplectic.
Well done, Bish.
As for Bob Ward ... well, I am increasingly leaning towards the conclusion that he, Mann and others dedicated to "the cause" must have sustained an early childhood psychological injury from which they have never recovered: Their respective mothers never taught them to look before they leap!
Morning report broadcasts at 5 to 5:30am so its the very early breakfast audience listening at that point or if like me, dozing while the radio is on. Certainly woke up in a pleasant mood so perhaps Andrew's considered words entered the subconscious. Perhaps Bob's behaviour is due to his eternal vigilance 24/7 to the "cause"?
The beneficial effects of warming are one of the problematic issues for the extremists as they can't distinguish between a scenario of rapid and substantive warming which would have ecological impacts affecting food production and a scenario of slow and gentle warming which has a beneficial impact on food production. Oxfam's report has a fantasy of the former whereas the IPCC is suggesting the latter will occur.
I always find that those bleating about the consensus of the IPCC don't actually understand what is within the IPCC reports. Even allowing for the expected handwaving re the pause, this report should be more timid in its claims and therefore provide more ammunition to be used to torture the likes of Bob Ward further. Heaven forbid anyone be so cruel though.
To further support the BBC's backtracking, even Newsround this morning mentioned the 'pause' in warming. That said, it was mentioned in an item blaming typhoon Usagi to climate change. So it goes...
How are the big eco-investment houses and insurance companies doing these days? I would imagine that Bob Ward would be hoping for a big boost from the IPCC report for the Grantham portfolios and the big insurance companies would hope that AR5 pins big losses on global warming. As I understand it the eco-investment/insurance world will be somewhat disappointed this time around.
Excellent interview. I hope it gets repeated when more people will be listening - but I doubt it, knowing the BBC.
First a quite reasonable report on Solar Power in last week Country File and now this by the Bish. Could we dare to hope that Horizon will do a programme comparing computer predictions with empirical observations ? We live in hope !
Ah, "tweeting furiously". A fav phrase makes a comeback.
Loved the interview, too. IMHO, you are being too charitable to climate doomsday cult by describing their beliefs as "speculative science".
Nice one, Bish! I can't believe you were allowed to get your points across without interruption!
How many people listen to Radio 5 at 5am?
When you are on the Today progamme at 8:10 I will join in the celebration.
I suppose it's a small step in the right direction.
And it's very kind of Bob Ward to give this interview publicity.
I cannot remember the last time I used the word "succinct" when describing an interview.
Brief and to the point. More like a conversation than an interview.
My comlpements also to the interviewer.
You are a threat to the scam, Your Grace, although, should the CAGW gravytrain, I'm sure that Ms Ward will find a rewarding career elsewhere .... regional Happy Meals promotion manager for McDonalds, something of that order, where an "unfinished" PhD lends appropriate weight to one's career prospects.
Few people listen at 5AM. Many more listen to the main news at 8 AM when a report about the IPPC AR5 allowed Patchy to get in uncontested. Bias at the bbc is entrenched.
Well said, clearly said.
Big kudos to you Bish'.
You came across well as always. It is encouraging that the BBC seem to be going to you for informed comment.
Excellent. Noticeably more relaxed and confident.
Look forward to news this evening.
The interviewer sounded as if she was not old enough for the 6th form!
A step in the right direction for the BBC to allow the 'Bishop' radio airtime, however early.
I daresay the programme editor figured it was too early for Helen "28gate" Boaden to be up and about, to censor her 'private' fiefdom (I imagine a £300k+ p.a. luvvie salary buys a lot of leeway in terms of Monday morning arrival time.)
And then later on TV at prime time? - blimey, the lot of them must be chewing on gravel, never mind Bob Ward!
Im alarmed that such a calm, measured and reasonable set of arguments are now occuring on the BBC, its worse than I thought and I demand immediate action to mitigate the disasterous effects that this will have on the global warming hyperventilatosphere. Im 95% certain that Mr Montford had no subsidies from fossil fuel industries, but none the less, I'll be waving my arms around, running around in circles and throwing insults in all directions, in front of anyone who will listen.
Most Reverend Bishop,
An excellent interview. Calm, clear and concise. I genuflect in your direction.
Thank you.
"Furious tweeting" by Bob Ward conjured up images of a quite stupid small bird become inordinately alarmed by a nearby but entirely imagined cat. I guess Bob is not quite so stupid as my imaginary small bird, as the Bish's calm recitation of climate facts is a huge threat to Bob's ticket to ride his alarmist gravy train.
That was excellent. I'm sure they'll ask you back in the future.