Bishop Hill

Flannery flung out

New Australian PM Tony Abbott has got straight down to the job of cleaning the Augean stables of public sector sinecures. Top of the list seems to have been Tim Flannery, the head of the Climate Commission.
PROFESSOR Tim Flannery has been sacked by the Abbott Government from his $180,000-a-year part-time Chief Climate Commissioner position, with the agency he runs to be dismantled immediately.
Environment Minister Greg Hunt called Prof Flannery this morning to tell him a letter formally ending his employment was in the mail.
Good things happen when conservatives are in power.
Reader Comments (57)
Tim Flannery was responsible for the creation of large numbers of jobs by persuading the South Australian, Victorian and NSW governments that they needed desalination plants to combat the AGW induced permanent drought that would mean the dams would never fill again. Only the South Australian plant is currently working although its water is not actually needed. State taxpayers are paying billions each year for all three plants and water bills have soared, three times in South Australia. Tim Flannery has cost Australians many time the $180 000 per year he was paid as Chief Climate Propagandist or even the tens of millions his company received in government grants for failing to develop a geothermal plant. He is a fine example of the fact that climate alarmism isn't just a game, it has significant cost implications. Costs that are not subjected to normal cost-benefit analyses.
The green agenda has had little to do with coal mining jobs in Australia. There has been some impact, more often NIMBYism using green arguments, but the overwhelming majority of job losses are due to the collapse in the demand for coal. When the upturn comes (as it will) the jobs will return and the industry will again face a skills shortage.
I say; The Flannery has hit the fan.
The Chief on Navy announced today that the redundant old oiler, HMAS Flannery was towed out through Sydney heads and sunk by naval gunfire.
I know, I shouldn't gloat but ....
More incoming centre-right goverment action
Norway abandons Mongstad carbon capture plans
PMT, I would like to hear more about what has happened in Norway.
How about posting on Unthreaded?
OK, the achronymous has a magnificent nick; I'd be jealous, but for failing to live where he does.
Joanne Nova offers a platform for Dr Flannery to communicate his important message!
Go Jo!