Bishop Hill

The low-down on windfarms

The Scottish Wild Land Group has published a special edition of its members magazine devoted to the desecration of the landscape by windfarms. This has been made available to everybody here.
It features articles by Pat Swords, Helen McDade from the John Muir Trust, and John Constable from the Renewable Energy Foundation, among many others.
Reader Comments (25)
The link does not seem to be working
It's a direct link to a largish PDF file, so won't appear immediately.
got it thanks
And an article by Christine Lovelock, James Lovelock's daughter, who is a strong campaigner in north Devon.
Will be interesting to see what The Scotsman - normally reliably pro-wind - makes of this. Or maybe it'll just ignore it.
On a quick first look, it seems to an awful lot of good sense.
But it does not seem to question the "CO2 = CAGW" myth - perhaps rightly if it's publishers want it to achieve their objectives.
It is long since past time for people who care about the environment to push back against the blight and destruction of wind mills.
Page 17 of the report - "a picture is worth a thousand words"
Martin A:
I daresay you're right about it containing a lot of good sense. And I will certainly read it to find out.
But, at my initial attempt, I gave up after reading this in the opening Editorial:
[My emphasis]That's a lot more than merely not questioning 'the "CO2 = CAGW" myth'.
The report is missing something. It should have a dedication - "to Alex Salmond without whom this work would not have been possible." After all, as it says on page 18:
Thanks to Mr Salmond's enthusiasm for turbines (he recently that tourists will come here just to see them) Scotland's countryside is carrying the main burden of the UK's wind energy programme.
If anyone in the Scottish tourist industry agrees with Alex Salmond they ought to hold a competition. The first prize would be one week touring Scotland's wind farms; the second prize - two weeks!
I am a mountaineer and love the Scottish countryside (although not always the attendant rain and midges!). However, the issue is not whether wind farms look pretty (they don't) but that they are an economically dumb solution to a probably non-problem.
I suspect that many of the contributors would have howled with outrage if the egregious example of a classic graphic fallacy (page17) were to be used for a purpose they didn't approve of. It amuses me to see them use it.
You are right. I agree.
Two thoughts:
1. If you look at things as seen from the outside world, with the Royal Society, the Met Office, the United Nations, 97% of scientists, the BBC, and every school science teacher, presenting a seamless tapestry spelling out that "CO2 = CAGW" is an established scientific fact, it would be surprising if the publishers pointed out that this is without evidence and the Royal Society, the Met Office, the United Nations, 97% of scientists, the BBC, and every school science teacher are in fact all talking rubbish, despite your and my belief that it's fact.
2. The document paints the clearest and most lucid picture I have yet come across of some aspects of the impact of The Madness. This document will probably change little or nothing on its own but a succession of publications like this will play their part in bringing the eventual end of the great delusion.
Martin A:
Re your first thought - I wouldn't for a moment expect (or wish) the Editorial to spell out a reasoned criticism of the CAGW mantra. That would be provocative and likely to undermine any good that might be done by the publication. But to go to the other extreme and overtly endorse both the mantra and the need for urgent action is disappointing - quite possibly an example of Stockholm syndrome. It would have been perfectly possible to have phrased the matter in a neutral, nuanced and non provocative manner.
Re your second thought - sounds encouraging. This battle will be won by such small steps.
Wind turbines are simply a charade being a regressive form of tax that transfers wealth from energy users, many of whom are poor, to wealthy landowners. Any impact on the environment is secondary and minor. One day we will all look back and laugh. Well, the landowners will. The legacy for our children is that they have to pay the subsidies.
Big Story: Some freak at the White House has deleted a message from Steve Goddard First Amendment breach (tax paid site) check it out its breaking now
Major alert.
The most bizarre and ridiculous green edict yet !!!!
Scottish island malt whisky distillers have been told to stop using peat as part of their distillation process.
This ingredient made them distinct from the Speyside malts for example.
Ardbeg, Bunnahabhain, Laphroaig, Lagavulin, Bowmore and several other single malt will no longer taste the same.
This to combat climate change.
The lunatics are in full control of the asylum
Now the warmists have gone too far, way, way too for. Not just a bridge too far but an ocean too far. THEY HAVE MESSED WITH THE TASTE OF SCOTCH WHISKEY. This goofiness will doom AGW!!!!
Perhaps these Brits are the only lucky ones not forced to subsidise their wind energy- we've already done that for them with our precious ring fenced foreign aid budget, to the tune of £29,800/head:
'£1.49 million spent since 2006 on a wind turbine scheme on Pitcairn, an island in the Pacific Ocean settled by the Bounty mutineers, which has a population of about 50 and where electricity has been provided by a diesel generator'
Bet they still need the diesel generator though.
Scottish island malt whisky distillers have been told to stop using peat as part of their distillation process
The Sixties gave us "That Was The Week That Was" - I remember enjoying its anarchic humour.
Now we're afflicted by "The Weak-minded That Rule us"
Peat and Duds brought up to date is no longer funny!
Time to say Goodbye..
To democracy, common-sense and political sanity.
A thousand years of progress and struggle p*ssed away by a greedy, self-seeking and sanctimonius bunch of thieving bast*rds.
I can understand the motives of the politicians- Vote for me and I'll rule over you - Scorpions can't help themselves.
But, the journalists and media commentators, how did they sink so low?
Sorry folks - I wiz only acting under orders - didn't work in the forties and won't work in the present.
Brown Coal and Draxian tree-chopping may be better for our children and their children than durdy peat in our national drink but if we could take the latter and turn it into a fuel that would be classified as a bio-renewable then 5-star Scotch may just become the tank-topper of the future.
Of all the Green lunacy out there, the destruction of the Scottish landscape is the most profoundly depressing act of all
As I suspected. Totally ignored by The Scotsman.
I wonder why? (innocent face).
No need to worry, I assume they can carry on shipping the peat to the Goa distillery.
It is the cheerful, enthusiastic and rent seeking destruction of the wide open spaces by AGW fanatics that is the biggest indicator that they and their political cronies do not give a fig about the environment, wildlife, or the climate.
I started reading the article but gave up as they agreed that we must ration our energy usage because wind farms will not deliver and are expensive. I do agree with Mr. Scrase above the damage to the land will be permanent, the foundations will be almost impossible to get rid of and by then the ground will be ruined completely. Wind Farms will destroy the Scottish Countryside, well done Salmond, that should do wonders for the tourist industry!