Radial pulses

Good to Steve M back in the saddle at CA, where he notes some comments of Keith Briffa's that would seem to condemn much of the IPCC's millennial temp reconstruction corpus to oblivion:
I very much welcome the strong position taken by Briffa and coauthors against the use of radially deformed tree ring data. I look forward to the prompt application of these standards by Mann and others to strip bark chronologies. Given realclimate’s endorsement of [Briffa 2013], I presume that realclimate will urge that all reconstructions relying on bristlecones be recalled pending assessment of radial deformation and inhomogeneity according to [Briffa 2013] standards.
Reader Comments (16)
Would "Steve McI" be better?
I think Steve McI is trying to engage dissidents these days rather than simply excite rabid nay-sayers. What i find more interesting is the impersonal, objective critique that Dr Bouldin is working towards on his Ecologically oriented blog. Taking the personallities out of it and just looking at the methods. I think the trend is towards agreeing that trees are not thermometors...so how can you can you help us?
it disheartens me that so many folks at climate audit just pile on with abuse. Do therees no one want to try to look for the truth? Sadly again,. it does not surprise me that many abusive folks also comment here. Constrctive criticism is hard to do. So no real interest in improving the science.
Constructive criticism is hard to do.
Good to see you're rolling the barrel again, Dioogenes, but the city will still fall.
Try to think about abuse (from the abused)
I call it retribution.
thanks Roy...but constructive critiques are required more than yet more nihilistic salvos....the usual suspects will no doubt queue up....(but I will not win a lotter for this prediction)
"it disheartens me that so many folks at climate audit just pile on with abuse. Do therees no one want to try to look for the truth?" --diogenes
Spoken like someone who has never hung out at climate audit.
"...Constrctive criticism is hard to do.." --diogenes
Which explains why you haven't given us any.
"So no real interest in improving the science." --diogenes
And no real ability, either, in your case.
For my part, I'm glad the good Briffa has improved the science. The Hockey Stick dies and the MWP survives.
'I call it retribution."
Is it really No Prisoners ?
Damascus, el Aurens. Damascus!
He who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind.
"radially deformed tree ring data"... shouldn't that be radically 'deformed' tree ring data ?
I suppose it's a sign of our progress that we're now arguing about what to do with the prisoners of war. I'm with Diogenes and Sun Tzu, though. Build your enemies a golden bridge to retreat across. It's good warfare.
jorgekafkazar, what on Earth is the point of your nasty posting above?
No mercy for the merciless.
Oh, but only once.
re: Jun 18, 2013 at 12:43 AM | Unregistered Commenter diogenes
I agree.
Just because they engaged in a fraud conspiracy to enrich themselves and their cronies while squandering the accumulated wealth of a generation and committed our children and our children's children to unimaginable debt, while condemning thousands to fuel poverty and death from cold, and millions of third-worlders to sickness, hunger and starvation, that doesn't mean they aren't nice people.
Can't we all just get along?
Maybe if they say "Gee, I might have been wro... er, mistaken" then we can just forgive and forget.
I consider diogenes generalised criticisms of commenters at Climate Audit to be unfair and incorrect.
It is undoubtedly one of the best blogs to read technical discussions on the subjects Steve McIntyre chooses. He can, and does, delete non-abusive posts in technical discussions where the thread is veering off-topic. I know he has done so with comments by me and he is, if anything, harsher on those who agree with him.
Most blog owners will at times mock or ridicule their opponents or their opinions. I do not consider the post in question abusive and I judged that it was one of those posts where McIntyre felt like returning a little bit of what comes from the opposite direction far more often, while still making valid scientific points.
For those that don't know, Steve McIntyre has in the past offered to be a 'witness-for-the-defense' of Michael Mann in what he considered to be abuse of process by the the Virginia State attorney-general. He is surely competent to police his own blog.
He don't need no stinkin' Zamboni.