
The Age of Global Warming - Josh 210
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Rupert Darwall gave an excellent talk which you can read in full here. It is well worth a read and might help if any of the cartoons are a tad obscure (often a problem with Climate Science). There is also a review by Rob Lyons here on Spiked Online. The cartoon notes also include the Q&A session.
Reader Comments (14)
Brilliant Josh.
The bags over the "Political Party" people should have been plastic ones.
The latest news from Stonyground towers is that the central heating has packed in. We have a choice of electricity or gas and we have a little generator for emergencies, so all is not lost. We have an immersion heater to provide hot water. We have become so used to having a warm and cosy house, that the current situation is a bit of a shock. I am writing this wearing a huge warm coat. When this kind of thing starts to hit the average sheep-like voter, maybe then our witless politicians will be brought to book.
The underlying theme here, from Matthus to Marx and various peculiarly blinkered academics from economists to climate researchers [because there are no experiments, "climatology" is not a science but a classification scheme akin to botany], is a subtle but relentless, visceral hatred of the human enterprise-- of free-market, innovative peace-and-prosperity, that is of human populations in themselves.
Anyone unfamiliar with the works of Paul Ehrlich, John Holdren, Keith Farnish, Kentti Linkola, Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber, should peruse these standard-issue ideologues with dire foreboding. Not merely the repeal of post-Enlightenment industrial/technological civilization is their remorseless stated goal, but the immediate physical --not figurative or metaphorical-- extermination of 95% of humanity's extant seven billion souls.
Rationales vary, but this much is indisputable: These Green Gangsters have forcefully reiterated, time-and-again, that humanity is "a mass of seething maggots" (Holdren) whose mere existence --nevermind continued propagation-- insults Gaia's pristine Natural Order at the root. If 6,250-million human souls do not perish "naturally," Ehrlich & Co. will gladly hasten the process, ensure that deprivation and immiseration take a hand.
After some five generations of such Thanatist drivel, anyone who thinks this an exaggeration had best reconsider. These comfortably-placed Luddite sociopaths make monuments with heaps of skulls, and they prefer you dead.
From Watts up With That
A rare pic of Hansen, Pachauri, Mann and Schmidt all together here [taxpayer is on left].
Don, if you zoom out you will see that the pig is not the taxpayer but is in fact government.
Vote pig, wyviwyg.
The book appears to unveil fascinating new insights on how the AGW agenda arose. I hope it's a bestseller.
Was the 'pie in the sky' toon a nod to Richard Griffiths?
Don (11.11pm)
Don't you see Deben and Yeo there as well?
Stonyground - sorry to hear that your central heating has packed up.. You are, of course, absolutely right - that once the lights start going out the politicians will wake up - but unfortunately not UNTIL then. But - boy - just watch them then - the fingers will be pointed at the energy companies; the grid company; the poor engineers within the grid company trying to balance supplies; the banks (not lending enough to the energy companies) - ANYONE in fact apart from themselves, who are of course the architects of the sorry state our electricity and fuel supplies are in...
Thanks Josh.
Humour is a very valuable weapon in the fight for truth, especially when wielded with such expertise.
Excellent mnemonics too, your input is invaluable - thanks again.
I was just idly googling Rupert Darwall and find that he is one of the listed 'experts' in the Centre for Policy Studies. Now this is a politically influential policy think tank. On its advisory council we find names like David Willetts, John Redwood, Tim Montgomerie and intriguingly Andrew Tyrie (one of the 5 Climate Change Act dissenters) and Michael Fallon, shuffled in as Energy Minister only last week, quoted as calling the carbon tax absurd.
ssat says Mar 29, 2013 at 11:31 PM
"Don, if you zoom out you will see that the pig is not the taxpayer but is in fact government."
And where do you think Big Gov gets the dough from? (Alternately, it may be from the printers, but that soon starts inflation, size XXL, and results in Such A Really Exciting Life, 365/7/24, that AGW drops off the ratings pronto in consequence. We don't seem to be there just yet.)
Josh asked "any relation to Bob" over Mrs Ward - her wikipedia entry says
"Their son Robert was born in 1956, the same year that his father was knighted."
I have come to the conclusion that we all have a little blame global warming and its consequences and guilt even more politicians who do not slow down.