
Huhne cartuhne - Josh 200
Chris Huhe pleads guilty and the BBC chief political correspondent Norman Smith says: "We can safely say that his political career is over."
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
Chris Huhe pleads guilty and the BBC chief political correspondent Norman Smith says: "We can safely say that his political career is over."
Reader Comments (75)
You Beaut Josh!
I just posted that I couldn't wait for your cartoon. Superb as always!
How long ,I wonder, before the first claims are made it was 'fossil fuel funding conspiracy' that got him ?
After a bad weekend for both my football team and my American football team, at last something to cheer me up. Happy days.
'Poop poop' said Mr Toad wistfully.......
Just emailed Josh suggesting "Oblivihuhne"
Josh: Let's have another one with a close up. You do a super rendition (is that the right word) of his face.
'For a moment there I thought I was in trouble'
At the last election:
Lib Dem: 46.5%
Cons: 9.3%
Labour: 9.6%
UKIP: 3.6%
It's wide open this time.
"We can safely say that his political career is over."
I rather doubt it. He'll get a derisory sentence, which he will only serve half of. Then he'll be quietly welcomed back into the fold.
Of course, that's pure speculation on my part - nothing like it has ever happened before...
And yet we hear only the other day that Huhne, Hendry and Yeo still plan to promote 'decarbonisation' (, as if there's any credibility left in either Huhne, his policies or the CAGW hypothesis at all. Perhaps that was a feeble attempt at deflection.
As always though, Josh sums it up so very neatly.
And the 200th cartoon! Congratulations Josh and thank you: this will look great framed and hung above the toilet!
Either you're a fast worker or that offering was in the bag and camera-ready. I suspect the latter. Josh, you little tinker.
Thanks Josh! It would take a heart of stone not to laugh.
Meanwhile, a comment at Revkin's blog has called for another Josh cartoon:
h/t Tom Nelson
Whatever happens - he will probably end up on some board in the renewables industry on a stack, effectively paid for by us.
He has done his bit for the CAGW cause. They will find him a nice well paid job somewhere.
This really made my day!
Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.
Ha! ha! ha! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!
"Either you're a fast worker or that offering was in the bag and camera-ready."
I was thinking just the same. Well done, Josh - icing on the cake!
Lisa: Dad, do you know what Schadenfreude is?
Homer: No, I don't know what "shaden-frawde" is.
Homer: Please tell me, because I'm dying to know.
Lisa: It's a German term for "shameful joy", taking pleasure in the suffering of others.
Homer: Oh, come on Lisa. I'm just glad to see him fall flat on his butt!
[getting mad]
Homer: He's usually all happy and comfortable, and surrounded by loved ones, and it makes me feel... What's the opposite of that shameful joy thing of yours?
Lisa: Sour grapes.
Homer: Boy, those Germans have a word for everything!
Ed Davey
High probability his party's political carreer is over as well. In the, previously Lib/Con marginal,by election UKIP and Tories will take the top 2 places (I very much hope UKIP leads) Labour probably 3rd and the LDs will be facing the BNP & Greens for 4th to 6th places.
Will Clegg be working hard for the LD candidate or will he effectively ask voters to support the Tories to stop UKIP?
Nice one Josh, I am thinking of; Wile E Coyote - who has just raced over the cliff edge and gulping as he surveys the impending and painful drop below!
But this ain't the end for Huhne, think - Berlusconi in Italia.
Nope, they lurve loyal supporters in Brussels, if he is bent then so much the better.
As a special envoy to the UN perhaps, he could join Mugabe as special envoy politician who got his portfolio kicked, envoy for eco-Tourism.................
But he will have to be, must be, treated leniently in recognition of his good works and services to the environment. After all, surely it must be the case that a dastardly conspiracy of denialists secretly funded to the tune of untold millions by Big Oil and fiendishly dedicated to polluting the world with plant food must have worked day and night to bring this good man down?
Just watched BBC lunchtime news. Two things notably missing from the Huhne piece: Climate and UKIP. They referred to his position in the Dept of Energy, not DECC, and did a whole section on the Eastleigh by election without once mentioning UKIP. Not that they're biassed or anything...
Huhne pleading guilty was a complete surprise so, no, I did not have this one in the bag. I felt it needed cartooning so raced to get one done as fast as possible - rather appropriate really.
NW: On the BBC1 news from Eastliegh, UKIP (and Nigel Farage thinking of standing) was mentioned.
The closest parallel is surely Jeffrey Archer -- same offence (but no perjury though).
I will very surprised if Huhne does any porridge. Two years suspended, is my guess, and after a 'decent' interval, he will slither back into view with a fat salary on some meaningless committee or NGO. He will surely pen a self-serving exculpation of his actions.
His huge sense of entitlement makes me doubt that he feels he has really done anything wrong (similar to Archer), and believes his downfall was engineered by vindictive enemies from among the ranks of the despised plebs.
Must have been so quick I missed it!
It really is time one of your cartoons was used on a front page of MSNM. Classic!
Huhn –verb – to huhn means to move quickly and secretly. eg he drove fast past the speed camera and pretended it wasn’t him; he was fast with the secret mistress; he played fast and loose with the truth, trying to get the case thrown out behind closed doors; he will fast go into obscurity.
A crowd at the top of the cliff waving hankies?
'Poop poop' said Mr Toad wistfully.......
Feb 4, 2013 at 11:45 AM Latimer Alder
Yes, there is something of Kenneth Grahame's character about all this.
I have just read that Huhne took £17000 in severance pay when he resigned his cabinet post? Add to this the cost of the Police investigation etc and I can certainly understand his commitment to sustainability and saving his skin?
@Bloke Down the Pub, you could be a Chleasea and Redskins fan, at least the ladies England cricket team won.
There are two lessons to be learnt from all this:
1 - trying to enforce an unpopular law by monitoring the entire population with cameras will simply lead to disrespect for the law and widespread avoidance by any means possible.
2 - Huhne swore blind that he was innocent right up to the day of the trial. It appears that politicians ALWAYS lie, even when it's a pointless exercise. I can't see how anyone can have any respect for any politician at the moment...
I think a custodial sentence is more likely than not. Perverting the course of justice is something the Courts take very seriously. Especially from someone in a position of trust and responsibility. He is bound to be made an example of. His plea will help even though very late, it still came before a trial. The evidence of his ex wife could be unhelpful if she insists he coerced her. A year?
hi Josh....Took me by surprise too........ Nice one! But I feel you underestimate him....HE'LL BE BACK!
Yes should be about a year I'd have thought. Now is the time though to "join the dots" (Delingpole, Mail etc) of any conflict of interest this liar had when forcing eye watering fuel bills on us. Public quite rightly associate lying in one area with lying in another!
fenbeagle, yup, probably in a few years Lord Huhne will be back.
'Big Oil' obviously placed a super-high-octane fuel in his tank.
Is there a list somewhere of criminal MPs and criminal Ministers? I can think of Elliott Morley very recently. It is a well-known fact that politicians are the group of people least trusted by the common man (far worse than double-glazing salesmen, renewable energy developers and estate agents). The probability of an MP/Minister being a criminal must be very high.
There's another good cartoon here.
Except it's not a cartoon. Where can I buy some?
Huhne has been described as a Limp Dem big beast. We can but hope that a long custodial sentence will result in him being tagged with the epithet Brontosawarse. Punish him where he sinned! Carina Trimingham unplugged.
"The closest parallel is surely Jeffrey Archer -- same offence (but no perjury though)."
In Archers case, he purported to have exculpatory evidence, which he did not. The NOTW then withdrew their defence, and Archers evidence was never presented to the court. This was a civil trial for libel in which no direct financial burden rested on the taxpayer..
Mr Huhne fabricated and presented evidence in a Criminal case which resulted in a conviction being recorded against an innocent person(albeit a volunteer), and persisted in denying his offence causing the expense of a police investigation and prosecution to be laid on the public. Archer got 4 years( 2 served) Huhne should get much much more.
Josh: Yep, I think there's a real danger of you getting a speeding fine one of these days :)
Josh: Put a shark there somewhere in "Oblivion". As in jumped the shark....
In case y'all missed it, take a stroll over to Guy Fawkes
I think they blow the gaff on why he changed his plea. I wonder if they're allowed to play Happy Families in Parkhurst?
Blimey have you seen the texts from him to his son on guido? Leaving aside the ethics of them becoming public it does show the arrogance of the man - interesting to be called autistic by your own son too..
I've never had any licence points, so I don't know the procedure, but is it feasible for you to drive someone else's car, trigger some points, intercept the letter to them as registered keeper and pay up without telling them?
IOW, do you need someone else's co-operation to dump your points on them or can you do it without their knowing right away?
The following text message conversation between CH and his son might explain why he changed his plea:
Boris for Eastleigh?