Consistent conning

Monckton getting done over by greens in Australia, Chris Heaton-Harris getting done over by Greenpeace, the long sorry trail of deceit of Brendan Montague - the list of instances of dishonesty by environmentalists when interviewing people with whom they disagree is extraordinary.
Today James Verdon describes how he was tricked in similar fashion by someone called Marco Jackson, who turns out to be associated with the Frack Off group.
Given that the very first contact between myself and the film makers was a lie, one can hardly expect the remainder of the film to do any better. I find it especially ironic that the 2nd word in the film title is "truth", while their very first contact with me was an obvious, barefaced and outright lie. It's not worth my time to address the content of the film as a whole, but I do want to comment on the parts in which my comments have been used.
I once asked the BBC's David Shukman why nobody ever made TV programmes in which environmentalists were presented as anything other than wholly angelic. I'm not sure I ever got a coherent answer.
Reader Comments (30)
Lies, threats and fraud are just standard operating procedure. When the fate of mankind is in the balance anything is justified.
So, your opportunity to tell silly Greenpeace activists where to go:
It says on the Greenpeace website: "On Saturday 16 November, 1000s will take to the streets in a global day of action to free the Arctic 30 and there are over 50 events planned in the UK."
"... we'll go to Shell petrol stations across the UK and demand that they speak out against the detention of the Arctic 30."
So dear climate sceptics find an event near you by clicking on the map below, which will open in a new window. Find your nearest event and use the information provided. You can also find a full list of all the events further down this page here:
Have fun and post a photo or video if you have nothing better to do with your Saturday.
typo with a y missing? - the list of instances of dishonest by environmentalists
By using an "ends justifies the means" approach, Bob's your uncle.
To your list of trickery by green activists you could add Sir Paul Nurse’s interview with Delingpole.
And there is scientific proof which confirms they are slippery eels and not to be trusted.
A new study from the University of Toronto has found a link between green consumers and dishonesty.
According to The Star, which published the findings, eco-minded people prove to be more likely to “lie, cheat (and) steal” – presumably justifying it because their consumer behaviour, seen as morally good, gives them a licence to act deceitful.
The study, Do Green Products Make Us Better People?, used U of T students as guinea pigs and is based on results from three separate experiments.
don't you know their 'saving the planet ' now what for is an interesting question.
I would be enraged if I were to experiece any such misinterpretation of my comments.
However, I think that great comfort and satisfaction can be taken from this and other
similar incidents because it/they demonstrates that there is nothing in their armoury
that negates the facts.
They are reduced to twisting the truth in order to defend the indefensible. These
people know exactly what they are about and consequently must have a low opinion
of themselves. That they continue with their agnotological outpourings tells the world
exactly who and what they are.
Putin should double the Artiic 30 sentances, again!
@ ombzhch Nov 15, 2013 at 7:43 PM
Putin should simply order that no nuclear energy, or, fossil fuels be used to heat their cells.
The film was funded by Lush -- the cosmetics retailer, whose garish, lime green shops emit some substance or other that causes your eyes sting when you walk past the door.
Some more information on their support of anti-fracking campaigns:
'Grassroots campaigns' aren't usually funded by cosmetics firms with over a hundred shops on UK High Streets. I'd call it more like an advertising campaign.
When none of their utterances withstand scrutiny, they are reduced to attacking "the boy who dared to point out the Emperor wears no clothes" The more they attack and smear their critics, the more they reveal themselves as abject liars. If science was really on their side, there would be any need?
"Frack off" is what we call "astroturf"- a phony grass roots organization that is funded by way of greenmail or government 'grants' given by way of insiders. Calling fracking - a 60+ year old technology that has never been linked to ground water pollution or damaging the environment - "extreme" or dangerous is simply a false claim.
For an organization to raise money off of a false claim like that is fraudulent.
KNR - don't you know their 'saving the planet ' now what for is an interesting question.
A rainy day, perhaps?
They are saving the planet so we can all eat trill. They will all eat grilled fillet of sea bass on a bed of fresh leaves with a gasp of balsamic whiffle. We get to eat meat pies with chips. It's no wonder the poor little buggers are whithering away.
Most of the Shell stations in Aberdeen appear to be franchises operated by Indian immigrants.
I'm sure they'll appreciate the Greenies' attack on their livelihood just as much as Russian drillers did on theirs. Then again, the GreenPeace map appears to stop at Dundee. That's cool too, the Morrisons petrol there is cheaper than the Shell anyway.
I also find it strange that they're claiming that the "Arctic 30" have heroically "put their freedom on the line" while at the same time demanding a "Get Out of Jail Free" card.
I almost wept at the descriptions of the jail food. It sounded better than our guys in Northern Russia rig camps were getting!
Brilliant headline on page 2 of The Sun today
Climate no mates
Repeating Thursday's Question Time exchange between Davey and Lawson and challengin
Cameron to link Hurricane Haiyan and Climate Change.
Hopefully the Tabloids are turning skeptic or they are Tabloidizing
Climate Change ,Damp Squid end of the world story.
Check out their page 6 editorial
BBC have invested their pension fund in the environmental based industry. If BBC tells the truth about climate and environmental problems, that have been designed to wage a war on today's Western world and have a radical change of society, they risk loosing all their pension.
What they forget is that if they succeed get in getting international Marxism(climate treaty) and a radical change of Western society(Agenda 21) the pension funds and private property/capital will anyhow go down the drain with the economy.
For an organisation which has exercised completely unwarranted power over us all, Greenpeace shows its soft underbelly of juvenility in this absurd random drive-by on Shell petrol stations. The equally vacuous "Arctic30", or more appropriately, Murmansk Morons, will be ecstatic now their employers are now trying to apply blackmail to the Russian legal process. Challenging Putin in this arrogant and idiotic way can only have one outcome. I can only hope that if they are ever freed, they realise how badly they have been sold out and sue Greenpeace into oblivion.
You might want to check the claim that the BBC pension funds
are all invested in environmental related industries.
I am pretty sure that this is not true.
More lies, shut up and get fracking ;)
Sir Robert Smith, the Liberal Democrat chairman of the Commons committee, has written to Mr Cameron warning him that cutting the levies could actually mean higher bills.
“We would urge you to be careful not to undermine the very problems the Government is trying to solve,” he said.
Ending agreements to support renewable energy sources “will damage policy credibility, seriously undermine investor confidence and could increase the cost of capital for new energy investments – thus pushing up energy bills,” Sir Robert said.
Words fail me
Thanks to GP's action, Shell got some more business. I will be filling up at a Shell petrol station today and if there any crustys in my way I will do my best not to run them over. :o
@Pesadia : Just use Google : TallBlokes Talkshop : BBC conflict of interest: Pensions relying on pushing alarmist climate agenda
- BBBC Discussion : Pension Fund Might Account for BBC AGW Bias
- Harrabin "I don’t even know the pension fund trustees." on WUWT
em Roger "the latest BBC Pensions Trust report, and it reveals that Helen Boaden, who is the overall boss of the BBC’s news and current affairs operation, was appointed to the trust in 2008" from tckev comment on omnologos.com
..So hasn't he met her multiple times ?
- Follow the money: BBC exposed in biggest climate racket on planet
It mentions UNEP so i wonder if there is a connection to Christiana Figueres "Member of the Scientific Advisory Panel of the UNEP Risoe Centre, Denmark."
and her husband Konrad von Ritter "working at the World Bank since 1989 on sustainable development issues, Sector Manager for Sustainable Development" ?
My point is also that if BBC helps the environmentalists and leftist succeding with their political agenda, getting a global or Western World climate treaty and globa/Westernl Agenda 21(A radical change of society), there will not be nothing left of their pension anyhow.?
Thanks to Fay Tuncay for the tip about the Greenpeace protests today. As it happened, one of the cars needed filling up and I had to go into Cambridge anyway, so I put in half a tank in at each Shell filling station.
Both garages had young Indian lads behind the counter and both said that they were franchises, not owned by Shell. I told them both that I was filling up in support of them against the protesters.
I also spoke to some of the protesters, of whom there were about half a dozen at Newnham Road and maybe a dozen in Trumpington. Three of those I spoke to were not Greenpeace members. I made it clear why I was there and that IMO if you endanger and board vessels at sea you shouldn't complain if you get locked up. They didn't agree.
I asked why they were picketing a Shell Garage and was told that it was because Shell had a relationship with Gasprom. I pointed out that these were franchises and that it was the garage owner's livelihood that they were threatening and compared them with the secondary pickets. They didn't really agree with that either.
To my great surprise we didn't agree on Global Warming or polar bears either - but no fisticuffs ;-)
All in all, a worthwhile bit of direct action I thought.
Gareth - those 'Shell' garages probably don't even get their petrol from Shell - it might come in a tanker with that logo on - but it just comes from whichever refinery happens to be supplying the Cambridge area...
But - hey - that would be too complicated a scenario for the protesters to grasp...
Folks - if you want to see hypocrisy writ in capital letters, take yourself across via this link:
- to a video of a bunch of Canadian 'ecowarriors' trying to stop coal exports..
The hypocrisy is just jaw-dropping. They have 'armed' themselves, on their three luxury cruisers, with HUGE platters of food (all with plastic covers); bunches of cut flowers (essential for any proper protest); further brown carrier bags of food; etc, etc - and then they have the brass neck to set off into their kayak flotilla spewing diesel fumes from the back of their luxury yacht..
But of course the irony would be completely lost on them...
(I f the link doesn't work, the video(s) can be seen on the link from the post by AQuietWordWithYou on Deller's most recent feature on his website...)
- Eco-Scam-Cam must have leaked stuff to News International today - as well as page 2 of Sun he's on page 1 of Times.
- The Sun editorial seems to say "since this climate change policy thing is driving up the price of electricity it's about time we had a proper debate about it"
- Today's Times FP: David Cameron inflames climate change row ... paywalled comments
The solarPVmafia godfather has a 1 page
advertarticle in the Independent (friend of Russian Oil Oligarchs) - Solarcentury’s Jeremy Leggett says renewables could power economies by 2030, but only a nasty shock will force change- (He's ex oil corp - ex Greenpeace scientist turned subsidy farmer entrepreneur )
- well he has to get the PR cos fracking will kill his massive investment fund
Nip over to the greenpeace twitter and help them free the russian 25 ! (or not)
Many, many moons ago I remember a confrontation at my local filling station, can't recall the meme of the day, circa miners/winter of discontent, but the conversation is locked in:-
Advocate to Tanker driver:-
Comrade do you realise the damage you will cause if you fill those tanks:-
Tanker driver to Advocate:-
Neit comrade, tis simple, either the contents of this tanker go up that pipe, or you do!
Protest over, all down the pub