Bishop Hill

A trip to the big smoke

It's been three or four months since my last tip drive. This time I have a specific purpose in mind. I'm off to the big smoke next week to do some AGW-related stuff. I'll fill readers in on the details nearer the time, but if anyone fancies helping to defray the expenses, that would be great.
Reader Comments (12)
It may get you as far as Berwick or Carlisle on a cart carrying turnips, but the best I can do.
As promised a little something to help you on your way. Happy to feed you one lunchtime if you are free.
Bunged a few coppers in - have a good trip. Look forward to hearing more.
Have donated a couple of quid, keep up the good work!
Mr Montford,
just dropped a small donation! Please ring-fence it and spend it on a few beers.
You deserve champagne but Fuller's ESB will have to suffice.
Fed the tip jar, thanks for all you do, Andrew!
Hope you can enjoy the trip a bit.
p.s. In case you haven't been to CA in the past few hours, Steve Mc gave you a nice well-earned plug on the latest thread. More shenanigans unfolding about the execrable Muir Russell inquiry.....
January bills!!!!
Just kicked in enough to buy you a couple of beers at my favourite pub, the Captain Kidd in Wapping. Enjoy.
dunno the beer price in the UK .. here in GER it should pay a couple or so ... just a very humble contribution to your excellent work, Sir.
Happy to buy you a pint or a beer if our paths cross. Where in London will you be?
Andrew, take care amongst those city-slickers...donation towards your trip sent...
Just left a small sub: I meant to drop something in the jar at Christmas - so a timely prompt! Cheers :-)