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On bias

In the UK, the forces that environmentalism is able to deploy in support of its cause are pretty overwhelming. The government, the universities, the civil service, the schools, 90% of the print media, all of the BBC, including the comedy and drama departments, the army, the navy, the airforce, most big businesses, parts of the judiciary etc etc. Whole government departments are given over to propaganda in favour of environmentalism.

In the light of this, I think I do an important service in highlighting bits of information that don't fit the narrative.

Keith Kloor, on the other hand, thinks I should be a bit more even-handed.

I'll bear his concerns in mind.

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Reader Comments (52)

This is one worth coming back to.

Jul 10, 2016 at 5:24 AM | Unregistered Commenterkim

kim. Agreed but it illustrates the extremis this blogsite Is in. We have to go back three and a half years, rather than comment on new topics. Contrast us with WUWT which offers multiple topics each and every day, some of which could have been here on BH. Even Ayla is bitching!

Jul 10, 2016 at 7:47 AM | Unregistered CommenterAlan kendall

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