Conservatives and climate change

Another diary date, this time for readers in the West Midlands. This is a fringe event for the Conservative party conference I think.
Join us for a discussion on Conservative approaches to tackling climate change and what climate and energy policies the Government should implement to make this the "greenest government ever".
Speakers include:
• Greg Barker MP, Minister of State for Energy & Climate Change
• Matthew Sinclair, Director, Taxpayers' Alliance
• Sir John Houghton, Former co-chair of the IPCC and former CEO of the Met Office
• Guy Newey, Head of Environment and Energy, Policy ExchangeDate: Sunday 7th October 2012, 17.45-19:00
Venue: Exec Room 1, Birmingham ICC
RSVP: Please RSVP to invites@brightblue.org.uk
Reader Comments (19)
Thank you your Grace ^.^
That is my neck of the woods so I will attend if they allow me in. However with the line up of speakers I can see myself being evicted.
Dung being evicted!!! We demand pictures!! :-)
Somewhat OT, but: is there Any kind of list as to all those who Used to be members of the IPCC, and whom have since fled the organization, and become Skeptics? Because I seem to see 'former' IPCC this or that, quite a bit, and All of those have become skeptics.
It was fun to hear The Tebbit on Any Questions today, railing against energy subsidies and windmills. I think it rendered Dimblebore temporarily speechless!
I'm not sure I could bring myself to apply for an 'invite'. To me that's still a verb.
Co-sponsored by the WWF, according to https://twitter.com/jonathanalgar/status/244424565776850944
God! They're still banging on about being the greenest government EVAH. How about getting rid of the national debt. Stop propping up an industry that robs from the poor, get rid of the levy on our leccy bills so we have a bit more cash to spend stimulating the economy, reduce the rate of VAT, ditto, etc.etc. That they are still hanging on to Dave's husky-drawn sled beggars belief. Time to get real boys. Much as I hate Osborne, I do think he has seen the light.
A Sunday evening in Birmingham......I can't imagine the room will be chock-full, apart from the green dreamers.
I'm with Cumbrian Lad - unfortunately an 'invite' seems to be common parlance these days. I hate it. Almost as much as 'like' every other word.
Hmm, am on top grumpy form today. Anyone got any surveys to fill in?
How are you today, Grumpy - good? :-)
Cumbrian Lad
Good grief! A Conservative organisation issuing 'invites'! They should be issuing engraved invitations.
If you want to check if your 'stiffy' is engraved (before you tuck it into the looking-glass over the chimneypiece) run your thumbnail over it.
Don't know what the weather will be like outside the venue, but it will be dripping wet inside.
Why not Scruton & Goldsmith ?
I plan to go, and will report back. The line-up looks packed with alarming warmists, who will pontificate, no doubt, on the doom we're causing. Pity there's no sceptical scientist on the panel who could counter some of the more lurid climate 'facts'. The Lib Dems are green, to a man and a woman, but some Tories aren't. And many probably feel the need to toe the zeitgeist line. Desperate stuff.
A bit of googling and this lot are CINO's at best.
Anyone who uses that buzzword 'sustainable' currently favoured by eco-fascists has to be suspect.
Why the Taxpayer's Alliance are involved beats me.
I was definitely going to go as it's local, but the prospect of hearing Houghton again, preaching about Bangladesh and all those Climate Refugees pouring into India would make sick.
Have tried googling to download the invitation without success.
Or have I misread these nice people ?
You have to email them at invites@brightblue.org.uk
Are you bringing Ratty and Mole?
I tried clicking on everything on that site - no joy.
I'll wait for your report as I've now booked to go to the UKIP conference which is on at the same time in Birmingham.
Have you ever heard Sir John Houghton ?
Last time I commented the Bish deleted what I said, so I'll phrase it carefully.
As we were walking past Malvern Priory one evening my partner pointed to a notice. That should interest you she said "Sir John Houghton on Christianity and Global Warming".
An hour later the 'Sainted' Sir John was being welcomed like a latter-day Billy Graham.
He had always been a devout Christian we were told before he unveiled his very old slides about all those Bangladeshis pouring across the Indian border as their country disappears beneath the rising sea.
The Indians, he told us, had built a fence to keep them out.
Such a fence does exist, but its main purpose is stop sacred cows being smuggled the other way.
He was asked by a member of the adoring congregation of ardent warmists, what he'd recommend if he had his time again ?
The Severn Barrage he opined, but admitted he knew nothing about it .
Enjoy, and let us know how you get on, but if this lot are Conservatives - well !
I know of Mr Houghton but thinking about him gives me nightmares so I can not discuss it.
I e mailed bright blue on Sunday expressing an interest. No response so far. Has anybody else had a response? perhaps I should not have mentioned I am a chemical engineer...
I emailed them as well ChemEng with no response. Changed my mind about attending anyway after I re read it, I dont think there will be time for much audience input since it only lasts 75 mins.