Bishop Hill

Delingpole to stand in Corby

Having rejected the idea of standing in the Corby by-election as a UKIP candidate, Delingpole has now apparently decided to stand after all, but as an independent anti-windfarm candidate.
Reader Comments (52)
Guido has just posted another comment . 'Potential Tory Candidate not posh enough'.
Delingpole would in fact, make the ideal Tory candidate.
Over 'Dave's' dead body, of course !
I'm not posh. Ask my father.
Good on you James!
Didn't James Delingpole go to a public school (Malvern College) and wasn't he at Oxford at the time Dave & Boris were?
That is posh to me!
Anti-Windfarm would get my vote whether you are posh or not!
These windmills are SOSH: Shady Outbound, Shady Home.
I am not normally one for single issue politics......but this one should be fun.
Where do I send my £5.00?
I'm not posh. Ask my father.
I heard you speak once. You sounded like a member of the Royal family. Where can I learn to speak like that?
So, what does "posh" mean?
Independent Anti-Windmill Candidate?
Should the right honorable representative of the IAWC party be introduced as an Hee-hawk or an Oik?
I saw him arrive at the Lindzen do. Bike helmet and cycle clips at the Mother of Parliaments. He ain't posh.
Well done and good luck Dellers!
Well done James, and the very best of luck.
Delingpole AKA Don Quixote........
Good luck Dellers but still a shame you didnt stand for UKIP.
Being an Independent is probably more fun
I hope he wins, if only to irritate the BBC ;-)
L5 Rick
port side out, starboard home.
And where does anti-eyesore candidate Delingpole stand on half mile long Northumbrian coal tips got up like Page Three Sun Girls, as decribed in Mat Ridley's blog
When the Banks Group approached my family to dig out coal from under farmland we own, creating 150 local jobs, they also came with an imaginative suggestion. Instead of waiting ten years to put the rock back and restore the surface to woods and fields, which is the normal practice, why not put some of the rock to one side to make a new landscape feature...?
Great platform - how can we best help support you James?
And Russell favours us with a first-class example of whataboutery. Well done.
Dung (et al)
I think the whole point of his standing as a single issue candidate is that all the other candidates will be obliged to say where they stand on wind-farms.
As he probably won't get elected he doesn't have say where he stands on any other issue.
Incidentally I can't see where the UKIP candidate, Margaret Moran, delightful lady that I'm sure she is. has expressed any views on windfarms.
If she hasn't, she'd better get in quick, they could be quite an issue !
CAGW party
Campaign Against Generating Windmills.
The best of luck to Dellers but, if past form is anything to go by, he'll get little publicity from the BBC or any other of the news organisations. The BBC will concentrate on the 3 major party candidates and will - after any item covering the election - list the other candidates (including JD) for a microsecond. Moreover, the BBC will do its uttermost to suppress any discussion or mention of wind-farms (as will the candidates standing for the LibLabCons). Accordingly, though I would hope that toad's prediction could come true, I fear that issues concerning the fatuity of wind-power will hardly dominate the election.
Umbongo is right in that the main BBC coverage will be limited to the 'right' sort of people, generally those that allow the maintenance of the three party system and the highly influential place it has in that patronage system. However, JD knows the power of the internet. Blogs are just the start. The BBC and the standard media outlets talk to the powermongers not to the base electorate. If JD can successfully get in touch with the Corby equivalent of the man on the Clapham Omnibus, and leverage the vote then all bets are off. And there would be nothing the BBC could do about it. It's the local media that will be important, and the twitter/blog/god-knows-whatsphere.
Go James!
Go Dellers! Best news for a long time. And this is a voice from abroad (outside EU, though)
James when you met the Respect candidate will you ask him or her ,What does actually constitute rape?
Unfortunately I'm not resident in Corby, nor do I know anyone living there, but all the very best anyway.
Good Luck James, you've got lots of us behind you - unfortunately don't know how many in Corby.
I am standing for Cannabis Law Reform (CLEAR).
Hope you get as much fun out of it as I did standing for the Referendum Party in '97, James ! Remember, you *must point* all the time (it doesn't matter what you point at, as long as you *point*).
toad on Sep 6, 2012 at 4:52 PM
As the UKIP candidate, Margaret Moran can point to the UKIP web site:
where we find:
"Thursday, 9th August 2012
The UKIP-backed ePetition opposing the development of windfarms in the UK has received a welcome boost following an email campaign earlier this week. ..."
Good luck Dellers.
Oh and yes you are posh.
Who cares, if James is posh?
If your heart is in the right place, if you are sincere and honest, truthful, forthright and insightful, then; status and class become totally irrelevant - nobody complained on, Friday May 10th 1940 about Winston being too posh.
Best of luck James and, if you could spike the Labour party candidate's guns, that would be a bonus.
James If you are worried about being to posh you could try changing your first name to Polly; it worked Mary Louisa Toynbee, (Badminton School, won a scholarship to read history at St Anne's College, Oxford with only one A-level)
Best wishes and good luck James
If you have a campaign fund, let us know
O/T but hopefully an alert for the good Bishop: The NZ Climate Science Coalition have failed in their bid to get NIWA's temperature record invalidated.
Monte Cassino all over again...
I don't know whether it was a botched effort or whether a typically activist Kiwi judge was the cause. But the unjustified manipulation of NIWA's data is as plain as the nose on your face.
He's just going to split the conservatives who would have voted ukip.
Good luck James, of course you're posh, else I'd be saying good luck Jim, but there's nothing wrong with being posh, Mrs Geronimo wishes I was posh.
Agree with Confused. This will just split the right of centre vote.
Good Luck James, watch out for the publicly funded opposition, the East Mids has no less than 17 full time "Climate change facilitators" (read: useful idiots for the UN Agenda 21). They look a happy bunch (as in "happy daft").
Give them hell James.
The tories are unlikely to win anyway. A large part of their vote defecting to UKIP or other right-wing outfits, or to Dellers (although he is rightist the windfarms vote is not necessarily so) might just make the tories realise they can't expect their core to turn out for libdem policies.
He gets out of the bath to fa... to release a dangerous GHG into the atmosphere.
The only true definition of posh...
But why not do it with UKIP James? They are every bit as strongly anti windfarm as you are and would give you a much stronger platform.
In my view, doing it with UKIP would completely defeat the point. The stand against wind farms would simply be diluted into the general UKIP stand against so many many things that the wind farm aspect would fade into insignificance.
I suspect that MSM will be able to ignore this all anyway, with a simple mention of JD among the also-rans that are always named (for balance) but get little more attention that that. And even the naming of candidates is often avoided by referring to a web page where the other names can be found.
To quote Life of Brian "splitter".
I do think he will distract from UKIP's campaign & that he doesn't really disagree with us on anything significant.
I saw him arrive at the Lindzen do. Bike helmet and cycle clips at the Mother of Parliaments. He ain't posh.
Sep 6, 2012 at 3:27 PM | Rhoda Klapp
Shame on you, Jim Dellers! You are a complete sellout.
Even before wearing bicycyle helmets are made compulsory, you have capitulated and by example have begun spreading that left/green commie conspiracy to control our lives and deprive us of our property. You wrote a book about it these commies, if you remember it, you bloody Cucumber.
It is said that once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget it. I'd like to test that hypothesis sometimes because I have not been on a bike since compulsory helmets laws were introduced in Australia in the early 1990s.
There is no way on Earth I would don one of those dorky bicycle helmets, or any helmet for that matter, under any circumstances.
Once upon a time I was attached to my bike like a Mongol to his horse. I went everywhere with my bike ... for milk, bread or even a pack of fags. A year after the law came into effect, I parted with my two rusting bicycles and associated spare parts, tools and paraphernalia without any compensation!
It's an infringement on my property and liberties, dammit!
I am now bitterly disappointed to learn that Jim Dellers readily submits himself to one of the most oppressive laws ever imposed on the mankind.
Anyone who is considering voting for Jim Dellers ought to consider that fact.
Helmets are not compulsory for pedal cyclists in the UK. Only motorcyclists are obliged to wear helmets by law.
Go Dellers..!
Get that message out loud, clear, and unambiguous...
When Martin 'The Man In The White Suit' Bell stood as an independent candidate a few years back the BBC gave him massive coverage. I am sure they will do the same for JD. They are famously even-handed and impartial after all. Aren't they ?
Ok James, I will.