Bishop Hill

Yeo in more trouble

Guido Fawkes is reporting that Tim Yeo is in more trouble over using his political influence to lobby for his own private financial interests.
Yeo lobbied the London mayor to introduce a law forcing drivers to replace their taxis, while all the while he was the chairman of the company which would sell them the new cabs. And now he’s been caught red handed…
Cameron needs to move fast in dealing with the festering sores of Tim Yeo and Lord Deben. If he doesn't strike quickly and remove them from their posts he will be seen to be lending his tacit support to malfeasance.
Reader Comments (15)
It's not clear from Guido's article if Eco City Vehicles is appointed as exclusive supplier of cabs, or whether it's just the Mercedes vehicles that they are exclusive for. (I can't believe London Cabbies would be ordered to buy German cars? with no other option?) If the first case, then he should be out of a job before close of play tonight. If the second, he still has serious conflict of interest, and would be on a very sticky wicket.
It gets no media publicity or scrutiny, so what's to stop the sleaze from continuing?
Today's Daily Mail does a nice demolition job on Yeo. Here's a priceless quote from Lord Lawson:
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Why should Yeo be sacked at all, after all he is only following his masters voice, the one who gave him the job in the first place? Cameron has form in this respect anyway.
I would agree however, that in our current situation, or any situation, the Yeos, Gummers and Huhnes of this world should not be employed at all, let alone in what is jokingly referred to as "the climate change Ministry".
Three Strikes and you're out?
Certainly applies to Tim (not so nice but dim- except where money is concerned) Yeo.
Yeo must geo along with other members of the preo-renewables lobby such as Deben and Ceo. Otherwise energy policy will continue to drift to and freo. Seo, if we are to restore the status queo they must all be given the old heave-heo.
Presumably Macaroon is loathe to ditch anyone in the same line of business as his in-laws...
What is it with politicians who want to double job?
Yeo in more trouble
Has he got another girl in his office pregnant .
Any cheap bargains
Having been involved for 20+ years with the Civil Service, mostly with DoH, MAFF and Defra, I can say that this odious character has allegedly had his hands in the till for most of this time. Makes you wonder what grip he's got over the grown-ups that they haven't got rid of him?
I wonder whether Yeo had anything to do with the "special" hydrogen-fuelled London taxis introduced for the Olympics - which had to be loaded onto transporters and shipped across country to Swindon every time they needed refuelling?
Dreadnought: splendid!
Cameron selected Gummer for his new job, even though it was supposed to be an executive recruitment process.
This whole mess is down to just one man and he is Cameron. Cameron announced his intention to have the greenest government ever long before the coalition was formed, he probably welcomed the Lib Dems because they would make it easier for him to push his green plans. I think that without Cameron the Tory party would have ditched the green agenda as soon as they gained power.