Bishop Hill

GWPF web presence down

A couple of readers have emailed to say that GWPF's website is down. I emailed Benny Peiser and he says that there are technical issues of some kind. The site will remain down for a couple of days. I gather that email is also affected, so anyone wishing to contact them should telephone instead.
I'll post a report on my trip south tomorrow.
Reader Comments (16)
Jonova is also down, again.
Also receiving same 'respones' from the GWPF & JoNova. Que?
Brgds from Sweden
GWPF & JONOVA both down at same time, JoNova for third time in recent times. coincidence or conspiracy ???
Just curious as to why you didn't stay for Steve's talk?
Quick look at the dates on GWPF's domain registration and it's clear that someone simply forgot to pay the hosting bill. The domain's still good for a year, but the hosting has obviously expired. It's just a couple of days out of the cycle and the site's already been suspended. Frankly that's a bit crap, and I'd be moving my site to a different provider - one that wasn't so quick to trash my web presence in order to get their measly hosting bill paid.
Just curious as to why you didn't stay for Steve's talk?
Oh my! That sounds like a rebuff. Is there anything more to this? Have Sherlock Holmes and Mr. Watson had a fall out? What's happening? Why are the authorities leaving us in the dark about this?
Dude, that was a joke.
Incidentally, the use of 'dude' to address someone is used judiciously to speak to only our American cousins and other like-minded friends.
GWPF down and the Bish away - I have complete withdrawal symptoms. GWPF and JoNova both forgetting to pay their hosting bills, Simon? Sounds much like conspiracy to me.
That is a relief - I had begun to think the Ministry of Truth had finally arrived in the UK!
With GWPF web site down we will loose some of the publicity for Steve McIntyre's talk. I hope we can spread the word.
JoNova is up again. No mention that I can find why it was down.
I know it's now 02:30 hrs there, in Perth Aus, but I'm getting 'Account Suspended' right now from http://joannenova.com.au
Joannenova.com.au is now suspended.
Jo says (on WUWT comment)
Who are the Deniers now Eh? Those that would deny free speech, by drowning it out and anonymously.
Worse than the chanting Youths at Copenhagen, worse than the shrill of 'consensus'.
Another conspiracy theory - great stuff!