Bishop Hill

Yeo fights for his right to trough

Tim Yeo, the Tory MP who runs the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee, is all over the newspapers this morning, in an ongoing war of words between his committee and the Treasury, who seem to be trying to reduce the amount of money handed over to green energy projects, much to the distress of the MPs. See the FT here, the Telegraph here, and Roger Harrabin here. Yeo was also on Radio Scotland this morning apparently.
Interestingly, only the Telegraph sees fit to mention Yeo's various interests in green energy businesses and his chairmanship of the Renewable Energy Association.
Reader Comments (62)
Jul 23, 2012 at 12:06 PM | Ross Lea
What about the cost of removing the millions of tons of mud that come down the Severn? The Bristol Channel is a horrible mud brown colour half-way to Lands End for a reason (I exaggerate - but only slightly).
Delingpole weighs in on Tim Yeo:
Delingpole on Yeo and energy:
Jul 23, 2012 at 3:41 PM | Foxgoose
I thought Yeo jetted around the world as a love-child generator.
Distributing shocking pink laptops to emotionally needy members of the fair sex?
IMO this man's behaviour has always been completely beyond the pale. Why his constituency party puts up with him never ceases to amaze me - perhaps it indicates the overall standard of Tory members. When, hopefully, Mr. Huhne receives his just deserts, perhaps I shall change my moniker to YeoMustGo.
@ HuhneToTheSlammer, maybe YeoHeaveHo is another moniker you might consider.
Marion, (@ Jul 23, 2012 at 2:19 PM)
Talking of WWF, I tweeted the following thoughts recently...
Friends of the Earth. Why "Friends" in their name when everyone who disagrees with them is a vile enemy?
Greenpeace. Why "peace" in their name when they've just gone onto a war footing following the failure of Rio+20?
WWF. Why "Fund" in their name unless they're only interested in the money?
Christian Aid. Why "Christian" in their name when they are green advocates?
Church of England 'Shrinking the Footprint' [ref. to their idiotic carbon footprint reduction programme]. A self-fulfilling prophecy?
Alex Cull: that was very revealing. Hypothetically Cable gets DECC because he has to be levered out of Business. Davey replaces Spelman who's out of her depth and Davey could probably do well in Environment. But that means there has to be another ministry for a Conservative so it's Business - Hammond?
That in turn means a junior [Harvey] gets Defence and there's another space for a junior, perhaps to take over the Cyber War part which requires either a scientist or an engineer because it's high tech and you need someone who can talk to the specialists and condense the story.
I remember Yeo in the 80's as a junior Suffolk MP. He was useless then and remains so now. His knowledge of science fails to come up to junior school levels.
Mike voted for Gummer? He is as bad as Yeo. I had a lunch in a restaurant where Gummer was feasting and he talked loud enough to include those in the street outside. It was a miserable lunch despite the food.
Gummer aka John Selwin Gummer aka Lord Deben. As many names as a fly-by-night conman.