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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Weather outlook: poor, expect gales - Josh 170

Peter Gleick in the clear, but of what is less clear.

Cartoons by Josh


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Reader Comments (9)

The SS Climate-Science Credibility throws another propeller mid-ocean...

Jun 7, 2012 at 10:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterJEM

Beard hiding the brass neck?

Jun 7, 2012 at 10:43 PM | Registered CommenterGreen Sand

"Peter Gleick reinstated by Pacific Institute following Heartland exposéInvestigation finds that Gleick did not forge confidential documents he obtained from free-market Heartland Institute"

"The Pacific Institute indicated in the statement that it had found no evidence for Heartland's charges that Gleick had forged one of several documents he released last February.

But the Institute offered no further information on the findings of the investigation, or any evidence to support the claim of having conducted a fully independent investigation. It gave no further explanation for its decision to reject Heartland's charges that Gleick had faked a document"

Jun 7, 2012 at 10:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Evans

Wow. A triple hit. The "independent" lawyer who "cleared" him brings lawyers into even more disrepute and "Institution" that cleared him looks greedy and stupid and the media lap dogs who take it seriously look more like poodles than before.

Jun 7, 2012 at 11:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterBruce

Gleick appears alongside Erin Brockovic in a shocking new eco-doco to scare us witless: Last Call at the Oasis

See, Forbes

According to IMDB, the horror show opened on three screens on May 6 and has grossed circa $40K, perhaps more by now.

Box Office
Opening Weekend:
$8,899 (USA) (6 May 2012) (3 Screens)
$40,846 (USA) (20 May 2012)

It currently enjoys 4 user reviews on IMDB and 16 reviews by professional critics as aggregated by Metacritic. The user reviews are all favourable. The Metascore is 64/100, which is pretty average.

As for the all important IMDB rating for Last Call at the Oasis, it is 5.4/10 from 68 users.

Once 'climate denier hordes' hear about this however the IMDB rating is likely to go down sharply. The last time a review war took place, the 300 'ab-less' Spartans of some doomsday cult website saved the day for Mann's Climate Wars on Amazon.

Well, those Spartans are dead now. Who is going to save Last Call at the Oasis with Peter Gleick on the credits?

It seems Peter Gleick has starred in more than one eco-doco, according to IMDB, some of which are in German dating back to 2004.

What a man! What a zebra!

Jun 8, 2012 at 2:32 AM | Registered CommentersHx

Jun 8, 2012 at 2:32 AM | sHx

Well, it is interesting, depressing and ludicrous (in roughly equal measure) to look at the IMDB reviews of the execrable "The Age of Stupid".

Full of comments from greenies saying it had changed their life, film of the year, a number of othe greenies who panned it for not being even more ludicrous. Sample (one star rating):-

"I am a greeny and don't need any reinforcement about the need for climate change... But I'm here to comment on the quality of "Age of Stupid" for its entertainment and information value.

I couldn't vote zero, so I had to vote one. I never walk out of the cinema, but I did through this. It's rubbish. Boring. Uninformative. Un-entertaining. Fails to stimulate.

Just go to the DVD store and watch An Inconvenient Truth again."

And then there are a few people who point out the stupidity (and arrogance) of the premise behind the film.

So I guess this latest step in Gleick's excursion to fame and fortune may work out for him.

So far as I can think, up to now NO-ONE has in any way been really held to account for even the most blatantly illegal conspiratorial activities or the most fraudulent perversions of the scientific method.

And they can always rely on our trolls to excuse their behavious and to declare them to be heroes.

Jun 8, 2012 at 8:07 AM | Unregistered CommenterMartin Brumby

Fab comment on Keith Kloor's blog from Nullius in Verba.

The thread is about conservatives getting involved - or not getting involved - in the "climate debate".

If you [lefty-greenies] think it is serious, then act like you think it is serious! If the asteroid was headed for Earth, you wouldn’t be settling for vague, absent-minded amateurish astronomers losing the numbers and making bits up, calculating orbits with buggy software and refusing to reveal data and code because they want to get a few more papers out of it! No, you’d have every telescope in the world working on it, you’d have professional teams of software engineers and statisticians and a rigorous validation regime in place, as many eyes on the problem as you can get, every digit triple-checked, because that sort of stuff is necessary when it is the end of the world we’re talking about. Far from dismissing it, we want you to take this a lot more seriously.

Read the whole comment

Jun 8, 2012 at 10:38 AM | Unregistered CommenterJack Hughes

Erin Brockovic maybe not quite the Sarah Connor Princess lela Kate Winslett Sigourney Weaver heroine of cinema legend

Jun 8, 2012 at 12:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterJamspid

Revkin's take on it:

Jun 9, 2012 at 2:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Evans

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