Bishop Hill

Cuttings from Planet Under Pressure

The Commentator has put together some excerpts from the Planet Under Pressure conference. Scary stuff.
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
The Commentator has put together some excerpts from the Planet Under Pressure conference. Scary stuff.
Reader Comments (17)
Well you can encourage economic growth to fund social democracies, or you can have a "no growth" model and roll back welfare and other forms of government spending (which would actually put nearly all the individuals at this conference out of work), or you can replicate the Greek experience. There isn't a magical 4th option here, just a lot of magical thinking.
Even allowing for the selection of clips, and for the spooky music, these are, as ever on the alarmist/conformist/collaborationist front, unimpressive people seeing themselves in heroic roles that are a complete mismatch with the more sordid reality of manipulation, shoddy science, and scaremongering in support of authoritarian at best, totalitarian at worst, political goals.
Apr 3, 2012 at 11:13 PM | John Shade
You have a fine ability to 'cut to the chase.'
What is it with greenies / socialists and their uncanny ability to just so all-round constantly unimpressive?
No more growth = no more tax = no more green gravy train.
Can't these people even count on their fingers?
To cap it all, none of them look like the sort of people who could survive outside a Holiday Inn conference room - let alone catch their own lunch.
Not only parasites but blind insensible ones who just slither around hoovering up other peoples wealth.
It's all about happiness...
They're just trying to see that you are happy...
With nods to Buddha and Aristotle, a United Nations expert panel on Monday called for all countries to measure and track the happiness of their people, and to adopt a “a very different model of humanity” oriented toward subjective wellbeing rather than per capita gross national product.
Ranking Canadians as fifth-happiest in the world based on survey data — after Denmark, Finland, Norway and Holland — the World Happiness Report says happiness is unequally distributed within and among countries for reasons that transcend money and politics.
Be happy!
"In the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series, we find a spaceship full of people who say they were one of three ships escaping a doomed planet. The "A" ship carried the great leaders, scientists, and thinkers. The "C" ship carried the workers, those who actually made things. Theirs, the "B" ship, consisted of middle managers, hairdressers, telephone sanitizers, and the like. It eventually becomes clear that their planet was not in fact doomed, and that they were the victims of a ploy to rid their world of a useless third of the population."
- http://tlb.org/telsan.html
Since group "B" already believes the world is doomed without us having to convince them, the only question that remains is... where can we ship them? Sunny Antarctica perhaps? Tell them to bring lots of sun tan lotion?
"India and China cannot continue their current process of economic development"
"Breaking down the division between private and public ownership we have at the moment"
Arrogant parasites.
We cannot expect to learn much from such short excerpts....but as a series of portraits of self-satisfied hypocritical bandwagon-followers that was hard to beat.....and stomach!
What a nightmare - and how appropriate that Mzz Spellperson appeared at an early stage - she as a cabinet minister who employed an illegal immigrant as nanny on parliamentary expenses. A really shameful crowd of freeloaders - be afraid ....... be very afraid .....
Caroline Spelman's speech is available online:
The alarmists must be spitting feathers that the Arctic ice seems to have TOTALLY recovered to within the 1979-2006 average (see the Sea Ice graphs as per the link in 'Wattsupwiththat')....
Just doesn't fit the 'Arctic ice is melting/sea levels will rise' mantra at all - but then, reality just ignores the climate models...
From the conference:
"...we must renew our assault on the climate change sceptics...."
No mention of providing convincing evidence or debating or being open minded - just assaults!
The desperate rantings of of eco fundamentalists with no cogent argument.
Godawful music. Makes it unwatchable.
Weird, I was at this conference and people's faces weren't green, they didn't speak with echoes, there wasn't some tedious rock track droning over the whole proceedings, and people spoke in arguments rather than cut-up soundbites with manufactured context. I particularly like the superimposed text at the start which says something completely different from the words simulatenously coming out of the woman's mouth. Why not just redub all the speakers to your own version of events?
Cheap trick doesn't really cover it. You lot are clearly very convinced of your opinions, so why not engage with actual events rather than some silly Rocky Horror Show version? Your moral high ground looks rather unstable - indeed to an outsider to this blog its hard not to be embarassed on your behalf by that clip. You guys are supposed to be the ones committed to the evidence aren't you?
"Cheap trick doesn't really cover it. You lot are clearly very convinced of your opinions, so why not engage with actual events rather than some silly Rocky Horror Show version?"
The interesting thing about people who demand you look at the full context, is that putting things in full context usually makes it worse. Climategate was a good example of that.
Thank you for the enlightening video. World leaders are desperate; The public is grasping their sixty-six (66 yr) plan [ http://omanuel.wordpress.com/about/ ] to:
(1) Unite nations, avoid nuclear annihilation, and reduce nationalism and racism, by
(2) Reducing scientific integrity, civil rights and civil control of government.
If environmentalism finally collapses under the increasing pressure of deception, society will need to identify political leaders with the wisdom to restore integrity to science, rights of citizens and citizens control of government - without reviving racism and/or the threat of nuclear warfare.
I just came across an article on one of the American academic attendees to this conference and my ghast was mildly flabbered - yep - Karen Norgaard is out there seeking to influence the debate - Bish's visitors be warned - she's on your case.
That curmudgeonly Irish grandad is not best pleased.