
Connect the dots - Josh 163

Anthony over at WUWT is requesting we write to our local paper's editor - read about it here
Click images for more details
A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
Anthony over at WUWT is requesting we write to our local paper's editor - read about it here
Reader Comments (9)
Education and the Green hoax will be the subject of increasing attention this summer.
Everything they try Josh has the answer ... with a smile. Great stuff.
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What color are skeptic dots? Perhaps they are transparent . . . . like science should be transparent?
Maybe the figure is an experienced meteorological sceptic holding a graffiti zapper and the dots for EXTREME and WEATHER have already succumbed.
Fabulous Josh! Simple, yet so elegant and eloquent (as always)!
And while I'm here ... my fellow Canadian readers might be interested in some dots I've recently connected that show how the CBC has been hiding the forest around the cross-border tree branches that Tides washes up on our shores:
Of ethics, forests and fuelling fury: the CBC in action
@Apr 20, 2012 at 6:21 PM | UC
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Sorry Josh, you've just been demoted to second place in the "Climate Catastrophists are the Funniest Animals" cartoon cavalcade!
UC's link is hilarious and, given the earlier date, not only reveals S.Mc's minimalist, incisive and dry humour but a true appreciation of what makes great satire - great.
Joining the dots to 'discover the hidden message' may stretch the intellect of many a 350'er for a wee moment but the reinforced sense of self-smugness has a half-life that far exceeds that of atmospheric Carbon (sic) pollution unless the catalyst of gentle mocking intervening.
Keep mocking Josh (or is that 'keep joshing mate?) and apologies for pointing out that SMc is still the master of parody.
The "Connect the Dots" campaign is a good example of how to create a biased sample.
f.....g brilliant, josh. best yet.