
Jurassic PR - Josh 154

Click the image for a larger version.
Update on Mar 6, 2012 by

Added the title to the image, as per the WUWT version following Anthony's suggestion.
Reader Comments (16)
"Click for a larger version" you say...it doesn't work for me.
Sorry about that, should work now.
Click the image works on this page, but not on the main (index?) page.
... or it got fixed while I was navigating between the two ;)
Is that a deliberate allusion to Michael "State of Fear" Crichton? If so, nicely done. If not, it is now!!
Thanks Josh.
I was afraid I was going to have to Gleick for a larger version. ;)
I guess it might be "State of Fear" also, but it is definitely "Jurassic Park"...
The suggestion of media hype if you read the earlier 5 star "reviews" on Amazon. They are not reviews in the ordinary sense, but statements of support. Mann is portrayed as a victim of some nasty people, and a hero for not remaining unbent by the attacks he has endured. There was a certain lack of detail of the book itself, and no mention of the scientific arguments. Yet there are hundreds of people who find these type of "reviews" helpful in deciding whether to purchase.
One of the shortest is
Having read the "Hockey Stick Illusion" and some of the Climategate emails, I would beg to differ.
From one of Mann's reviewers:
"This culminated in a blatant smear campaign waged against him and his colleagues by a motley band of (and I'm not making this up) chartered accountants, mining executives, IT consultants, economists, astroturfers, lobbyists, fossil fuel company shills, and Internet wingnuts."
From another:
"If you ever wanted to know how it feels to be hunted by a pack of rabid wolves, Michael Mann's The Hockey Stick is the book for you."
Rabid Internet Wingnut Wolf. That's what I am.
"(and I'm not making this up)"
That would have been Gleick - recognise the style.
Mann: the Lifeboat....:o)
Mann: the Barricades....:o)
Mann: de Bull...:o)
Looking at the previous list, I guess I'm an "internet wingnut" as I don't fit any of the other categories. I will wear the epithet with pride.
In terms of actually reading the book and comparing with the real world, Hu McCulloch has some revealing comments over at Climate Audit.
Josh Your ironic and satiric rapier is getting sharper and sharper. Keep it up.
"Gleicking" requires a gmail address and an Epson scanner.
Thanks Josh. It reminded me of this colourful image in the Fuller/Mosher Crutape Letters:
@Shub Mar 6, 2012 at 6:33 PM
And considering that Mann is merely a "wily Cub Scout" wannabe, the poor little lamb just doesn't stand a chance ;-)
P.S. Great work, again, Josh ... I don't know how you do it, time after time ... but I know that there are legions of us who are so glad that you do!