
Opengate - Josh 158

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It looks like John Cook and co at Skeptical Science are in a bit of a tizzy because their secret forum has been exposed to public view. Their complaint is that they have been hacked though John Cook admits that their security is almost non-existent.
What is interesting, in reading some of the excerpts from the forum posted here, is the similarities between the SkS secret forum and the Climategate emails - i.e. we know the facts don't support what we say but don't tell anyone!
That's ok, guys, your secrets are safe with us ;-)
Reader Comments (163)
I think I get it now. The Green Father Christmas is nasty, aggressive and has bad breath. As with Splattergate, there’s an element of self-parody (all the green messengers in the 10:10 film were unlikeable). The underlying message seems to be: if you’re willing to make fun of yourself, you can do anything you like - blow people up or hit them, for example.
The warmist message implies total helplessness; the saner ones realise how ridiculous this message is and parody themselves, (savagely, in this case) thus giving themselves a sense of empowerment.
I’m given to self-parody myself, but I don’t find this funny. Tom Curtis does, and he’s certainly one of the saner voices at Skeptical Science.
John Cook has a whole thread of warmist cartoons at
Jiminy Cricket (Mar 27 @7:18 AM) shows that he has no understanding of science. No scientist (or social scientist, as TCP is social science) commences an experiment with no idea as to what they will find. On the contrary, either they or some respected theorist will have a strong idea of what will be found. The trick is to have the integrity to:
1) Ensure that expectation does not bias the study so that if finds what you expect regardless of the data; and
2) Publish your results regardless of whether or not they find what you expected to find.
With regard to TCP I have a doubt about (1) in that in an over conscientious attempt to ensure the methodology is not biased towards finding what they expect to find, the methodology has become biased against finding what they expect to find.
I have no doubts about the integrity of John Cook with respect to (2). Indeed, I believe opinions where expressed in the forums that the result should be published regardless. Certainly if the results had not been submitted to publication because it found no consensus, I would have objected and myself published the results. What is more, regardless of what you think of my or John Cook's integrity, the public exposure of TCP now means Cook will have to publish the results when they are finally obtained.
Re green humour, Marc Roberts himself admitted last August that it hasn't really been working all that well.
I find the cartoons on the throbgoblins site not particularly funny, but then I'm probably just one of those shallow people obsessed with happy-ever-afters and consumable frivolity. The curious lack of comments, over the years (even the choir seems rather mute), does seem to support the case that greenery/warmism and humour are not the happiest of bedfellows.
GeoffChambers uses a common phrase used to express frustration or annoyance without any literal intent as though it was intended as such. If it where so intended, there would have been a frame showing Frank hitting Ern.
Once again Geoff shows his intent to quote out of context and misrepresent at very opportunity, and at the same time his lack of a sense of humour.
"there would have been a frame showing Frank hitting Ern"
Not necessary, as the image has already been planted in the, er, punchline.
Anyway, I don’t think you’ll find many morbidly obese, binge-drinking, Armani-clad Humvee drivers here, although I’m sure it’s an image that SkS would like to project.
Tom Curtis (Mar 27, 2012 at 8:01 AM) shows that he has no understanding of science - or social science, as the Consensus Project is social science. (I don’t usually express myself so brutally - the words are Tom’s addressed to Jiminy Cricket).
Social scientists frequently have to use subjective classification procedures of the kind used in the Consensus Project. But the classification should never be done by those running the project. Isn’t that obvious? Published in Nature? This wouldn’t make the school magazine.
Tom tells me I shouldn’t quote the material from Skeptical Science Tree Hut threads out of context. He even says I shouldn’t quote the punchline of a joke out of context.
My take on the Global Warming Fantasy is that the whole thing is one giant Quote out of Context - the context being the Creator’s Greater Scheme of Things. What’s 30 years of satellite pictures of disappearing Arctic sea ice in the context of the history of the planet? (Unless of course you believe the Creator deliberately gave us satellites just in time for us to spot the coming catastrophe).
Who are the real Creationists in this story?
Tom, Wikipedia tells us SkS has been around since June 2007, so it's been active for nearly 5 years.
Active for 5 years, and 1 month after JC realised the whole site was open to the public it then gets 'hacked' - or whatever people choose to call it.
It's highly probable the 2 incidents are connected and have everything to do with the lax approach to site security that was long known before the hack.
As one of your own put it:
So in terms of how much SkS needs to take responsibility for the breach by my reckoning quite a lot.
"that greenery/warmism and humour are not the happiest of bedfellows"
I think it's because, by and large, they take themselves too seriously. Some of the most miserable-looking people I've seen have been the evangelists in our local town square proclaiming the joy of the afterlife. Like the AGW catastrophists, the wait seemed to be getting to them!
In the mean time, if you don't want to be called "deniers",...""
Heh. You think calling people 'deniers' harms them, or those who use such terminology?
"in that in an over conscientious attempt to ensure the methodology is not biased towards finding what they expect to find"
Some advice. The paper classification system, though carried out by humans as it is, should not depend on conscientousness. Bias should be eliminated by design, not by intent.
Here's a juicy one.
JC reports receiving an "excellent" email from a one Greg Craven, who Wikipedia describes as "an American high school science teacher and climate change author." (must be that one)
The thread and email topic is "Advice on engaging the public".
Well who mentioned "treat them like mushrooms"?
(email contains bold, not transferred)
(2010-11-15-Advice on engaging the public.html)
This Greg Cretin is basically saying - we're losing the war and here's how to keep losing it. Climate change author indeed.
Tom Curtis,
Does it hurt?
@JamesP, the thing is, they could be much more effective (and funnier, too!) if they didn't come across as being so bitter. The Santa cartoon reminded me of the Grinch (who stole Christmas), and the way that Dr Seuss created a hugely entertaining and popular story that was not so much anti-materialistic as it was showing (amongst other things) that there was more to life than materialism. I think that the "more than materialism" message might win hearts and minds for the greens if it was put across in a funny and also life-affirming way, but by tending towards being urgent and angry and bitter-sounding, they defeat their own purpose.
Re. Greg Craven
"They'll label you as an arrogant, patronizing intellectual who thinks you're better than them"
I'm sure they do.
@Tom, you see what you want to see...
Just like you label me an unscientific denier. I cannot be anything else can I?
More from the Tree Hut:
This is Glenn Tamblyn’s reaction to the outing of Gleick:
So Gleick was following "Queensberry Rules" when he used fraudulent impersonation when contacting Heartland? I had no idea.
Thanks, geoffchambers.
Sir, I'd like to withdraw my earlier (March 26, 3:30PM) comment that Glenn Tamblyn possesses a "good mind". It seems I only observed a glimpse of occasional sanity, and I now realise my observation cannot be sustained, generalised or exaggerated whatsoever. Glenn Tamblyn is a mad hatter like everyone else there.
I can just picture this quote coming from one of those tree sitters in Josh's toon...
Saving the world, one wise crack at a time.
There’s a lot of unintentional humour in the Tree Hut Papers.
One of my favourite characters in the SkS inner circle is John Mason, Earth Scientist. He’s had an article at the Guardian, and comments there under at least two names, John Mason and JohntheRock. In neither case does he identify himself as a Guardian contributor.
He’s a neighbour and collaborator of George Monbiot, and seems to have appointed himself Boswell to Monbiot’s Johnson (note to American readers: that’s not rude). He’s always letting us in on tittle tattle from the Welsh Hills, e.g.
David (Mar 27, 2012 at 3:37 PM)
If Doctor Mann had been having a look at my decline rebuttal, I’m not sure that I’d want to boast about it in public.
The SkS lurkers are never going to believe that you and I aren’t secretly conspiring...
More from the kids' treehut:
John Hartz:
(2011-06-19-Bishop Hill impugns SkS reliability.html)
We must mention the Rapid Response Team, apologies if already has been...
And then there's the Crusher Crew for which I'm picturing SWAT style commandos who come crashing through your windows when you fail to heed the consensus...
Those familiar with the film Brazil will have a fair idea of how they operate.
In the same thread, there is a John Cook comment that needs to be read in full. Not only does he win over Darth Vader, but he makes Mr Vader richer as well. It also gives a few clues about his brief career as cartoonist and how he ended up cooking the books:
(2011-06-19-Bishop Hill impugns SkS reliability.html)
Well waddya know?
SkS want to stick to the science and make sure they cite peer reviewed papers for everything. Nothing wrong with that.
In private they are a bit more scathing about some contrarians than they are in public. What a surprise!
They are concerned about public perception of the politics of climate change and that simplistic and scientifically naive arguments by contrarians can be more effective than attempts to explain the real science to ordinary non scientific people. Sometimes they disagree among themselves about how best to approach that issue.
Doesn't it strike anybody here as interesting that you've got access to all SkS's private emails, or something, and can find nothing remotely indicative of any kind of dishonest practice.
Well, I suppose they do try to snip snark out of their threads, an approach from which this thread could well benefit !
"Boswell to Monbiot’s Johnson (note to American readers: that’s not rude)"
It sounds pretty damning to me! :-)
Paul Butler, doesn't it strike you as interesting that these people have a private forum where they spend much time discussing what message to present publicly?
They have a 110KB thread discussing the issue of Gleick being the Heartland leaker. Much fan fare was made of the Heartland leak when it occurred and the thread was updated a few times as events unfolded.
This is the name of the thread I'm referring to above: "WOW! Peter Gleick was 'Heartland Insider'!!!.html"
Privately they went nuts over the revelation that it was Gleick, as did the rest of us.
...publicly the thread was never updated. Gleick's name doesn't even appear on it. Comments making reference to Gleick appended to the thread were deleted as "trolls".
Say what you want about peer reviewed papers Peter, but these are not people interested in an honest open discussion about climate change.
John cook on "Using the term denier":
(2011-06-25-MADE TO STICK Part 4_ Credibility.html)
Trawling through the Tree Hut documents, I earlier noticed how they would occasionally talk about the number of people they "converted" (six is the highest number I've come across), and I was struck by the similarity to a proselytising Christian cult, e.g. how many souls have been saved.
In that thread, one can find that the SkS is a 'broad church' and John Cook a swinging Christian voter:
The Quote of the Thread comes from Daniel Bailey:
(2011-06-25-MADE TO STICK Part 4_ Credibility.html)
Mar 27, 2012 at 2:59 PM | Unregistered Commentergeoffchambers
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.
"a swinging Christian voter"
I think you mean a 'Christian swinging voter'.. :-)
No, not really.
etc etc
This is the problem, though David. As far as SkS is concerned the Heartland leak was a side issue and Gleik turned out to be an embarrassment. These things happen.
By then making this argument:
you draw attention to the fact that the alleged 'dishonesty' had nothing to do climate change itself but was just about a detective trail about who has been funding whom and who leaked or stole or invented what. Completely irrelevant to the science of climate change and in fact a distraction. Admit it, if you had found somewhere where they were distorting the actual science this site and others would have been all over it like a rash.
Paul (and not Peter, Gleik or otherwise!)
@James P
OK. I got that wrong. :D
All from "2011-03-08-Call to action - help collect quotes on skeptics.html".
John Cook:
Robert Way:
Ari Jokimäki:
So why even go after Steve McIntyre if it's so hard to find dirt on him? Isn't that a good indication that he doesn't deserve to be on some hit list? (not that the rest do)
Imagine how easy it would be to pull together some erroneous quotes of Mike Mann, but they go after McIntyre because he's on the "dark side".
The fact they've labeled Steve as a climate denier pretty much proves they aren't even familiar with this stuff.
[Snip. Manners. BH].
OK Paul, I'll get back to you on that one after me and the other fellas have formulated a group response in the Tree House, where you aren't invited *nayah nayah*. As you say, ain't nothing wrong with that is there, entirely normal way to go about forum discussions.
Calling Heartland a side-issue to SkS just shows how far your willing to bend the truth to fit your narrative. Go look at the thread they made on their "side-issue".
No one has claimed they have lied about the science, that's your strawman. They certainly do give a one-sided view of it though. In fact you might say that is their raison d'être.
The mystery of how it was that Gleick articles in Forbes had so many readers issolved. It is all about SkS astroturfing, research shows.
John Hartz:
(2012-01-14-Peter Gleick and James Taylor square off on Forbes.html)
(2012-01-17-Climate Change, Disbelief, and the Collision between Human and Geologic Time - Peter Gleick - Forbes.html)
Pity Gleick had a meltdown.
Robert Way, quoted above at 5:44 by David, said this about Steve McIntyre:
"Weasely"? Steve McIntyre is straightforwardness itself - - oh, I get it. Because he doesn't say "what he really thinks" so as to hide the full extent of his denialism. It's so easy when you just know what others think even when they don't say it.
The Shock and Wow: SkS react to Gleick confession.
John Cook:
Alex C:
Robert Way:
Andy S:
John Cook:
Alex C:
Robert Way:
Rob Honeycutt:
Rob Honeycutt:
John Hartz:
Brian Purdue:
John Cook:
(2012-02-21-WOW! Peter Gleick was 'Heartland Insider'!!!.html)
It is a long thread. It is amazing how honest they are when secretly communicating with each other.
I am over with the tree-hutters for the day. Need to have a shower after that exercise.
Just to say that the Alex C on that thread is a different Alex C to me. :o)
"... a crescendo of Delingpole-level stupidity and scientific illiteracy .. "
Sounds accurate, and nothing anyone wouldn't say in public about the saddo interpreter of interpretations.
"Consensus, consensus, consensus. Consesus up, consensus down. Good consensus, better consensus, strengthening consensus. Drum, drum, consensus."
Consensus is why Einstein's opponents, in the form of the anti-relativity movement, were deemed a bunch of politically motivated cranks in the end. History repeats itself.
I hear Humphrey Bogart in “Casablanca”: “We’ll always have Paris.”You’re just saying that to cover your role as a triple agent. Well done. (My blowing your cover is of course a subtle smokescreen. They still haven’t worked out which one of their inner circle is the agent I’m running).
Thanks David and sHx. It’s one thing to have information in the public sphere; it’s something else to see it laid out in a readable form. When I read rustneversleeps:
"At least we can count on the ice"... So they want the ice to melt to win an argument? How bizarre, yet probably, again, not surprising.
David, I only just read 'Crusher Crew', very funny! You could not make it up could you? Well, I might try but I don't think I could top that.
Well, apart from the 'global weirding' (see Horizon on the BBC tonight)
But the decline in arctic sea ice is the first clear effect of CO2-induced warming so, yes, for those parts of the general public who are wondering (through political pressure from contrarians) whether what the scientists say is correct, it will be a significant part of the argument
They’re not necessarily going to wait for the ice to melt. Monbiot and his personal sock puppet John Mason sat around musing about when things would get so bad they’d have to practise triage on the deniers.
As Paul Butler points out, it’s not illegal - just very very weird - umpteen variations on the 10:10 fantasy.
Paul Butler:
Argument for what? That ice melt when it gets warmer?Yes, I think the public might buy that. And the next part of your argument is what? Or do we skip directly to “..So let’s build more windmills” ?
Well Geoff, the physics tells us the increased warmth is down to rising CO2. There's no other convincing explanation. So the first unambiguous symptom of such warmth is what will change the attitudes of the slightly contrarian part of the public.
As for building more windmills. Well, among other things, yes. And no, I don't think windmills will solve our energy challenge by themselves. But apparently Denmark plans to source 50% of its electricity (35% of its energy) from wind
Ice melting...
Re: J Bowers
And wasn't it Einstein who said something along the lines of "It does not matter how many agree with me it only takes one to prove me wrong.". Einstein was no fan of science by consensus