North on 28gate

Maurizio has noticed that Richard D North, the journalist who originally told us about the true nature of the BBC seminar attendees, has published some remarks about 28gate.
I haven’t quite worked out why the BBC were so keen to keep private the list of participants to the seminar. It may not be sinister or stupid. I am fairly sure that I feel some scruple toward any publication of details of “Chatham House” seminars. I know that one mustn’t ascribe particular remarks to particular participants. And, actually, I don’t think I have ever named the participants at such a gig. I would be inclined to check that they were OK with being named before I did so.
I am pleased that nothing I have heard about the seminar contradicts what I did recall and say about it. I did find the event quite depressing and I was peeved that the possibility of my helping to introducing the BBC and its audiences to all sorts of interesting ways of thinking rationally about climate change were not advanced by my attendance. I did think and did say that reporting on climate change would improve as broadcasters realised that their audiences did not want to do very much about it. I think that has come to pass.
North's further remarks here are worth a look too.
Reader Comments (24)
I haven’t quite worked out why the BBC were so keen to keep private the list of participants to the seminar. It may not be sinister or stupid
should be "It may be sinister or stupid or both.
The BBC believe they are fighting a good fight against evil. All their actions make sense against such a hypothesis.
Ah, I was just noting a strange coincidence re David Frost on an earlier 28gate thread. Nice timing, once again.
Richard D North might have a point, if the alarmists and the 'political elite' weren't sending the economy to hell in a handcart, based on the ridiculous policies they have chosen as a result of alarmist agitprop, as enthusiastically purveyed by Al'Beeb.
I'd pretty much agree with that; an accurate observation then, I think, and just as valid now.
When am I ever going to get a chance to finish reading 'Hiding the Decline'!
I am never quite sure whether I admire or despise the ability some people have to observe evil and yet remain unworried.
I am truly horrified by both these examples of BBC bias and I am also angry.
To those lamenting the lack of traction on 28Gate at least in the MSM world, I would like to point out that poet Mohammed al-Ajami has been tried and convicted to life in prison in full view of thousands of delegates and journalists at COP18.
Needless to say none of them considered it important to mention the news. That's quite a change from the vociferous reporting from Beijing 2008 for example, where human rights were deemed more important.
And Leo H still doesn't get this simple concept. No news there either.
In other news: Ed Davey keeps silent in Doha too.
Couldn't be further O/T, but I've just noticed 2200 BBC 4 "Attenborough's Egg Hunt" - say it quickly ....
Spot on, and equally true of the Guardian.He later explains his lack of horror at the BBC’s supposed left-wing bias:
Sssh. There’s a secret sceptic mole at the Radio Times...
Omnologos: "I would like to point out that poet Mohammed al-Ajami has been tried and convicted to life in prison in full view of thousands of delegates and journalists at COP18."
And I emailed all the main newspapers and sent a copy to all our MSPs pointing out that Mr Wheelhouse (Scottish Minister) is going to Doha - he may as well do something useful there! So, they have all been told, and if as it appears they are doing nothing it, it is because they have decided to do nothing because when it comes to climate talks, no one's human rights matter to these zealots.
BBC has the same problem with the public perception about Climate Change as the politicians have with Tax Avoidance.The two are very similar .
Im enraged by the debate about Starbucks Amazon And Google not paying Corporation tax.
Simply if Starbucks get hit by a bigger tax bill they shut their branches and throw their staff on the dole queue.
The state losses out overall .Dole money .loss of PAYE Loss of VAT Loss of Council Tax .Hits Starbucks suppliers. Whats gained in tax is doubly lost in Econoomic growth.If Starbucks is paying lower rate Corporation in Holland then the UK should compete by offering an ever lower rate UK Corporation tax break.
Bishop you used to be an accountant please help explain it.They keep on This Tax Blitz you just end up with a high street full of boarded up shops.
What 28 Gates and Tax Scam stories have in common is the political elites (big words) trying to preach to a very weary skeptical cynical disinterested public.The population in the UK is the most heavily taxed in the UK Stamp Duty ,Fuel Duty ,PAYE,Death Duties Drink and Cigatettes.The only thing they don't tax us on is Cornish Pasties.And now £147 windmill tax.Works out 70 pence in every pound.
When you have Senior BBC Executives earning half a million pounds a year telling ordinary people to cut their Carbon Footprint its going to put their backs up.
For someone like Margaret Hodge MP( what did she claim for} to call companies Legally avoiding tax as an insult to British Business .Margeret if you was to reduce UK Business taxes then international companies and corporation would be queing up to set up employ thousands and pay their taxes here.
Same people proposing we pay more tax and cut our carbon footprints cut from the same cloth .Basically smug arrogant Elitists.Guardian reading BBC ilk Public Sector Monkeys.
Sorry Bish off topic rant over.
North says "“I like to think that I saved the BBC from making a fool of itself”
Job done, obviously...
I thought they taxed you on Cornish Pasties if they were hot?
Get Margarite Hodge to blow on them.
RDN: "I am fairly sure that I feel some scruple toward any publication of details of “Chatham House” seminars."
Richard: can you then confirm to us that the meeting - AT THE TIME - was made aware of the CHR? You were actually told, on the day, that the meeting was being held under CHR? And who told you?
Richard: this whole Chatham House business is completely unacceptable when a publicly-funded body tries to apply it to a meeting involving selected outside personnel with the stated intent of influencing editorial policy. After Bridcut any such meeting had to be completely transparent, and the fact that it was not reflects extremely badly on everyone involved, including, in particular, the new DG.
"I think its vaguely soft-left liberal green comfort zone"
The BBC is anti US, anti Israel, pro EU, dishonest, opaque, smug, arrogant and pro CAGW and yes I think that would tend to be quite hazardous to the boisterous taste for the counter-intuitive which most ensures good journalism. ^.^
As a matter of interest, why does Richard D North get invited to these things? Do you have to be a member of the right club? Is there a secret handshake I need to learn?
Who IS Richard D North?
North seems to detect all the BBC bias, the propaganda, the left wing social engineering, the deceit, yet remains curiously laissez-faire and indifferent. Strange. Very similar in fact to the indifferent attitude of most establishment elites to creeping federalisation and energy policy driven economic grief. The age of stupid indeed. No wonder UKIP is on the up.
Did Ice on the Blades or a naturally occurring Wind Shear kill this particular Wind Turbine.
Or was it as they said hit and run by a UFO.
Question The Manufacturers sitting on sensitive Data after testing a scale model of a Wind Turbine to destruction in a Wind Tunnel.The Micheal Fish famous Hurricane of 1987 repeated.
Philip maybe a FOI can prize it out from under them.
RE: “reporting on climate change would improve as broadcasters realised that their audiences did not want to do very much about it. I think that has come to pass.”
The "don't want to do much about it" is very true. I went on the “National Climate March” in London on Saturday and did some interviews. The organiser Philip Thornhill said, “the big NGOs don’t want to do national climate marches” and so did not attend!
Now we can see why - the public are just not interested. There were just 300 on the “National Climate March” but this was reduced to 200 by the time they had marched from the US Embassy to Parliament to do the anti-fracking stunt, which appeared on BBC News, because it was such a freezing cold day.
This was the rump of the climate movement- dotty women in woolly hats singing songs about “turn the heating down”. Not at all the sort of image the big NGOs like to portray. It was like “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. I have a wonderful photo of an elderly woman with a toy polar bear in a plastic bag holding a sign “Don’t let my home melt”. All rather sad.
I can see why the well paid, slick corporate NGOs WWF, FoE, and Greenpeace don’t want to be seen with this lot - not good for their youthful image at all - and the march was so small - an embarrassment, when you consider the legislation and the level of political commitment to the calls for “action on the climate”, which have supposedly come up from civil society.
Calls for “action on the climate” are phony - and this is why it never became a mass movement. The public are perhaps telling the NGOs - “DON’T PANIC!”
Maurizio, thanks for that link.
Funny how all those people who want to change the world and care so deeply about human rights are silent in this case. Amnesty International, hello? Oh wait, they are now campaigning about CO2, so too busy. Another charity, formerly supported, that I have crossed off my list.
Johanna - Amnesty has picked up the case or so I believe. However alongside everybody else they've decided to make no link whatsoever with cop18. Acquiescence as we know is often what the bad guys need to get badder ...