Tony's first reaction

Tony Newbery has written his first reactions to the discovery of the identities of the BBC climate 28.
The names on the list that Maurizio has published in no way justify the claim made in the ‘Wagon Wheel’ report. It is not enough for the BBC to merely make an apology and a correction at this late stage; much, much more is needed if the organisation’s reputation is to be restored.
What the Saville scandal has shown us is that there is a culture of deceit - and of turning a blind eye to unwelcome problems - at the BBC which extends back over decades. The BBC must be forced to institute a proper inquiry into why Bridcut was misinformed and then tens of thousands of pounds in legal costs were committed to keeping the affair under wraps, just like Saville’s appalling behaviour.
That is the next task.
Reader Comments (27)
Register's piece
Savile was not protected by the BBC, he was protected from the BBC by his friends like Ted Heath, Margaret Thatcher and the Family which is above all others.
As for McAlpine
Very damaged and vulnerable man changes his story during a police interview. Please ! Please ! Please !
What we are seeing is the whole establishment closing ranks and creating an infantile fabricated narrative complete with BBC patsies. Which political party did Patten belong to ?
Where 'us' is the UK population, across all classes, not just climate nerds, and that's a massive difference from the past. It may take a while for serious people to focus on the deeper deceits of the climate area. But now this laughable list of a handful of activist scientists and the bulk of almost univocal non-scientists is in the public domain it will be a powerful place to start, given even a seedling of fair-mindedness.
As Paul Matthews has pointed out elsewhere the attempt of Helen Boaden to invoke the Chatham House Rule against Tony Newbery has backfired in extraordinary fashion, even by the BBC standards of the last six weeks, for it turns out the IBT had already published comments from the seminars with attributions. There was no reason to withhold the list of attendees in any case, as even the Bilderberg Meeting releases those - one of the higher level moots that is known to use the CHR.
Tony's asked the BBC Litigation Department to confirm that this is the list he was requesting under FOI. Lovely to imagine the processing of that one.
eSmiff: any evidence for your dark, if ambiguous smearing?
The BBC is utterly typical.
Every bureaucracy covers up every embarrassing or criminal act. There are no exceptions. Every president, dean, chairman, provost, every person responsible for managing any institution, church, school, charity, hospital business, military always tries to cover stuff up.
Coverups are built into institutions and people. St Augustine called it Original Sin. We live in a fallen world filled within fallen people. There is no possible reform that will prevent them. Only whistle-blowers get the truth out.
Richard, yes, in fact the document with direct quotes of speakers at the 2007 meeting is still up at the ibt site
though it may disappear soon.
The Chatham House idea seems to be a post-hoc invention, possibly by Joe Smith.
Richard Drake
There is no insinuation. I am expressing the view that the scenarios we have seen unfold read like a work of fiction . The end result is that incredibly serious accusations against establishment figures have disappeared and every hack has turned the spotlight on the BBC. Patten is a strange man who always fails and gets a consolation prize.
The idea that you can rely on a sudden change of evidence from a vulnerable man against a very senior politician after a police interview is very suspect to me. I have personal experience as a complainant being pushed around by the police because I have a working class postcode (cheap detached house). When I asked to speak to an adult, they folded They were vile, arrogant yobs. They also behaved that way toward my neighbours. We had to get our MSP to sort them out, which he did.
eSmiff: One) this is way off topic for this thread. Two) where does it say that Steve Messham was shown a photo of Alistair McAlpine by the police? I viewed the video of his apology, which he said was triggered by him seeing a photo for the first time, and it seemed completely sincere and unforced. I've read nothing about the police being involved in his change of mind. Are you saying that he was shown a photo first by Newsnight, then by the police? That alone would make me suspicious. Your own experiences of the police (and I've had some bad ones as well as good ones myself) cannot determine where the evidence is pointing in this case. But I feel that this is badly off topic here. Try the BBC Tipping Point Discussion if you must or start another one of your own.
The way the BBC has acted shows how appalling irresponsible it is when it comes to spending public money, but we knew that already. Something else that this case shows is how incredibly stupid the BBC bosses are.
They would have probably have got away with employing one QC to represent them against a pensioner in a case that had attracted little media attention. They might even have got away with employing two QCs. However the employment of no fewer than half a dozen overpaid lawyers was virtually tantamount to an admission of guilt.
The more lawyers an organisation throws into battle on its behalf, the more crooked it is.
Paul Matthews:
For more information and background about the [IBT] brainstorms to date, and a list of all delegates ...
Download PDF
404 Error - File not found!
Messenger: "404 Error - File not found!"
Sounds like Paul Matthews' "...though it may disappear soon" was prescient.
Enter the URL ( http://www.ibt.org.uk/all_documents/Dialogue/Real%20World%20Brainstorm%20Sep%202007%20background.pdf ) at the Wayback Machine.
eSmiff - I would be very careful what I write if I was you. The Tinterwebs does not protect you from the law.
Even when we discuss Mr Saville's behaviour we should remember that for all the overwhelming and damning evidence it remains alleged until decided otherwise.
Your assertion about Mr Messham's statement doesn't stack up really because many media outlets had come to the conclusion that it probably was a case of mistaken identity, a day or two before he confirmed that Lord McAlpine was not the man. I am sure you were much upset by this turn of events but your smearing of people living and deceased does you little credit unless you can provide evidence to support it. There is no doubt that many in the entertainment world were aware of Mr Saville's behaviour, but the idea that politician's of any colour knew and covered it up stretches things a bit far - unless once again you can provide some evidence. I hope for your sake that nobody requires you do so in a court of law.
H/T to the commenter who linked to this article by Andrew O'Hagan (sorry can't spot who it was, old age again!) - quite astonishing stuff
There seems to be an odd synchronicity between cover-ups of alleged child molesters and attempts to hide Warmist machinations at two institutions.
I hope
Mr. Newbery will continue his appeal because the BBC if clearly a public funded organisation and as such should be subject to FOI rules. I hope that the appeal court will see that there is clearly a public interest in the impartiality and transparentcy of the BBC in the light of recent events and establish the fact by the judgement.
retireddave: I'll take the credit for first mentioning Andrew O’Hagan in the LRB on Bishop Hill two weeks ago. That was thanks to following Olenka Frenkiel on Twitter. When I met Olenka for the first time last week after the Frontline Club she had some choice words for a number of those currently in the news. She was trained by the BBC and stayed with them for thirty years. She was the first journalist on top of the Berlin Wall as it began to crumble. As I joked to her partner, you had to get the timing of that right - five minutes too early wouldn't have been so good. Anyway, based on what Olenka shared publicly and in person I feel sure there is more to come out. That's why I'm grateful to you for challenging the wilder assertions - in this case from eSmiff - that discredit the solid stuff.
"The Chatham House idea seems to be a post-hoc invention, possibly by Joe Smith."
Nov 13, 2012 at 2:49 PM | Paul Matthews
It was apparently agreed by the organisers before the seminar in January 2006 that interests us. In a 2005 paper, unearthed by Tallbloke, Dr Smith writes:
"The seminars were held under Chatham House rules; hence none of the reported comments or quotations in the text are attributable. In the case of quotations from workshops and plenaries, informants are distinguished as either media participant (MP) or specialist participant (SP), and where necessary distinguished by number (e.g., MP1). Some quotations are included from supplementary interviews. These quotes are again not directly attributable, but where there is more than one respondent with the same job description they are coded (i.e., journalist 1 = J1)."
See section 2 of http://web.missouri.edu/~segerti/capstone/mediaclimatechange.pdf
(Thanks to Tallbloke for finding this document)
However this did not prevent the IBT, which perhaps did not read the Rule, from publishing the lists of participants in this and the other seminars in the Real World Brainstorm series; indeed the IBT Home page - www.ibt.org.uk/dialogue.php - still offers a link to such lists
For more information and background about the brainstorms to date, and a list of all delegates ... "
... but the link is broken ....
Cassio @ 8.00 p.m.
.... but the link is broken .....
Does this help?
The International Broadcasting Trust (IBT) has been lobbying the BBC, on behalf of all
the major UK aid and development agencies, to improve its coverage of the developing
world. One of the aims is to take this coverage out of the box of news and current affairs,
so that the lives of people in the rest of the world, and the issues which affect them,
become a regular feature of a much wider range of BBC programmes, for example
dramas and features. The BBC has agreed to hold a series of seminars with IBT, which
are being organized jointly with the Cambridge Media and Environment Programme, to
discuss some of these issues.
So far, 6 seminars have taken place. They have had a significant impact on the BBC’s
output and have also provided a unique opportunity for dialogue between those working
in development and broadcasters.
As a result of the success of these seminars, further brainstorms are now planned for
For a full list of delegates see attached Appendix.
The seminars so far
The first seminar took place in London, on Thursday May 20, 2004 and the second in
Cambridge, on September 16 and 17, 2004. Each event was attended by 20 senior BBC
executives, including the Director of Television, the Channel Controllers for BBC1, 2
and 4, the Heads of Drama, Documentaries, Specialist Factual, Learning, Children’s,
News, Current Affairs and Sport. 20 developing world experts also attended. They
included academics, film makers, writers, grassroots activists, representatives from UK
based NGOs (including Barbara Stocking, the Chief Executive of Oxfam), Government
Ministers and business leaders. The Kew meeting was addressed by Hilary Benn, the
Secretary of State at the Department for International Development. Delegates traveled to
the two seminars from a number of countries including Pakistan, South Africa, Mexico
and Haiti.
The first brainstorm of 2005 took place on July 14-15 at New Hall College, Cambridge. It
was our most successful to date. We continued to have high level participation from the
BBC - including the Director of Television, Jana Bennett, and three channel controllers –
from BBC2, 3 and 4. Interestingly, we also had representatives from drama, comedy,
features and factual entertainment. For the first time, several independent producers were
also present. On the non broadcasting side, there were grassroots activists from India,
Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Antigua. When she opened the seminar, Jana Bennett
acknowledged that the Real World Brainstorms had had a significant impact on the
BBC’s thinking and programming. She said the ambitious season Africa Lives on the
BBC would not have been the same without this dialogue.
A one day event was held in London on January 26 2006, focusing on climate change and
its impact on development. The brainstorm brought together 28 BBC executives and
independent producers, this time including several from BBC News, and 28 policy
experts. It was chaired by Fergal Keane and looked ahead to the next 10 years, to explore
the challenges facing television in covering this issue. Several delegates attended from
developing countries, including Ethiopia, China and Bangladesh.
On September 14 and 15 2006, another one and a half day event took place at Sidney
Sussex College in Cambridge. The theme was ‘interconnectedness’ and there was also a
particular focus on Latin America. Many of the BBC participants were drama and
comedy producers, directors and writers. One of the aims of the seminars has been to
persuade non factual programme makers to introduce international themes and stories
into their programmes. As a result of the Kew seminar, the BBC commissioned Howard
Brenton to write a drama on contemporary China. It is now recognised that drama,
comedy and entertainment offer ways of reaching new and wider audiences. One of the
most popular programmes in the BBC’s Africa season was the Richard Curtis drama Girl
in the Café which was produced by Hilary Bevan-Jones who attended our New Hall
A one and a half day event was held on July 12 and 13 at New Hall College, Cambridge
entitled ‘Telling stories about an interconnected world: the challenge to broadcasting.’
There were four ‘carousel’ sessions with a wide range of experts, who all approached the
theme of an interconnected world from different angles. Some of the specific issues
explored included innovation, design, migration, generational differences and the role of
global business. This was a very successful event. The BBC’s upcoming India and
Pakistan 07 season was highlighted and broadcasters found the interconnections theme
challenged them to rethink the nature of their work. The specialists appreciated the
opportunity for a deeper insight into media decision making.
There was recognition of the need to acknowledge some of the complexities and
contradictions in communicating global stories. Roly Keating, the Controller of BBC2
took up this theme in his closing remarks ‘We’ve got to keep challenging the frames in
which we put these stories because every frame – whether a news item or a classic 60
minute documentary – carries with it all sorts of inbuilt rather unexamined assumptions
about the way we tell the story.’ Roly urged producers and commissioners ‘to generate
more variety – shapes, tones, formats – because the liberation of coming at these subjects
from a completely different spirit is so breathtaking.’
The aim
The aim of the seminars is to change minds and hearts. We want to talk about the
developing world in a way that is interesting, engaging and provocative, so that the BBC
participants and independent producers come away convinced that this is an area which
their programmes should no longer ignore. We are not pitching ideas and have no
guarantees that specific programmes will be commissioned on these issues. Our goal,
therefore, is to bring to life stories and issues from the developing world. We shall not be
talking in detail about tv coverage so we do not need participants to have a detailed
knowledge of British television.
The seminars started with an overall theme: change and its impact on people’s lives in the
west and in the developing world. We wanted to demonstrate that the lives of people in
the developing world are not static- as they are sometimes portrayed on television. We
looked at the effects of global environmental, technological and economic changes and
exploring issues like urbanisation, deforestation, access to education, running water
healthcare, trade rules, HIV/Aids and mental health. More recently, we have focused
increasingly on the theme of interconnectedness.
At each of the seminars there are approximately 40 participants, half from the BBC, and
the remainder covering a wider range of voices with an interest in, and knowledge about
the developing world.
Plans for 2008
There will be a one a half day brainstorm in Cambridge in July 2008. The specific focus
has yet to be agreed but one of the aims will be to invite producers and writers, in
addition to BBC executives and independent producers. It will also provide an
opportunity to see how well the BBC is doing in fulfilling its new purpose of ‘bringing
the world to the UK’. How far is it succeeding in reaching new audiences?
We’re also keen that the next event should deepen representation from the CIS and
Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.
APPENDIX: Participants 2004-7
May 20th 2004, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
John Akomfrah, Independent filmmaker
George Alagiah, (Chair) BBC Presenter
Matthew Barrett, Executive Producer - Specialist Factual
Hilary Benn, Secretary of State for International Development
Jana Bennett, Director of Television, BBC TV
Glenwyn Benson, Controller Factual TV
Charles Bland, BG Group plc
Steve Bradshaw, Reporter, Current Affairs & Business Programmes
Kevin Cahill, Director, Comic Relief
Fernanda Castejon, Oxfam Central America
Martha Clarke, CAFOD
Esteve Corbera, Tyndall Centre, UEA
Peter Crane Director, RBG Kew
Daniel Dodd, Editor, Economics and Business, BBC
Yolette Ettienne, Oxfam Programme Co-ordinator Haiti
Mark Galloway, Director, IBT
Alan Hayling, Head of Documentaries, BBC TV
Roger Harrabin, BBC R4 Today Programme
Lorraine Heggessey, Controller BBC ONE
Peter Horrocks, Head of BBC Current Affairs
Usifu Jalloh, musician, dancer, actor
Roly Keating, Controller BBC TWO
Peter Kosminsky, Independent film producer
Seetha Kumar, Head of Lifeskills, BBC TV
Peter Lovering, Head of Development, Leisure & Factual Entertainment, BBC TV
Juneia Mallas, campaigner and filmmaker
Karen Merkel, Director of Education, BBC World Service Trust
Roy Milani, Head of CBBC News and Factual
Anne Morrison, Controller, Documentaries and general factual, BBC TV
Cameron Murdoch, Head of Business Management, BBC TV
Karen O'Connor, Editor, This World
Alpesh Patel, Entrepreneur and journalist
Jules Peck, Global policy, WWF
Don Redding Third World and Environment Broadcasting Project
Mike Robinson, Editor Panorama
Richard Sambrook, Director of Global News, BBC
Richard Sandbrook, Independent consultant
Joe Smith, Open University
Barbara Stocking, Chief Executive, Oxfam
Celia Taylor, Senior Commissioning Executive BBC TV
Jane Tranter, Controller, Drama Commissioning BBC TV
Nick Vaughan-Barratt, Executive Editor, Events BBC TV
Onyekachi Wambu, African Foundation for Development
Nick Ware, Managing Editor BBC FOUR
Joseph Warungu, Editor, Focus on Africa and Network Africa, BBC World Service
Pat Younge, Head of Programmes BBC Sport
Linda Yueh Pembroke College, Oxford University
September 16th and 17th 2004,
Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
Krishan Arora, Senior Commissioning Executive, Factual, BBC TV
Frank Ash, Creativity consultant, BBC Training
Huma Beg, Serendip Productions
Sindamani Bridglal, independent film maker
Constantino Casasbuenas, Regional Policy Advisor for Latin America, Oxfam
Robert Chambers, Research Associate, Institute for Development Studies, Sussex University
Chukwu-Emeka Chikezie, Executive Director, Africa Foundation For Development
Jo Clinton-Davis, Senior Commissioning Executive, BBC TV
Emma De’Ath, Programme Executive, BBC Education
Simon Ford, Exec Producer, Leisure and Factual Entertainment, BBC
Mark Galloway, Director, International Broadcasting Trust
David Goldblatt, author
Roger Harrabin, BBC R4 Today Programme
Alex Holmes, Creative Director, Leisure and Factual Entertainment, BBC TV
Tony Juniper, Director, Friends of the Earth
Roly Keating, Controller, BBC2
Matthew Kent, International Broadcasting Trust
Paul Komba, Cambridge Refugee Support Group
Seetha Kumar, TV Executive, Africa Season, BBC1
Jo Lapping, Storyville, BBC TV
Javier Lizarzaburu, Senior Producer, Spanish service BBC World Service
Clova McCallum, Development Executive, Independents, BBC Drama
Sheena McDonald, (Chair) freelance broadcaster
Karen Merkel, Director of Education, BBC World Service Trust
Chintha Munasinghe, Project Director, Basic Needs, Sri Lanka
Cameron Murdoch, Head of Business Management, BBC TV
Anita Neville, WWF communications
Alpesh Patel, entrepreneur
Kate Phillips, Director of External Relations, Christian Aid
Ian Prince, Editor, Newsround, BBC1
Ato Quayson, Lecturer in English Literature, University of Cambridge
Rita Ray, DJ
Joe Smith, Lecturer in Environment, The Open University
Theo Sowa, Independent consultant
Celia Taylor, Senior Commissioning Executive BBC TV
Anuradha Vittachi, Director, Oneworld Online
John Willis, Director of Factual and Learning, BBC
Sally-Ann Wilson, Commonwealth Broadcasting Association
Brian Woods, independent filmmaker
Xinran, freelance columnist and broadcaster
Pat Younge, Head of Programmes and Planning, BBC Sport
July 14th and 15th 2005,
New Hall College, Cambridge
Xinran, Author and broadcaster
Dora Akunyili, Director General, National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, Nigeria
Hernando Alvarez, Colombian BBC World Service producer
Vicki Barrass, Editor, BBC Factual and Entertainment
Jana Bennett, Director of Television, BBC
Hilary Bevan-Jones, Drama Producer & Co-Founder, Tightrope Pictures
Sarah Brandist, Head of Development, BBC Drama
Nick Catliff, Co-Founder, Lion TV
Will Daws, BBC Executive Producer, This World
Ekow Eshun, journalist and Artistic Director, ICA
Nick Fraser, Editor, BBC Storyville
Mark Galloway, Director, International Broadcasting Trust
Penelope Gibbs, Director, Voluntary Action Media Unit
Tom Giles, Executive Producer, BBC Current Affairs
Sharon Goulds, Head of Communications, Plan International UK
Arvel Grant, Executive Director, Caribbean Council for the Blind
Janice Hadlow, Controller BBC FOUR
Roger Harrabin, (Chair) Senior Environment Correspondent, BBC News
Mark Harrison, Creative Director, BBC Arts
Christopher Hird, Managing Director, Fulcrum TV
Peter Horrocks, Head of Current Affairs, BBC
Saleemul Huq, Director, Climate Change Programme, IIED
Roly Keating, Controller of BBC TWO
Chandrashekar (Chandu) Krishnan, Exec Director, Transparency International (UK)
Seetha Kumar, Executive Editor, Africa Lives on the BBC
Jonathan Lewis, Documentary Director (Granada TV)
Anne Mensah, Executive Producer, BBC Drama
Stuart Murphy, Controller BBC THREE
Kathy Myers, Development Team Leader, BBC Birmingham
Karen O’Connor, Editor, This World, BBC Current Affairs
Tom Palakudiyil, South Asia Regional Manager, Christian Aid
Jon Plowman, Head of Comedy Entertainment, BBC
Kativa Prakash-Mani, Associate Director, SustainAbility
Matthew Prescott, Green College, Oxford University
Sarah Radcliffe, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
Carlos Reyes-Manzo, Documentary Photographer and Journalist
David Satterthwaite, Senior Fellow, Human Settlements Programme, IIED
Shirazuddin Siddiqi, Director Afghan projects BBC World Service Trust Shirazuddin.
John Silver, Creative Director of Features, Shine
Joe Smith, Lecturer in Social Sciences, The Open University
Abiola Tilley-Gyado, Strategic Framework for Africa Representative PLAN
Albert Tucker, Managing Director, Twin & Twin Trading Ltd
Emma Turner, Series Producer, Holby, BBC ONE
Dominic Vallely, Channel Executive, BBC TWO
Linda Yueh, Fellow in Economics, Pembroke College
January 26th 2006,
BBC Television Centre, London
Robert May, Oxford University and Imperial College London
Mike Hulme, Director, Tyndall Centre, UEA
Blake Lee-Harwood, Head of Campaigns, Greenpeace
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Michael Bravo, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge
Andrew Dlugolecki, Insurance industry consultant
Trevor Evans, US Embassy
Colin Challen MP, Chair, All Party Group on Climate Change
Anuradha Vittachi, Director, Oneworld.net
Andrew Simms, Policy Director, New Economics Foundation
Claire Foster, Church of England
Saleemul Huq, IIED
Poshendra Satyal Pravat, Open University
Li Moxuan, Climate campaigner, Greenpeace China
Tadesse Dadi, Tearfund Ethiopia
Iain Wright, CO2 Project Manager, BP International
Ashok Sinha, Stop Climate Chaos
Andy Atkins, Advocacy Director, Tearfund
Matthew Farrow, CBI
Rafael Hidalgo, TV/multimedia producer
Cheryl Campbell, Executive Director, Television for the Environment
Kevin McCullough, Director, Npower Renewables
Richard D North, Institute of Economic Affairs
Steve Widdicombe, Plymouth Marine Labs
Joe Smith, The Open University
Mark Galloway, Director, IBT
Anita Neville, E3G
Eleni Andreadis, Harvard University
Jos Wheatley, Global Environment Assets Team, DFID
Tessa Tennant, Chair, AsRia
BBC attendees:
Jana Bennett, Director of Television
Sacha Baveystock, Executive Producer, Science
Helen Boaden, Director of News
Andrew Lane, Manager, Weather, TV News
Anne Gilchrist, Executive Editor Indies & Events, CBBC
Dominic Vallely, Executive Editor, Entertainment
Eleanor Moran, Development Executive, Drama Commissioning
Elizabeth McKay, Project Executive, Education
Emma Swain, Commissioning Editor, Specialist Factual
Fergal Keane, (Chair), Foreign Affairs Correspondent
Fran Unsworth, Head of Newsgathering
George Entwistle, Head of TV Current Affairs
Glenwyn Benson, Controller, Factual TV
John Lynch, Creative Director, Specialist Factual
Jon Plowman, Head of Comedy
Jon Williams, TV Editor Newsgathering
Karen O'Connor, Editor, This World, Current Affairs
Catriona McKenzie, Tightrope Pictures catriona@tightropepictures.com
January 26th 2006,
BBC Television Centre, London (cont)
Liz Molyneux, Editorial Executive, Factual Commissioning
Matt Morris, Head of News, Radio Five Live
Neil Nightingale, Head of Natural History Unit
Paul Brannan, Deputy Head of News Interactive
Peter Horrocks, Head of Television News
Peter Rippon, Duty Editor, World at One/PM/The World this Weekend
Phil Harding, Director, English Networks & Nations
Steve Mitchell, Head Of Radio News
Sue Inglish, Head Of Political Programmes
Frances Weil, Editor of News Special Events
September 14th and 15th 2006
Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
Charles Abugre, Head of Global Advocacy & Policy, Christian Aid
Shahidul Alam, Photographer, writer, activist
Peter Barron, Editor, Newsnight, BBC
Alex Bellos, Journalist
Glenwyn Benson, Controller, Factual Commissioning, BBC
Peter Berry, Writer
Danny Brocklehurst, Writer
Dorothy Byrne, Head of News and Current Affairs, Channel 4
Edward Canfor-Dumas, Writer
Marina Cantacuzino, Journalist
Chris Clark, HSBC
Tim Clissold, Climate Change Capital
Declan Croghan, Writer
Jason DaPonte, Exec Producer, BBC Future Media & Technology
Shekar Dattatri, Independent conservation filmmaker
Justin Davies, Producer, BBC Comedy
Gavin Esler, Presenter, Newsnight, BBC
Julio Etchart, Photojournalist
Nick Fraser, Editor, Storyville BBC
Mark Galloway, Director, International Broadcasting Trust
Priya Gopal. Writer & lecturer, Cambridge University
Maurice Gran, Comedy writer
Mina Guli, Principal, Carbon Markets, Climate Change Capital
Roger Harrabin, BBC News Environment Analyst
Steve Herrmann, Editor, BBC News Interactive
Peter Horrocks, Head of TV News, BBC
Gwyn Hughes, Drama writer
Armando Iannucci, Comedy writer & producer
Martin Jacques, Research fellow, London School of Economics
Raja Jarrah, CARE International UK
Anisa Johnny, Fashion Designer
Martin Kalungu Banda, Oxfam
Jonathan Loh, Biologist, Institute of Zoology, London Zoo
Salim Lone, Journalist
Yiyi Lu, Associate Fellow, Royal Institute of International Affairs
Guillermo Makin, Associate, Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge
Sarfraz Manzoor, Writer, broadcaster & documentary maker
Laurence Marks, Comedy writer
Craig Murray, Writer and former diplomat
Susan Nickson, Comedy writer
Craig Oliver, Editor, Ten O’Clock News, BBC
Nii Ayikwei Parkes, Poet
Benedicte Paviot, Journalist
Danny Peak, Comedy writer
Jon Plowman, Head of BBC Comedy
Matt Prescott, Ecologist, Oxford University and Co-ordinator, Planet Relief for BBC Comedy
Mark Redhead, Head of Drama, Hat Trick Productions
Peter Rippon, Editor of PM & Broadcasting House, BBC Radio 4
Shanida Scotland, BBC Democracy project
Amanda Shakespeare, Conservationist
Rogerio Simoes, Senior News Editor, BBC World Service
Joe Smith, Lecturer in Social Sciences, The Open University
Marie Staunton, Chief Executive, Plan UK
Francis Sullivan, Adviser, Environment, HSBC
Dominic Vallely, Executive Editor, BBC Entertainment
Sally Woodward Gentle, Head of Drama Serials, BBC
July 12th and 13th 2007
New Hall College, Cambridge
Peter Armstrong, Director, Oneworld.net
Judith Austin, Group Sponsorship Manager, HSBC
Chantal Badjie, Senior Project Manager, BBC Knowledge
Maria Balinska, Editor, World Programmes
Sam Barratt, Head of Media, Oxfam
Nicola Beckford, Broadcast Journalist, BBC News
Saxon Brettell, Cambridge Econometrics,
Michael Bravo, Lecturer in Geography, University of Cambridge
Danny Cohen, Controller, BBC Three
Edwin Datchefski, Founder, Biothinking
Simon Desjardins, Business Analyst, Shell Chemicals
Philip Dodd, Chairman, Made in China
George Entwistle, Acting Controller, BBC Four
Tejas Ewing, Forum for the Future
Amanda Farnsworth, Editor, Inside Sport, BBC
Eamon Hardy, Executive Producer, Factual Commissioning, BBC
Roger Harrabin, Environment analyst, BBC News
Mary Hockaday Deputy Head of Radio News
Will Hopper, Chairman of WJ Hopper & Co Limited
Roly Keating, Channel Controller, BBC Two
David Kester, Chief Executive, Design Council
Anne Laking, BBC Executive Producer
Bernice Lee, Leader, China-UK project, Chatham House
Yadvinder Malhi, Prof Ecosystem Science, Oxford University
Roy Milani, BBC Head of Events & Technology Projects
Catriona McKenzie, Head, Development & Director, Tightrope Pictures
Fernando Monteiro, LEAD International
Saul Nassé, Executive Producer, India and Pakistan 07, BBC
Anita Neville, Rainforest Alliance
Farah Nazeer, Head of Public Affairs, Women’s Institute
Karen O’Connor, Acting Commissioner & Head of Current Affairs
Craig Oliver, Editor, The 10 O'Clock News, BBC
Jon Plowman, Head Of Comedy, BBC
Lucy Richer, Commissioning Editor, Independent Drama, BBC
Dale Russell, Russell Studio
Lisa Sargood, Multiplatform Commissioning Exec, BBC Knowledge
Subathra Subramaniam, educationalist & choreographer
Joe Smith, Senior Lecturer, Environment, Open University
John Walton, Specials Team, BBC News Interactive
Joseph Warungu, Editor, Africa, BBC World Service
Frances Weil, Project manager - climate change, BBC Vision
Mark Galloway
Further details from mark@ibt.org.uk
Thanks for your concern. I won't be first to be sued. The dog across the street has been twittering all day that his father was abused as a puppy by Valerie Singleton while he was doing Blue Peter. BBC covered it up. Usual story
I have no idea what happened in the run up to the statement. I found this with Google and it confirms what I wrote.
Steve Messham apologised and said it was a case of mistaken identity after he was shown a photo of the former Tory treasurer by police
I see you like broadcasting vicarious threats of legal action from your 'friends' amongst the monied classes. That is why they are rarely convicted.
I didn't suggest that politicians knew what Savile was up to. Just that he was their friends and therefore very useful to him Some readers may remember that paedophilia was a fashionable cause in the 1970s as an extension of sexual permissiveness. It was the official policy of (I think) the German Green Party.
On the evidence that I have absorbed, my judgement is that it seems a strong possibility that senior Conservative Party members carried out illegal acts in a Welsh childrens home. Go on, sue me for having an opinion,Tory Boys. It's not far away. .
I do concentrate on the Nasty Party because that's what they are, but Mandelson, Blair and Campbell are putting up a good fight. I have never voted in a national election.
Cassio, thanks for that link, I withdraw the comment about the Chatham house idea being a later invention.
But I do find it very odd that the IBT who co-organised the meeting still have the file on their website (that link still works for me), a trimmed version of the wayback file quoted by Mike Post above, which assigns a direct quote to Roly Keating from the 2007 meeting. So clearly as far as IBT are concerned, the meetings were not held under CHR.
(Roly Keating, the Controller of BBC2 took up this theme in his closing remarks ‘We’ve got to keep challenging the frames in which we put these stories because every frame – whether a news item or a classic 60 minute documentary – carries with it all sorts of inbuilt rather unexamined assumptions
about the way we tell the story.’)
The reason Britain has a state broadcaster is that a conduit for the views the ruling classes wish to promote. That's why the BBC got into a pathetic mess over global warming - outside interference. Lie, cheat, have an open bias, do what ever you want to promote this.
London's financial centre is the main home to the incipient global carbon market. Prof Heal believes that in a decade, the trade could be worth trillions of dollars.
For Tony - in case they can help:
eSmiff: The Daily Mirror link clarifies how Steve Messham was shown the photo. Although it is a small detail I hadn't picked up it was the police. I would say thank you but the rest of your post is highly disturbing. Why the joke about puppies and paedophilia? Why the use of anonymity to smear your enemies with the foulest accusations imaginable? But vague ones. The whole thing is disgusting.
Paul: It is possible under the CHR for an individual to give permission for something to be attributed to him or her. I've been thinking about it overnight and I don't really think this is going to stand up, assuming Roly Keating is willing to give this pass to the IBT.
The CHR is a slippery animal at the best of times. I remember discussing one organisation that uses it with a close friend in 90s who I'd just learned had been mentored in his career by one the the leading lights in it. He knew this guy very well but had never heard of the outfit he'd helped to shape. So he read up a little on it. "They just want private discussions, that's fine isn't it?" he said. I suggested he read the story of a renowned London journalist in the 80s who had never accepted an invitation - so was not covered by CHR - and tried to write critically about it. He was soon out of a job. "Mmm, I didn't realise they beat people up like that" my friend said and we moved on to other things.
With this background I think Boaden citing CHR and the judge fawning all over the place is part of the same picture. It's code for something rather more. But there has genuinely been progress in some of these areas because of the Internet.
Richard Drake
I do not like to be associated with the word 'disturbing'. I did not smear anyone. Like everyone else in this country, I formed an opinion on a news story on the basis of information available. If you can't tell the difference between an accusation and an opinion, that is your problem.
The Valerie Singleton story was humour. I wrote it to express my contempt for people who compensate for their own impotence by identifying with authority. I was being 'threatened' with legal action by someone who has no connection to this apart from the fact he identifies with the Conservative Party.
The same contempt I have for anti everything nihilist Greens who on one issue and only one support science and quote stats like 97% of climate technicians agree with AGW. The ones that tell me to write a peer reviewed paper if I have an opinion that doesn't match their fanatical emotional attachment to the destruction of the modern world.
I have made numerous public accusations against George Monbiot. All of which are true and I picked up from mainstream newspapers while he was promoting himself as a young firebrand. I have accused him of having extreme right wing anti capitalist views. He isn't going to sue me. My negative opinion of him has transformed my own view of the world.
My girlfriend was a senior member of the Scottish Green Party. I attended many of their meetings, met all of the leadership. I rejected them because I thought it was fundamentally based on intellectual and class snobbery. They hated the mass market and the masses. They were all academics. She detached herself following a disturbing international Green conference in Germany.
I had no idea there was a right wing political culture in Britain until I read Delingpole. I had always assumed these people on the internet were American. I have some difficulty interacting with it.
eSmiff: If you don't understand the inappropriateness of the humour and of such 'opinions', expressed publicly, without evidence, I'll leave you to it.
Sorry for continuing with this. The Savile case was in the article and it is fundamental to how the BBC and the media works.
The cause of most non family sex abuse is institutional bullying backed up by authority. There was evidence in this case, but was found battered to death in a ditch. It's gone. The reason this case surfaced is apparently that it is common knowledge on the internet. Savile is too dead to sue anyone now.
In addition to Jersey and Sandusky, I have been aware of accusations of elite child abuse rings round the world for some time. In Belgium, Marc Dutroux was thrown to the wolves, then there was Johnny Gosch in America, reported by former head of the Los Angeles FBI Ted Gunderson.
The Franklin cover up was investigated by former US senator, CIA employee and big time Republican lawyer John De Camp who was originally sent in by the party to wipe out the evidence . De Camp was a close friend of CIA director William Colby. He asked Colby for help but Colby told him it was too dangerous and to forget the whole thing.
The director of the CIA was too scared to investigate a children's home ?
John DeCamp - Discussion about William Colby and The Franklin Coverup
The Washington Times on June 29, 1989 followed the trail to the White House as did NBC.
Call Boys Take Midnight Tour of Reagan/Bush White House- NBC
Only small fry were thrown to the plebs. The big guys like Republican high flier Larry King walked away. A judge awarded one of his victims Paul Bonacci $1 million in a private prosecution. No evidence ?
Decamp was up against with one of the most powerful and capable men in history, and I don't mean Ronald Reagan.
Richard Drake - thanks for reminding me who needed the H/T for the Andrew O'Hagan article. Thanks again.
What a strange person you are - have you asked for help??
I am sure that people with a sexual attraction towards children exist in all walks of life and from left to right. After all we now live in a country where effectively all men seem to be guilty of paedophilia until proven innocent. Try taking photos of your own grandchildren in some public places.
Although many of us who comment on this blog seem to have a small government view of life, I don't believe it is entirely a right wing view. A number of eminent sceptics are politically left.
I don't know how old you are, but I can remember well that the 70's was a period when it was the left who was in favour of lowering the age of consent.
We do live in a country that also has a split personality on the subject of under age sex, when we see recently that girls as young as 13 have been given contraceptive pills without the knowledge of their parents.