Bishop Hill

Life imitates art

Steve sends this photo of him blogging recently.
The number of brickbats being hurled in his direction is clearly getting serious if he is having to wear a hard hat while writing...
Reader Comments (22)
He shouldn't wear a hi-viz jacket and no-one would notice him beavering away on behalf of the truth.
I KNEW that I was doing something where can I get a hard hat?
Will my Bicycle Helmet be OK?
He is just a great man.
Stangely (! is that right?), they think Steve is week, because he blogs less, is somewhat bored of the subject and, perhaps, is getting a bit 'senior'. Also, has a life! And, as usual, that means, they underestimate him - they think they smell blood in the water - poor fools. Steve will not say anything he has not well considered - and he has to be his own audit - hence the very few errors - no matter how long it takes. This integrity leaves his 'enemies' (I believe, he feels no sense of enemity) aghast! The quick retort, the superficiel comment is, perhaps, what they feed off. If Steve never wrote again, what he has written is enough to stand on, is firm ground. And his so called opponents? They are afraid he might speak again. Which he will, thank God. Whip smart, though I hate the term.
So it's not just the truth which is on the sceptics' side, but also the gently self-deprecating sense of humour.
I've often noticed the green/warmist humourlessness. John Cook's cartoons are a case in point, and I think it just goes with zealotry in general. One of the reasons it's so much fun to wind them up...
Isn't that a fundamental part of "green-ness"? The fear that someone, somewhere is having fun?
"I don't know what you are doing, but whatever it is, stop it".
Love it. The dedication is beyond me. I need a comfy chair and a red wine!
A picture of the great man hard at work there wearing his miner's hat.
What's this? He's not living the life of Riley on Big Oil's millions?...
This is not my usual blogging habitat. I'm usually in Toronto. I'm on the business side, rather than operations side. But I checked in on the blog yesterday and one of the geologists took the picture when I wasn't paying attention. They thought it was great fun.
This is a new project (for me and my close associates). It's early exploration. It's about 50 km from the nearest town, but has communications.
Call me a converted skeptic. Steve McIntyre does have a sense of humour.
"It's early exploration. It's about 50 km from the nearest town, but has communications."
Welcome to life in the donger. 50km from town? For an Australian mine site that would be suburban. And thanks from this geo, btw.
The very best of luck with that venture Steve.
I never get tired of pointing out that Steve McIntyre is Canadian. Oh, so are Ross McKitrick and Donna Laframboise. Pretty cool!
I want a coffee cup!!!! One side with the cartoon, the other with He who Shall Not Be Named!
Having suffered the slings and arrows of outraged activists, I hope Steve and colleagues find an outrageous fortune. You have science on your side after all. For field blogging, have you tried this?
Ka band will get you places Siri won't.
I did a seasons copper prospecting from a Canadian base camp. In 65. The limit of our sophistication was B/W aerial stereo photos, and you drew maps by hand on tracing paper making blueline paper prints in a wooden box full of stinking ammonia. Our basecamp canteen store was stocked primarily with tinned food. This Cambridge prof came visiting one week and showed us a neat trick. He took a full tin can down from the shelf, put his middle finger on the table edge, and smashed the tin down on his finger with full force, explaining that the ullage in the tin was a vacuum and it didnt hurt a bit. We gingerly tried it out, then had a field day. After an hour or so, the cookhouse didn't have a single undented can left.
That prof? Just done some googling, and found a good quote of his
Abstract models “can run away with us,” Dewey says. “They're mathematically great fun to do, but you mustn't ever believe them.”
"McIntyre has been the director of Southeast Asia Mining Corp. since August 23, 2011, director of Augen Gold Corporation since September 23, 2011, and Chairman of the Board of Trelawney Mining and Exploration Inc since June 30, 2011."
Desmogblog (
Unlike many others in Climate Science, he has an active life unrelated to his auditing endeavors.
Just posted a comment and a link on Climate Audit as SMcI would never mention it himself.
I am no longer a director of any of the above three companies. Trelawney and its subsidiary, Augen, were taken over by a larger company, Iamgold, in June 2012 - a large transaction that was my priority between March and June 2012. I mentioned at the time that I was feeling very tired, but couldn't discuss it. Trelawney was a major success within the industry. It's an interesting story.
After a quiet summer more or less in reverse, I've recently become a director of couple of other companies. I find it very hard to keep up with what I'm doing.