Bishop Hill

Perth protest

There is a protest against Scottish Government wind farm policy in Perth on 20th October.
Details here.
Click images for more details
A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
There is a protest against Scottish Government wind farm policy in Perth on 20th October.
Details here.
Reader Comments (12)
I would probably go if they had some other means than Facebook of telling us the details. I refuse to have anything to do with Facebook if I have to log in to it - I will not have an account with Facebook due to my concerns regarding privacy.
Is there an ordinary website with the details.
Well, I've got antisocial media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc. extensively blocked from appearing in my browser in any way (not even their logos). I couldn't even see there was a Facebook link till I looked at the page source. Don't they have any other way of publicising?
I wouldn't go anyway, Perth is several hundred miles too far away, but seeing what they have to say might be interesting (but if its on Farcebook, I have my doubts.)
Alec J
Same here, I don't have anything to do with Facebook.
Have found the following:-
" PROTEST AGAINST SNP WIND POLICY: Perth, Saturday 20th October"
"Alex Salmond has now been scheduled to appear at the conference on the afternoon of Saturday 20th October.
We’ve now had permission, from the police, to march to the Concert Hall from South Inch Park. We intend to gather at 11am by the South Inch car park and we will forward the route and more information nearer the time."
In the area that day so might just be able to make it.
I've just had a senior moment, seeing "protest against Scottish Government wind farm policy in Perth", and thinking "what the hell is the Auld Revanchist doing in Western Australia"? Oh dear, time for my meds. A double will do, no ice, no water.
Alec and Malcolm - in that case, you had better not go. When you walk around UK cities, do you wear a hoodie so your features cannot be captured on CCTV?
What about the Scottish government wind farm policy in Dundee, Aberdeen, Auchtermuchty etc. Do they accept it? Will Perth secede? :^)
If I make it I will be wearing the full disguise. It is actually quite scary as most of the people I deal with in my business are "True Believers". If I am "outed" it could actually cause quite a bit of damage.
See Roger Harribin's great-white-hope for wind power
Facebook?? Will they all be wearing shell suits as well? Didn't anyone tell them Facebook is, like, so over?
Concurr with Alec J, Malcolm et al. These organisations stink.
diogenes: well, I just hate farcebook as an annoying waste of time and bandwidth, so on my PC I prefer not to see irritating "Share this on Arsebook" links, but what's that got to do with CCTV?
(Though I just heard on the radio that new hi-def CCTV is coming in. The news said there might be a public backlash. Why a backlash? A full SCORPION STARE network will be essential when the stars are right and CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN swings into action...)
Unlike developers and the Government who have deep pockets, the ordinary citizens of Scotland haven't. So, no, there is no website which is why the protest is being publicised through Facebook and Twitter, as well as on other people's websites. You don't have to join Facebook to see the details, though - it's an open page - just click on the link above where it says 'Details here'.
If you're able, join us in Perth (Scotland lol) on Saturday, to let Alex Salmond know that we have had enough of the SNP policy on wind. The march will start from the South Inch car park at 11.00 am, proceeding to The Concert Hall. The blimp will, weather permitting, be flown from North Inch between 10.30/11.00 am until 3.30/4.00 pm. Hope to see you there.