Bishop Hill

Dear Kev


According to The Daily Climate, both the editor and publisher of Remote Sensing wrote to Kevin Trenberth to apologise for publishing the Spencer and Braswell paper.
I wonder how they phrased their letters.
Suggestions in the comments please.
Reader Comments (60)
Dear Kev,
Please accept my resignation as a complete and rigorous proof that:
1) Everything you have ever said is correct, and
2) Climatology is a belief system without flaw
Yours as ever Wolfie (innit)
Trenberth's affrontery knows no bounds - he introduces himself as:
"a distinguished senior scientist" and abuses Spencer in this piece with this subheadline:
"Unfortunately this is not the first time the science conducted by Roy Spencer and colleagues has been found lacking."
Pot, kettle, black, Kev. We've read the emails. Where IS the warming? What a travesty, eh?
Your models are wrong, little Kev, the heat isn't hiding in the deep oceans where the fearmongers can't find it. Your sole contribution to science is to corrupt it and attempt to reconstruct it in your own image - reverse the null hypothesis basis for the entire scientific method and do away with the need for observations because computer models are so omniscient.
Where's the warming indeed. You are a travesty to my profession.
Anyway, who needs observations when you're a DISTINGUISHED and SENIOR scientist.
Let me remind you:
1. Successful, authoritative, and commanding great respect.
2. Showing dignity or authority in one's appearance or manner.
That's not what I'm seeing. I know distinguished scientists, and you're not in the same game, never mind league.
Definite proof that Wagner was got at.
Isn't John Abrahams the fellow Lord Monckton annihilated?
It's very curious: how come the ed. and publisher of Remote Sensing felt Trenberth was owed an apology anyway? The Spencer & Braswell paper doesn't even mention Trenberth, far less cite any of his work. What the heck does it have to do with him?
Wagner would have only offered an apology if he had felt himself threatened by the Team.
If it is so bad, why not simply retract it or publish a rebuttal or both? Why all of this grandstanding effort unless, in the end, they cannot actually find legitimate reasons to remove the offense?
Not sure why, but two movie scenes keep coming back to my mind. When Michael Corleone asks the Senate committee to provide evidence of the allegations. And when Frank Pentageli sees his brother and decides to recant those same allegations against the Corleones.
Both scenes from that famous masterpiece, The Climatefather...
Someone at WUWT claims to have found a recent quote by Wagner. Can anyone point to the original source (web address) for it?
"we had high quality reviewers, the paper can’t be retracted on errors, and we followed all rules……but I’m still now not the editor, and the only real issue I can point to is the reviewers might have agreed with the “denier” author…”
This is very different in tone from the comments he made in resignation, lacking a fair amount of the force and certainty (in the strength of Trenberth's position) that came across previously.
O Mighty Lord and Master Kevader,
Please do us the great honour of presenting before us the Great and Divine Posterior of Majesty and Wisdom.
A thousand humble thanks O Great Sage.
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X etc. (make up yur own minds how much they'd snog it )
Please accept a million apologies for our bovine excrement breath.
Bishop, really, YOU should know this:
Confiteor Deo omnipotenti,
beatæ Mariæ semper Virgini,
beato Michæli Archangelo,
beato Ioanni Baptistæ,
sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo,
omnibus Sanctis, et vobis, fratres (et tibi pater),
quia peccavi
nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere:
mea culpa,
mea culpa,
mea maxima culpa.
Ideo precor beatam Mariam
semper Virginem,
beatum Michælem Archangelum,
beatum Ioannem Baptistam,
sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum,
omnes Sanctos, et vos, fratres (et te, pater),
orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum.
... and in English:
I confess to Almighty God,
to blessed Mary ever Virgin,
to blessed Michael, the Archangel,
to blessed John the Baptist,
to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul,
to all the Saints and to you, brothers (and to you Father),
that I have sinned exceedingly,
in thought, word and deed:
through my fault,
through my fault,
through my most grievous fault.
Therefore I beseech the blessed Mary,
ever Virgin,
blessed Michael the Archangel,
blessed John the Baptist,
the holy Apostles Peter and Paul,
all the Saints, and you, Father,
to pray to the Lord our God for me.
Substitute the names of the Hockey Team where necessary.
We should all write to Kevin and express our sincere condolences over his lost and/or missing heat.
Maybe he'll find it soon.
I think this comment on WUWT gets to the bottom of this issue very well
As a Kiwi , all I can say about Trenberth is I hope he now has US citizenship because we don't want him associated with NZ any more !!
Message to Keith
"Be aware that a halo has to fall only a few inches to become a noose"
Dan Mckinnon
That should be Kev
Dear Kevin,
I really tried to stop this shameful paper, and it's a travesty that I couldn't.
I have now resigned, justifying my resignation with the draft that you sent me.
Now can you please confirm that you will keep your part of the deal?
Dear Mr. Trenberth,
You're right. I was played by Spencer. You'd think scientists would all be on the same side, but this one has no sense of shame and doesn't care what damage he does in the process of peddling his crap science to Fox News. [Snip]
Hopefully, my resignation will salvage the reputation of the journal I have so proudly edited over the past several years. Not that Mr. Spencer would care anything about THAT.
I hereby accept bigcitylib's resignation. Thank you and good luck!
ps will Spencer get his 500CHF back?
pps Remote Sensing only started in 2009
Remember this?
The dateline on Travesty Trenberth™'s co-written "reconstruction" is Sept. 2 - which happened to be Friday (at least according to my non-climatology-infested calendar). Somewhat odd that it didn't appear in the cyberuniverse until Sept. 3, and contains a paragraph that begins:
If one is writing on Friday for Friday publication wouldn't one typically write "today"?! A minor quibble, I agree - particularly considering the bizarre nature of the content, which Roger Pielke Sr. quite rightly calls a:
Hatchet Job On John Christy and Roy Spencer By Kevin Trenberth, John Abraham and Peter Gleick
This is not the first instance in which Trenberth has mustered a team of truth-distorters in order to promulgate a fact-free "reconstruction" that is tantamount to a hatchet job.
I'm still waiting to see the retraction and apology from Trenberth, Mann, Schmidt, Mandia and Tobis for their January 2011 co-written "reconstruction" of Chris Landsea's 2004 withdrawal from participation in AR4.
Details at Kevin Trenberth: false memory syndrome?
P.S. Donna also commented on this disgraceful incident in Travesty Trenberth™'s past a few months ago.
Yes, and this:
"The Shameful Article:"
and this: "Treating Peer Review Like a Partisan Blog":
Dear Kev
Therefore, desiring to remove from the minds of your Eminences, and of all faithful Christians, this vehement suspicion, justly conceived against me, with sincere heart and unfeigned faith I abjure, curse, and detest the aforesaid errors and heresies, and generally every other error, heresy, and sect whatsoever contrary to the said Holy Church, and I swear that in the future I will never again say or assert, verbally or in writing, anything that might furnish occasion for a similar suspicion regarding me; but that should I know any heretic, or person suspected of heresy, I will denounce him to this Holy Office, or to the Inquisitor or Ordinary of the place where I may be. Further, I swear and promise to fulfill and observe in their integrity all penances that have been, or that shall be, imposed upon me by this Holy Office. And, in the event of my contravening, (which God forbid) any of these my promises and oaths, I submit myself to all the pains and penalties imposed and promulgated in the sacred canons and other constitutions, general and particular, against such delinquents. So help me God, and these His Holy Gospels, which I touch with my hands.
Yours cravenly
(from - the recantation of Galileo)
wow...bigcitylib manages the job of being even more stupid than that worthy of an award?
I'm sorry you are incapable of understanding the science in the Spencer & Braswell paper.
"wow...bigcitylib manages the job of being even more stupid than that worthy of an award?"
Well diogenes, Big Al got a big award for being just that.
I've got a sure tip that Travesty Vallance is up for a Nobel next time. He surely is the greatest of them all (Citation missing)
Judging by your fascination of entrails BCL, you are more into haruspection than circumspection.
Your choice of language is less than edifying.
Go and foul your RC doorstep BCL. Be as sarcastic as you can be here. But keep the language clean. Kids visit this site.
Ban this foul-mouther please Bishop.
Yeah. That's it, BH. Ban the dissident. Just like Galileo.
Go ahead BCL, make that Galileo point to RealClimate. Or Romm.
We all need a laugh, sometimes.
Guys - Please don't feed the troll. It just derails the thread and achieves nothing.
Stud said:
Stu, I'm pretty sure that's just some poster's sarcastic paraphrase of Wagner's position.
For the record, I don't think there is anything interesting in the comment by Trenberth that Wagner apologized, personally, for this apparent tragic misdeed. Wagner all but did that in his resignation letter, and we have already come to the conclusion that Trenberth's "rebuttal" was the failure in S&B that Wagner was pointing out. It only serves to reason that the two were, at the very least, already in contact.
Shameful display.
Uh, Stu, not Stud, whether you think it was an apt recognition of your true self or not. :)
Come to think of it, maybe this will be known as the "Climate Anschluss".
Dear Dr Trenberth,
We realise that our publication of the Spencer&Braswell paper has caused you harm. We understand that some of this paper blocked your windpipe and has apparently diminished the oxygen supply to your brain, resulting in a spasm of unwarranted diatribe against those authors. We thoroughly apologise for this occurrence and wish you a speedy recovery.
Wolf & Elvis
/humour [some would argue that this tag belongs earlier]
Actually, all he did is run away from the problem. If he really wanted to show that he was sorry, the only honorable way out was to take out his tanto and perform seppuku.
Mark- "I'm pretty sure that's just some poster's sarcastic paraphrase of Wagner's position."
Yes- I the poster has explained now. I should have waited longer for confirmation about what was actually said.
Hey bigcitylib did you ever appolgise to Mark Steyn for your screw up over the blue book affair?
And still no science to back up the claims Spencer got things wrong.
Seems to me that the Mann Made Global Warming (tm) cultists are doing a lot of shouting BUT so far havent been able to show ANYTHING to back themselves up.
Our Kevin who art in NCAR,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy papers come.
Thy will be done
in Remote Sensing as it is in Nature.
Give us this day our daily paper,
and forgive us our publication,
as we dont forgive those who publish against us,
and lead us not into scepticism,
but deliver us from Big Oil.
For thine is the feedback,
the model, and the glory,
for ever and ever.
'Remote Sensing wrote to Kevin Trenberth to apologise for publishing the Spencer and Braswell paper.'
Why can anyone think what the actual rational was behind this ? Trenberth some father confessor that you have to go to to admit your strayed from the path of AGW purity. Its another idea that seems to make no sense . In what just seems to get an increasingly odder situation.
Atomic - very funny!
For Tren- read After-
Past its use-by date.
That Daily Climate piece, linked above, is one of the strangest articles I've read, certainly since the fall of the Berlin Wall. It reads just like one of those Pravda pieces from the 80's. Astonishing.
Favourite bit: "This trend continues: On Tuesday the journal Geophysical Research Letters will publish a peer-reviewed study by Texas A&M University atmospheric scientist Andrew Dessler that undermines Spencer's arguments about the role of clouds in the Earth's energy budget.
We only wish the media would cover these scientific discoveries with similar vigor and enthusiasm that they displayed in tackling Spencer's now-discredited findings."
Only on planet Warmist do the media not cover every alarmist press release and speculation about apocalypse. Point to one they haven't covered. Go on.
Dear Kev - aren't your moustaches too wide?
And btw everybody...don't be surprised if Dessler tomorrow doesn't even mention Spencer, in true Stalinist form. So they won't have to mention Spencer in AR5 either.
Dear Kevin
I hereby apologise, thus fulfilling the final part of our agreement after you made the point about the imminent loss of my own biodiversity with the horse's head.
You will by now have seen my public resignation statement. Abraham Lincoln said that you can't fool all of the people all of the time. He clearly hadn't been fully apprised of the climate consensus and the climate models, about which you have so graciously time out from your schedule to enlighten me. As we put our house in order at Remote Sensing don't you think that the long process of purging the historical record of such encouragement for anti-science deniers becomes a matter of urgency?
Nothing I have said in this letter or in the statement itself should be construed as deliberately sarcastic, a way of drawing attention to what some would call the death of science as we know it. I'm sure you will agree that any uproar in the blogosphere will die down instantly, once you, John and Peter have made your statement on the matter, such is the high regard in which you are all held.
May I say it's been a pleasure doing business with you. And just in case you have second thoughts about my agreed contributions to and remuneration from the modelling community in the future, I now know where a great deal more of the bodies are buried.
Yours ever
This affair has become an interminable saga of heroism, betrayal and theatrical posturing, interspersed with bloody violence.
Now it appears to be approaching a dark climax where the gods themselves prepare to meet their doom.
With a name like Wagner - what else would you expect?