Bishop Hill

Climategate emails online

A few people have emailed in recent weeks to say that the online versions of the CRU emails have disappeared from the web. I'm therefore grateful to Marcel Crok for pointing me to this version at YourVoiceMatters.
Reader Comments (18)
Yes, I had noticed that both
don't seem to work any more, so thanks for that link.
It is searchable but unfortunately does not use the useful original numbering system.
Another link that just lists them all in order is here.
There is an email by de Freitas written in August 2003. I don't seem to be able to find it.
The files taken by the Norfolk police presumably also includes the files that Muir Russell was unable to look at because they were the subject of a police investigation and therefore off limits.
Yesterday, to the annoyance of several who post here, I linked to a clip of Mr Vaz speaking about the latest Home Affairs Committee report on hackgate. Forget Vaz. Concentrate on the report. This is a very significant report. Potentially even more significant was the comment by Mr Geoffrey Cox QC MP in the debate yesterday afternoon:
On 30 May 2006, a Crown Prosecution file note recorded that the police had written a briefing paper informing the Attorney-General and the then Director of Public Prosecutions that
“a vast number of unique voicemail numbers belonging to high-profile individuals (politicians, celebrities) have been identified as being accessed without authority. These may be the subject of wider investigation.”
In a memorandum dated 8 August 2006, a senior Crown Prosecution Service lawyer wrote:
“It was recognised early in this case that the investigation was likely to reveal a vast array of offending behaviour.”
However, the Crown Prosecution Service and the police concluded that aspects of the investigation could be focused on a discrete area of offending relating to two officials at the palace and the suspects Goodman and Mulcaire.
From those documents, it is absolutely manifest that the Attorney-General in the previous Government, who sits when appropriate in the Cabinet, was informed that there was “a vast array” of offending behaviour in which hundreds of celebrities, Members of the House and of the other place and others had had their phones accessed without authority. Why was nothing done?"
This is, potentially, very explosive stuff.
Now consider the elements in the climategate enquiries: UEA examining itself, enquiries which did not interview would-be witnesses, evidence ignored, a vast cache of e-mails inaccessible in police hands, attempts to put the frighteners on Mr McIntyre (anti-terrorism police/Mounties visiting him on behalf of Interpol), bland exonerating reports capped by the government Cmd which concluded that all was well. I think the whole exercise to be a whitewash. Yet it is now used to endorse every government decision on green issues, eg the Carbon Plan implementing the Climate Change Act and now the decision by the BBC to close down dissent on AGW.
If hackgate deserved a judicial review, so does climategate.
Stil has key items from e-mails & analysis
Oh, and has e-mails too.
Delingpole writes in his book:
Where did this impression come from? Certainly the official CRU channels.
Shub: this one mentions de Freitas, not from him, only one in Aug 03 with his name in it in that list...
Latecomers to this party can still get the original November 2009 archive off the torrents. Google "climategate torrent" to find it.
Frosty, I figured it out. It was his June 18th June 2003 email I was looking for. An absolute must-read.
Prof Jones, the head of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, said his “David Kelly moment” – a reference to the Government scientist who killed himself over WMD claims in the lead up to the Iraq war – came as death threats poured in from around the world.
-From the Telegraph article in early June 2010 (h/t Richard Drake)
I cannot believe for one moment, that so many people wanted to, of all things, 'kill' Phil Jones! An Outside plant surely.
archive these emails...the Special Branch and CIA are all over them by now
The search engine provided by a generous reader that was at
no longer works for me. Thank you for the alternative.
They are still around at along woth Harry READ ME and all the source code
Shub, the 18 June 2003 email from de Freitas can be found here, number 1057944829.
As you say, it is a gem, and one I had not noticed before, so thanks for pointing it out. It is not highlighted in the John Costella analysis.
De Freitas is talking about the Soon and Baliunas 2003 paper, which threw the Team into a hysterical frenzy for its suggestion that the MWP actually did happen and was fairly widespread. He says that the paper had 4 referees who made comments but none recommended rejection. He points out that the paper is really just a literature review, and asks specifically is they can find any papers that S&B mischaracterized.
Equally interesting is the team response - Hulme and Jones have no answers to De Freitas's simple question.
Then there is the follow-up email from the publisher Otto Kinne who confirms De Freitas. Again the Team have no answers.
The original files are still at:
One of the greatest hidden scandals in Climategate is the bizarre group-think surrounding the S-B episode.
I still have the original FOI2009.ZIP file if anyone wants it email me at gurgeh50 at gmail dot com
Once again I'm late but hopefully not too late to this party.
For anyone interested in having the ability to search the released Climategate emails in depth by keyword etc, please try the following link.
The username is pjones and the password themanbehindthecurtain
The username/password are a longstanding joke on my part. Long standing visitors to ClimateAudit will hopefully appeciate my joke as for years I've been referring to Steve Mc as 'Toto' and Phil Jones as the 'Wizard of EAU'.
I intend to maintain this Climategate emails database search facility for quite some time yet so make sure you bookmark it. Its been available for quite sometime now and you'll be surprised as to what people use it regularly. Enjoy!
Thanks, I corrected a dead link and added a new one to the Climategate emails and documents,
at "Climate Change ("Global Warming"?) - The cyclic nature of Earth's climate",
In Spanish at