Bishop Hill

Carbon-crazed Cate

Apparently the actress Cate Blanchett has come out in favour of a carbon tax in her native Australia, a move that has attracted some pointed criticism form political commentators down under.
Readers of this blog may be amused to see Ms Blanchett's modest bungalow in Brighton, her residence when she lived in the UK a couple of years back.
(After that little lurch into the world of celebrity gossip, we expect normal, slightly grumpy service to be resumed shortly.)
Reader Comments (34)
Do as I say (Not as I do)
Loads more examples, Bono, Al Gore, the list is endless.
I suppose it's good to have at least one reason not to want to take her home...
Do as I say, not as I do.
The really important thing to remember is that for the Blanchett's of the world its 'different '
So your average person flying to Spain for a cheap holiday is a planet destroying monster while your celeb taking their private plane for a transatlantic hop to attend a press event is fine , if their eco-credentials are in order .
My suggestion to Ms Blanchett (whose acting I adore) would be to to only accept royalties from cinemas that are entirely powered by wind power.
Any "Entertainer" who comes out with a political, social, or scientific position in public needs to have their head examined. A little electric shock treatment wouldn't be a bad idea either. Pity the Press who Publish this Piddle. I thought the RSPCA/SPCA folks looked after "entertainers" as well. Guess not.
I always appreciated Michael Crichton's take on the hypocrisies of the celebrities with whom he was able to rub shoulders as an equal (or greater) after the smash successes of ER, Jurassic Park and the rest. He explained to Kirsty Wark as 'State of Fear' came out in 2004 how he'd been saying to his Hollywood friends "When this new book arrives, you're going to say you never knew me." By the time of the Intelligence Squared debate in New York with Dick Lindzen and Phillip Stott in March 2007 he was even more scathing. I guess he knew he was dying of cancer by then. Worth googling for both of those - and his interview with Charlie Rose after State of Fear. With the international emissions game now over, with Russia and co opting out of Kyoto 2, it's time the ridicule of these global 'ambassadors' with such a carbon conscience working for everyone but themselves - and always damaging the poorest, as Crichton pointed out with such passion - really got into gear.
Miss Blanchett, may for some, score highly when measured in micro Helenes (1 Helene being the unit of feminine beauty required to launch 1 ship), however, for the view of a more thoughtful Australian, Clive James.
I wonder if this will be like the curse of Eddie Izzard? Every political campaign he gets involved with goes tits-up.
As a newly self-appointed celebrity eco-hypocrite Cate Blanchett is in good company.
Carbon Cate's video is here
There's also lots of earnest looking Greenpeaceniks and WWFers selling a similar story here
So she used to live in Brighton eh.
Was she 'got at' by the dreaded Caroline Lucas or is she just like all of the rich Hollywood stars - a super-hypocrite?
'My fellow Australians; a carbon tax will be good for you - not me though, I'll be living (it up) somewhere else'
It's extra galling that she's such a good actress!
Glad to hear that she'll be refusing to fly and only be making films in Australia now.
Merceneries all of them. So called stars with zero education and only half a brain that works overpaid by us. Classic example is Bonehead. BONO
That house would make a nice granny flat here in Melbourne... as long as the heating is up to scratch. Coldest May days in 41 years. Without global warming we would have had Ice Fairs on the Yarra this year.
It has been revealed that of the nine groups behind the pro-carbon tax campaign that Cate has fronted, the Australian Conservation Foundation, the Climate Institute, Environment Victoria, Climate Action Network Australia, the Australian Youth Climate Coalition and WWF Australia have all received millions of dollars in taxpayer funds.
Also Australian newspaper are beginning to out the eco-hypocrites who support the campaign and their association with groups and companies who avoid paying tax in Australia.
"...normal, slightly grumpy service to be resumed shortly"
Is it actually possible to contemplate this issue without feeling at least slightly grumpy?
It would appear that signatories of the pro-Carbon Tax campaign don't actually support a carbon tax and are surprised that their names were included.
Poor, poor Cate.
She is suffering from a bad case of Just Cause Corruption.
"Take this medicine, deat Cate. You'll feel much better in the morning - It's called reality bites".
I'll try again - "dear", not "deat" - that's a lot better, isn't it, dear Cate.
Stuck-record May 31, 2011 at 11:37 AM
and public transport (trains and buses only) to get round Australia?
Yes andyscase, that's the ad we are being subjected to nightly. Of Battersea powerstation that closed I understand in 1983. Not even in Australia but still apparently spewing out putrid gray/dark CO2 according to the Oz greens. Clearly the Thames barrier couldn't withstand the sea level increase as the dumbo in front of it is being swamped by high level cardboard cutout waves. Cartoon sun, cartoon windmills, an old crone with a dollar, the obligatory mum with the future of her baby at risk. Not a mention of any science. That's "settled" you understand. Total cost $1.2 million.
You lot reckon you've got it bad. It couldn't be any worse than it is downunder.
Sorry andyscrase. I lose the plot when I watch that ad and try to tear my eyes out. Makes it difficult to type.
"Manfield said she thought corporations should pay a carbon tax but is opposed to such a levy being passed down to the individual householder."
And from where, exactly, does this air-head think the money is going to come from?
I would have thought she lives in bradford or something, with the deprived and so ???
3.5 M gbp appartment in well heeled bohemia : how very very daring
How do you write Caviar Leftist ..
Two quotations from Prof. Philip Stott :-
I'll beleive in AGW When :-
Prince Charles travels about in a G-WIZ with just one member of staff - and squeezes his own toothpaste. Also, John 'Two-Jags' Prescott can fit into a G-WIZ;
The glitterati, the popocracy, the metro elite, and all the politicians really do believe that it all applies just as much to them as to the world's bedint;
I thought that most young actresses were known principally for getting "their kit off".Have we an intellectual giant here?
Kate Winslett is the character with the deep emphatic look , the teary eyed stare at all the misery of coal workers oppressed by the barons, she is an Observer/The Independent article on the disenfranchised who became flesh.
I do not think she ever took a role if there was not some deep lesson for the furtherance of the nannystate in it.
Pays well enough it seems ; give me a 3Mgbp flat and I will , also , get tears in my eyes at every opportunity.
She is a very mediocre actress in fact ; gives all the time a wooden impression as if her members are half a meter too long for what she wants them to be. Always seems to be silently hanging around in scenes in the most awakward fly on the wall positions never exumes anything natural. very artificial acting. Or maybe she is a retard? Never matured from the "oh you're a liovely girl!" fairytale world , most actresses originate from.
Her brand is "the disenfranchised are oppressed by evil capitalists, and its all bush's fault"
pays very well it seems. But then again consider how many likemindeds in the nannystate are paid fantastic salaries and enjoy full job protection at the txpayer's purse: They need to spend their shekels and see themselves identified by someone like Cate, I suppose.
blanchett i am writing about blanchett of course
winslett is another blonde actress or something. (maybe cut from same liberal retardo sheet i do not know)
"Modest bungalow"?
More like "Grade I Listed Regency townhouse". Being mid-terrace probably helps but I bet she didn't have cavity wall insulation or double/triple glazing!
The ads haven't had a great response in the media
How Cate 'vampired' the carbon tax ads (Sydney Morning Herald)
Australia falls out of love with 'Carbon Cate' over starring role in tax advert (Independent UK)
Cate Blanchett defends 'vain' pro-carbon tax campaign (UK Telegraph)
Look at that modest home.
She's a simple girl at heart...
Alas for poor Cate
some commenters are irate.
She moans, “Why the hate?”
Perhaps I can explain:
the plebs dislike, in the main,
patrician disdain.
When a movie star
says “only I need a car”,
she’s gone too far.
She cheerfully flies
far more than those she’ll chastise,
and backs Gillard’s lies.
In short, then, for me,
her pressing fault must be
her hypocrisy.