Scotland better at destroying jobs than Spain

According to George Jonas in Canada's National Post, Spain destroyed 2.2 real jobs for every "green" job created.
A study released this week concludes that government “green-job” programs aren’t the yellow-brick road to happiness in Europe. “Green programs in Spain destroyed 2.2 jobs for every job created,” write Kenneth P. Green and Ben Eisen in their paper for the Winnipeg-based think-tank, Frontier Centre, “while the capital needed for one green job in Italy could create five new jobs in the general economy.”
Johnny Foreigner has a lot to learn - the figure quoted for the UK is 3.7, which I think is probably actually the figure for Scotland.
Reader Comments (14)
I think the Greens in Ireland did a much better job. Unfortunately, it is hard to separate those on the dole due to all the green laws they forced through from what the greedy bankers ans politicians caused.
Still, their contribution to Irish misery was rewarded in the last election for good cause.
Yes the figure of 3.7 jobs was in the report from Verso Economic for Scotland.
And meanwhile fuel poverty in Scotland continues to rise - from 1 in 4 households in 2007 to 1 in 3 households in 2009.
"fuel poverty has been rising in more recent years, largely because current increases in fuel prices are only being partially offset by rising incomes and energy efficiency increases. In 2009, 33% of households were in fuel poverty, compared to 13% in 2002."
Perhaps not all is lost in Scotland. If somebody will only heed what was writen in Scotsman today:
Don't think I can add to what the learned gentlemen are saying in Phillip Bratby's post - except perhaps to say to the politicians at Holyrood and Westminster - DO YOU GET IT YET..??
No not yet, guessing a few years yet.
Go to Aldi and get a genny is the only way out.
Breath of fresh air - because I agree with you - I DID EXACTLY THAT..!!
Great find Philip, and I have taken the liberty of posting a link to the letter over at Anthony Watts' Tips and Notes, mentioning your name of course.
I also drew attention to the fact that there is a Page 2 to that page, with a letter in support of renewables, signed by a crew of rent-seekers in contrast to the sober, practical signatories to the letter you quote.
Damn. Phillip, apologies for the misspelling.
Phillip, thanks for posting the Scotsman letter, it is good to see some big hitters going public at last. I was out tonight at a local husting meeting where I took the opportunity to question the candidates over their blind and misplaced faith in renewables. I pointed out the 15-20GW energy gap we face by 2020, the rolling blackouts, the increased fuel poverty, mortality from hypothermia etc, but they just didn't get it - instead they all basically agreed with each other that we had no option but to "invest" in off-shore renewables and the "exciting opportunities" for Carbon Capture and Storage under the north sea. I think I got through to a few people in the audience but the politicians are definitely still residing in La La Land.
Meanwhile fuel poverty is already thought to have led to a doubling of the cases of malnutrition in the last 5 years in this area - http://www.thecourier.co.uk/Community/Health/article/12975/third-world-conditions-in-tayside-linked-to-heating-or-eating-quandary.html - and those figures won't take account of those who died outright from hypothermia. (Wait till we have to start paying for the off-shore madness like the Tiree Array and the daft wave and tidal projects). Jesus, we have a company which wants to build a new coal power station at Hunterston, and we have open cast coal mines in Scotland, but no, our MSPs instead want us to make tiny amounts of energy from very expensive contraptions which bob about in the waves for a few days until they break down or get trashed when the first storm comes along...
Jeff - the Scotsman has published another letter today which makes the same point you do about the the pro-wind subsidy-junkie letter writers - http://www.scotsman.com/opinion/Letter-Renewables39-backers-on-the.6758863.jp
The paper has also gone with an anti-wind opinion piece - http://www.scotsman.com/opinion/Leader-Turbines-casting-a-growing.6758934.jp - so we rationalists are making some progress, at least with the media.
Lapogus: Politicians are sure still living in gagaland. They think if you keep throwing money at renewables it will solve all energy problems. Take the Pelamis wave energy converter. They are still throwing money at it hand over fist and yet the one in Portugal was abandoned (not much mention of that in the media - think Psalter Duck from years ago), 750kW, 50km offshore! Madness. In the SW, the local BBC news programme goes into raptures about the money being "invested" in the Wave Hub project and on all the wonderful new wind farms and solar parks in Cornwall. They think tourists will be flocking to Cornwall to view all the white elephants that are being erected around the coastline.
My local windmills just got rejected
4 large ones that were due to keep the existing M4/Green Park windmill company. Some great suggestions for local residents to manage the problems of shadow flicker. They could fit blinds, or draw their curtains. Next step will probably be for the developers to appeal and waste more taxpayers money given they're the local Uni and the Carbon Trust.
Reading the stats for Scottish energy needs now and in the near future and the increasing rate of fuel poverty there is sad reading but it cheers me a little to see the list of 'heavy hitters' who co-signed the letter.
When one considers the engineering and scientific heritage of the Scots it makes one wonder where it all went and how this heritage could be so easily lost or subverted by the idiotic Green malaise.
I was raised on true tales of adventurous and inventive Scots such as the lighthouse-building Stevenson family, one of whom developed the Stevenson Screen the climate world is so familiar with.
A disproportionate number of groundbreaking mechanical or scientific advances that emerged during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, considering the relatively small population of that nation, featured a Scots designer/inventor/scientist.
As a footnote, my wife and I visited the world-famous and iconic Glasgow School of Art a few years ago; our tour guide, a charming German student in her final year there completing a degree in Art History, was totally ignorant of the carefully and very cleverly designed passive solar heating that is a major feature of the Charles Rennie MacIntosh-designed building. I suspect the incredible lack of knowledge of the scientific and engineering heritage of the member countries of the UK by it's leaders and citizens is largely the cause of the current woeful and dangerous ignorance.
Johnny Foreigner